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    Stijn David

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    Everything posted by Stijn David

    1. Hello, And the awards a bit more closer - up Cordial greetings,
    2. Hello, A friend of mine has the following portrait picture. Is a ID possible on the hand from what we see? He does wear: * Milit?r St-Heinrichsorden - X * Zivilverdienstorden - 2 e Kl.X * Albrechstorden - 2 e Kl. X * Iron cross 2 nd. class ANd on his breast: * Iron cross 1 e class * Wound badge black All help is much appreciated. Cordial greetings,
    3. Rolls, Hello i am happy to announce that i am working on the following Belgian (and also in some cases their Congo precedent) orders awarded towards German subjects untill 1914: * Belgian Order of Leopold * Belgian Order of the Crown * Belgian Order of Leopold II * Belgian Order of the African Lion * Belgian Order of the African star All listst are still worked upon and i think the first result will be available during this year. I will keep you updated as work does progress. Cordial greetings,
    4. Hello, Thank you Glenn => you made my day and i can't wait to see the list (very valuable researchtool ) Cordial greetings,
    5. Hello, These lists are very valuable, that is certain. Can anyone advise me if such lists do also exist for Luftwaffe officers? and iff so are the offciers there listed by type of service (for example fighter, transporter, bomber, etc ....) I am offcoarse searching after information from my beloved troops => the glider troops and more specifyed the units such as the LLG 1, LLG2, KGzbV 1, etc ... etc .... Cordial greetings,
    6. Hi Chris, Thank you for the nice comment on this document The EK 2 document is signed by Major Krug . Hans Sedlatzek did earn the following awards during his service; * Glider pilot badge (1941) * Large NSFK Glider pilot badge (nr. 890) (1942) * War Merit cross 2 nd. classe with Swords (1943) * Wound badge - black (1944 - Vassieux) * Iron Cross 2 nd. class ( 1944 - Vassieux) He did survive the war and his certificate of discharge does say about Disability, with description: Telvertseift. Li. Knie, Beinverk?rz. This is due to his wound suffered at Vassieux Cordial greetings,
    7. Hello, Here is a piece from my collection wich i am very proud to present for the very first time. A preliminary award document for the iron cross 2 nd. class towards Oberleutnant Hans Sedlatzek. This EK 2 was awarded for the glider mission against French partisans at Vassieux !!! Please also note that this is the only known award document at this point towards a glider pilot for his participation in the Vassieux mission Sedlatzek was one of the glider pilots who did land on 21.07.1944 at teh Vassieux plateau. He did fly a DFS 230 and was seriously wounded in his knee by enemy fire and was also awarded the black wound badge for htis wound. He was one of the 20 seriously wounded German soldiers of the battle on that day. Iff you want to read a bit more on this mission (page 18 towards 20) and the glider troops thenthe book about this subject is "the glider pilot badge" and this one can be found at : http://www.ironcross1939.com/ This EK 2 document is needles to say very very rare, In total 43 DFS 230 gliders did land and 3 Go 242's. From these glider planes there where 4 glider pilots KIA and numerous wounded. The shown award document is towards one of them Cordial greetings,
    8. Hi Friends, Thank you for the thumbs up on the document and the research. I think this is such a occasion where history does come togheter once again and where it was possible though specialisation to add information towards small document again. It is a luck also that the seller etc ... did keep it togheter. I have contact with one of his former pilots (from before Cholm) and iff we are really lucky we even can find a picture from him. The glider pilot has promised me to search. Another sad fact about Ogefr. Wilhelm Koch, he was killed in action on his 24'th Birthday. He was KIA on 16.04.1942 - that was when he did become exactly 24 years old. Sad story al the way :-( Cordial greetings,
    9. Hello dear forumites, In the last weeks i had the luck that a very good friend pointed me in the direction of a little treasure. Namely a framed EK 2 award document with unworn but patinated EK 2. The award document is towards: Obergefr. Wihelm Koch - 1. Goliath-Staffel/Kampfgruppe z.b.V. 1 Dated: 24 M?rz 1942 Original but faded signature from Generaloberst Friedrich Keller The original seller had a few questions about the unit designation. When i did see it it was quite clear what this was and iff i would have the opportunity that i would buy it. And so did happen. A bit backgorund: A) The unit designation: Goliath Staffel is one that can be found in a few cases in relation towards the glider units that did fly Go 242's glider planes. This designation is also typical for the time ealry towards late 1942. I have never seen it earlyer or later untill this point. B) The date is the second very important part of a interesting history. When one is a bit home in the glider history and one does see that date togheter with this unit (KGzbV 1) one should begin to think into the direction of the Northern Part of Russia, namely Cholm. And that is correctly what it is. THanks towards my research and connections with the glider pilots i can place this document correct in time and give it its history back. From 19 February 1942 untill 10 Mai 1942 - Cholm was ressuplyed by Glider planes. These landings where only possible when the weather conditions where ok. For example on 20 March 1942 - 3 glider planes did land in CHolm, One of these Go 242's where flewn by: * Glider pilot: Gefr. Kohn Ferdinand * Bordmechanic: Gefr. Koch Wilhelm This Go 242 landed arround 18.50 Hours and according towards one source the load was food,medical supply's and ammunition. It was normal that gider crews who made a safe landing where awarded the EK 2. This followed the following proces: 1) a glider did land in Cholm 2) The Kampfgruppe Scherer reported the landing towards the Luftflotte 1 3) The Luftflotte 1 did award the EK's towards the crew through 'Fernspruch' 4) A EK was handed out in CHolm as a symbolic act. This was also the case with the glider landings from 20 March 1942. In total 3 Go 242's did land. All gliders had a crew of 2 persons. Through my research i had the opportunity to interview 2 of the 6 persons ad see there EK 2 award documents. All where awarded the EK 2 on 24 March 1942 and all documens had the same unit designation. Then this one did come along and does fit in perfectly. What more can we find out? The crews where trapped in Cholm once they landed and they had to fight unitll they where relieved on 5 Mai 1942. Also the crews of the 3 gliders. On 16 April 1942 Ogefr. Wilhelm Koch (in the meantime also promoted with 1 rank) did meet his fate. He was KIA in the northern part of Cholm. The framing, etc .... of the award document togheter with the EK 2 does point in the direction of that these pieces where send towards the next of kin and that it was held in honour. So we can see that even a very normal small EK 2 award document can have a very interesting history. I can only advise all collectors - keep on researching and little gem's will be found along the way And offcoarse => a big thank you towards Ian J. , Thx m8 Cordial greetings,
    10. Hello, That is a wonderfull portrait !!!! The last order on the medal bar is the belgian Crown order (officer grade) Rudolf Herzog was awarded this order on 01/12/1911 Thanks for showing that one Cordial greetings, ps: i am working on a publication of the Belgian Crown order awraded towards German's. Would it be allowed to use this picture for future reference and publication?
    11. Hello, My action has ended already it seems. As Ebay has suspended this auction already for the reason it is forbidden to post links. Well i will do it again, namely post that bar and then after a few days say it is non original for reason so and so. Are you guys still angry now at me? Cordial greetings, ps: still interested however what one should do with such a piece?
    12. Hello, I understand perfectly what everyone is so frustrated about. I have posted the bar and the opinions are not good about it, the EK 2 and oaks are not good (read= fake) it seems + the bar is probably put togheter recently. Besides the EK2 and the 25 years oaks the other pieces (read medals) are original. The combination is not old cfr. what more qualifyed persons as me are saying. Might i ask the readers for opinions what should be done in such cases? Take the bar apart and sell the originals that are on the bar (Centenarmedal, KDM + Bar, Felddienstehrenzeichen, Erinnerungsmedaille), destroyt the complete bar, etc.... or sell it as it is with correct discription? etc.... I have chosen another way = namely post it first and then add remarks as to warn collectors. Please feel free to add your opinion. Yes, i made a large mistake in obtaining this bar and not inform me better. Now towards the controverse, the bar is posted on ebay now and i have posted 3 updates in the description: The last is a very important one, as i have posted that the bar is fraud and that everyone should first inform himself (likee on this forum) before he does obtain such a piece. The bar will go on untill the auction has ended. It will NOT be sold and is meant to be informative for new collectors. In a next update i will post links towards this forum and another very good one What does strike me is how fast reactions does come in forums like this one, well that is fine offcoarse. Iff the board wishes that i should be suspended for this as i do work incorrect, then that is fine for me and i take peace in that decission. I can only thank all of you for the help you have given in the past and i am looking forward to whatever will hapen. Cordial greetings
    13. Hello, Thank you all for the help so far ! I must say that this does scare me in that way that it seems that these bars will become a real minefield iff you look at how the ribbons are attached, the stitching, etc..... I have the bar i my hand and with all due respect but besides the EK2 and oaks all other awards are original. The ribbons are also original, etc..... so someone did do a very good job in this (either period or yesterday so to speak) Cordial greetings and thanks once again,
    14. Hello, Thank you for the informative response on the bar. Is it not quite well possible that the original attached EK 2 (1870) and oak leaf cluster where removed => sold seperatly and on a later point of time this bar has gotten a new example? I mean, it is not because the bar has 1 wrong piece that the complete bar is wrong? Does the sewing look period? The only award that can be removed easely is the EK 2. All otehr peices are sewn towards the bar directly. A Baden friend told me no problem with the bar, nice period piece with dirt on the ribbons in the correct place, etc... etc .... Just a tought offcoarse? Cordial greetings,
    15. Hi Sascha, Gerne, anbei das erw?nschte Bild => i will make a better one as this one is a bit blurry (damn i can't really make good pictures :-( ) I have checked the way the medals are attached underneath the ribbon, they are sewn onto the bar and can not be removed. Is this a sign for the faker you name? Cordial greetings,
    16. Hello, And another picture as per request. A good friend has seen pictures of the bar (better ones then the ones that where shown and he had no problem with the bar, the attachement of the Strassburg bar, etc.... in first he also doubted but after seing the other pictures he said no problem. The ribbons do not light up under UV, neither do the sewing threads, etc... etc ... ) We can offcoarse be wrong and i would be happy to hear all comments Cordial greetings,
    17. Hello, Oh my? => any others who can comment on the bar? Here is a pictrue of the reverse and how it is sewn. Cordial greetings,
    18. Hello, The EK 2 is a bit rough => can it be id'ed towards a certain producer? Cordial greetings,
    19. Hello, The bar does also consist out of the following awards: * EK 2 (1870 issue) 2 nd. class + 25 years Oak leaf cluster * Kriegsdenkmunze 1870-1871 (with marking " AUS EROBERTEN GESCHUTZ ") + Bar "STRASSBURG" * Felddienstauszeichnung + Bar "1870 - 1871" * Centenarmedaille * Jubilaumsmedaille (Baden) - 1902 I think we can easely say that this bar did belong towards a 1870/1871 veteran who did see some action in that war and did belong towards the Baden Felddivision. All information is offcoarse welcome Cordial greetings,
    20. Pic. nr. 4 The Baden - Felddienstausszeichnung with clasp "1870-1871" more to follow ...
    21. Hello, Picture nr. 3 - image of the "STRASSBURG" clasp More to follow
    22. And a few more pictures of this nice 5 piece bar 1) The iron cross 2 nd. class - 1870 with 25 years oakleaf cluster More to follow ...
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