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    Posts posted by hucks216

    1. Rudolf Jordan


      Born: 21 June 1902
      Died: 27 October 1988


      Gauleiter Halle-Merseburg
      Reichsverteidigungskommissar Wehrkreis XI
      Gauleiter Magdeburg-Anhalt
      Oberpräsident Magdeburg


      Held by the Soviets from 1946 and sentenced to 25 years in a Sovie Union labour camp in 1950. Released and returned to Germany in 1955.



      Jordan, Rudolf.jpg

    2. Generalmajor Ludwig Wilhelm Oswald Wolff

      Born: 03 Apr 1893 
      Died: 09 Nov 1968


      Highest rank reached: General der Infanterie


      Kdr Inf.Rgt 192
      Kdr 22.Inf.Division
      Inspekteur des Erziehungs- und Bildungswesens des Heeres
      Kdr XXXIII.Armeekorps
      Deutscher Inspekteur der ungarischen Verbände im Ersatzheer


      RK: 26 May 1940
      EL: 22 June 1942
      DKiG: 07 Feb 1942

      WO Wolff, Ludwig (RK & EL) (Heer).jpg

    3. Oberleutnant Paul Schwarzrock (also known as Rudolf/Udo)

      Born: 19th June 1912 in Danzig


      Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant


      Chef 1./Inf.Rgt GD

      Führer 4./Inf.Ers.Btl 99

      Chef 12./Inf.Rgt GD

      Kdr II/Gren.Ers.Brigade GD

      Kdr Ers.Abt 'Schnelle Truppen' GD

      Kdr I/Pz.Gren.Rgt GD

      7./Pz.Gren.Rgt GD

      Kdr Pz.Gren.Ers.Rgt GD

      Führer Pz.Gren.Rgt GD

      Kdr Gren.Ers.Brigade GD


      RK: 19-08-1944



      Schwarzrock, Paul (RK).jpg

    4. Oberleutnant Erich Rudorffer
      Born: 01-Nov-1917 in Zwochau
      Died: 08-April-2016


      Highest rank reached: Major


      Staffelkapitän 6./JG-2
      Gruppenkommandeur II/JG-2
      Gruppenkoomandeur IV/JG-54
      Gruppenkommandeur II/JG-54
      Gruppenkommandeur I/JG-7


      RK: 01-May-1941
      EL: 11-April-1944
      Schw: 26-January-1945

      DKiG: 09-December-1941
      Credited with 222 Kills



      Rudorffer, Erich (RK, EL & Schw).jpg

    5. Courtesy of new member Erik E:


      This is my first post.

      Start with this E.K. 2. "urkunde" from 18. august 1916 to ??? L. Hermann signed 20. august 1916 by Major und Kommandeur der Pioniere  IX K.A. Krischbert ?

      I have sought on the internet and can not find anything.

      Do any of the members know who this is?






      Courtesy of member The Prussian:



      Does anyone have an officers list of the High command of Heeresgruppe Mackensen in 1917 including turkish officers?

      I need to know who signed this paper (it´s for a visit of the imperial castle in Bucharest)

      He was the Imperial Turkish authorized general staff officer in the high command of the army group Mackensen.

      Major Tewfik (Binbaşı Tevfik): chief of staff 26th turkish Division
      Oberleutnant Schuekri (Üsteğmen Şükrü)
      Oberleutnant Sirri (Üsteğmen Sırrı)
      Leutnant Sureya (Teğmen Süreyya): Btl.Kdr. II./türk. 73.Inf.Rgt
      Unteroffizier Chewfki (Astsubay Şevki)

      signed, Major ???

      Thanks a lot!



    6. To compliment the outstanding Kriegsmarine Cap Tallies thread here is an index to help people look for any examples that have already been posted. Just because an example has been posted please do not stop posting any similar examples of a cap tally in wear as the index can be updated as and when required to include it. 

      There does seem to be a formatting issue when having to inset new entries in-between existing ones which leaves a bigger than normal space between the entries. If anyone knows how to overcome this without it breaking the links your help would be appreciated.


      Mützenbänder Publications



      Artillerieschulboot Bremse ( 15 )

      Artillerieschulschiff Brummer ( 23 )

      Berufsfachschule ( 1 - 11 )
      Küstenartillerieschule ( 1 - 5 - 10 - 17 - 25 )
      Marineartillerieschule ( 1 )

      Marineflugabwehrschule ( 9 )
      Marinenachrichtenschule ( 1 - 2 - 3 - 21 )

      Marinenachrichtenschule Aurich ( 6 - 23 )

      Marinenachrichtenschule Mürwik ( 15 )

      Marinenachrichtenschule Wilhelmshaven ( 20 )

      Marinesanitätsschule ( 20 )
      Marineschule Kiel ( 2 - 14 - 14 )

      Marineschule Mürwik ( 11 )
      Marineschule Wesermünde ( 1 - 1 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 23 - 23 - 24 )

      Marinesportschule ( 26 )

      Reichsseesportschule ( 7 )
      Schiffsartillerieschule ( 1 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 12 - 12 )
      Schiffsjungenschule ( 1 - 5 )

      Schiffstammabteilung ( 5 - 6 - 7 )

      2.Schiffstammabteilung ( 7 - 14 )

      3.Schiffstammabteilung ( 9 )

      Schiffstammabteilung 5 ( 1 - 13 )

      Schiffstammabteilung 6 ( 3 - 4 )

      9.Schiffstammabteilung 9 ( 3 )

      12.Schiffstammabteilung 12 ( 5 - 9 )
      Schiffstammabteilung 13 ( 1 - 5 - 6 )

      Schiffstammabteilung der xxx ( 7 )
      Schiffstammabteilung der Nordsee ( 1 - 3 - 10 - 17 - 22 )
      Schiffstammabteilung der Ostsee ( 1 )
      Schiffstammabteilung Wesermünde ( 1 )

      Schiffstammdivision der Nordsee ( 4 - 9 - 11 )

      Schulboot Nordsee ( 23 )

      Schulflottille des B.S.O. ( 26 - 26 )

      Schulschiff Deutschland ( 5 )

      Sperrschule ( 16 - 23 )

      Sperrschulverband ( 2 )

      Torpedoschule ( 23 - 23 )

      Torpedoschulflottille ( 9 - 22 - 23 - 24 )

      U-Bootsabwehrschule ( 21 )

      Unteroffizierlehrabteilung ( 3 - 3 - 9 - 15 )
      Unteroffiziervorschule 1 ( 2 )

      Unterseebootsabwehrschule ( 26

      Unterseebootsschule ( 11 - 24 )
      xxxSchulverband ( 1 )


      Marineartillerieabteilung ( 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 8 )

      Marineartillerieabteilung 4 ( 21 )

      Marineartillerieabteilung 6 ( 24 )


      2.Geleitflottille 2 ( 1 - 3 - 7 - 23 - 25 )

      Donauflottille ( 4 )

      Minensuchflottille 1 ( 20 )

      Marinesuchhalbflottille ( 21 )
      1.Minensuchhalbflottille 1 ( 2 - 22 )

      2.Minensuchhalbflottille 2 ( 22 )
      Raumbootsflottille.1 ( 1 - 10 - 12 )
      x Schnellbootsflottille x ( 2 )

      1.Schnellbootsflotille ( 26 )

      2.Schnellbootsflottille 2 ( 17 )

      Schulflottille der BSN ( 12 )

      Torpedobootsflottille ( 21 - 22 )

      1.Torpedobootsflottille 1 ( 24 )

      4.Torpedobootsflottille ( 22 )

      Torpedobootshalbflottille ( 3 - 4 - 6 )

      U-Jagdflottille.12 ( 3 )

      Vorpostenflottille ( 9 - 10 - 20 )


      Erprobungskommando für Unterseeboote ( 19 )

      Unterseebootsflottille ( 9 )

      Unterseebootsflottille Hundius ( 15 - 18 - 23 )

      Unterseebootsflottille Lohs ( 26 )

      Unterseebootsflottille Saltzwedel ( 1 - 11 - 22 )

      Unterseebootsflottille Weddigen ( 24 )



      Albatros ( 6 - 16 )

      Jaguar ( 10 - 11 )

      Kondor ( 14 - 24 )

      Leopard ( 15 )

      Luchs ( 17 - 23 )

      Seeadler ( 18 - 23 )

      Wolf ( 8 )


      1.Zerstørerdivision 1 ( 28 )

      3.Zerstørerdivisjon 3 ( 28 )

      4.Zerstörerdivision 4 ( 14 - 22 )

      5.Zerstörerdivision 5 ( 17 )

      Anton Schmitt ( 1 )
      Bruno Heinemann ( 2 - 20

      Diether von Roeder ( 26 )
      Friedrich Eckhold ( 1 - 20 - 26 )
      Friedrich Ihn ( 1 - 28 - 28 )
      Hermann Schoemann ( 1 - 21 - 25 )

      Karl Galster ( 6 )
      Leberecht Maass ( 2 - 25 )

      Max Schulz ( 9 - 10 )
      Paul Jacobi ( 2 )
      Richard Beitzen ( 1 )

      Theodor Riedel ( 27 )


      Admiral Hipper ( 14 - 17 )

      Blücher ( 15 )

      Emden ( 1 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 15 - 15 - 15 )
      Karlsruhe ( 1 )
      Köln ( 1 - 3 - 6 - 14 )

      Königsberg ( 4 - 15 - 23 )
      Leipzig ( 1 - 2 - 14 - 27 )
      Nürnberg ( 1 - 3 - 22 )


      Hannover ( 2 )

      Hessen ( 4 )
      Schlesien ( 2 - 6 - 12 - 24 )
      Schleswig-Holstein ( 1 )


      Admiral Graf Spee ( 1 - 25 )

      Admiral Scheer ( 21 - 22 )
      Deutschland ( 2 - 21 - 22 - 28 )


      Gneisenau ( 15 )

      Scharnhorst ( 2 - 15 )


      Aviso Grille ( 1 - 15 )

      Begleitschiff Erwin Wassner ( 18 )

      Fischereischutzboot Elbe ( 27 )

      Flottentender Hecht ( 27 )

      Flottentender Jagd ( 11 )

      Führerboot des F.d.M ( 18 - 18 - 23 )
      Kommandantur Wesermünde ( 1 )

      Kommandantur Wilhelmshaven ( 16 )

      Kraftfahrkompanie Wilhelmshaven ( 17 )

      Kriegsmarine ( 15 - 22 - 25 )

      Kriegsmarinedienstelle Hamburg ( 17 )

      Kriegsmarinedienstelle Stettin ( 23 )

      Küstenschutz Danzig ( 19 )

      Luftwaffenkommando See ( 19 )

      Marineartillerieabteilung ( 26 )

      Marineartilleriedepot ( 6 )

      Marineergänzungsabteilung ( 1 - 10 - 18 - 19 )

      Marine.Flieger.Abteilung ( 6 )

      Marine HJ Celle ( 4 )

      Marine HJ Dessau ( 4 )

      Marinelazarett Swinemunde ( 11 )

      Marinelazarett Wilhelmshaven ( 27 )

      Marinenachrichtenstelle Cuxhaven ( 22 )

      Marinenachrichtenstelle Süd ( 10 )

      Marineunteroffizierlehrabteilung ( 28 )

      Marineunteroffizierlehrabteilung 3 ( 26 )

      M.L. Reichswehrministerium.M.L. ( 19 )

      M.S. Wilhelm Gustloff ( 21 )

      Nachrichtenstelle Warnemünde ( 2 )

      Nachrichtenstelle Wilhelmshaven ( 22 )
      Segelschulschiff Albert Leo Schlageter ( 2 - 18 - 24 )
      Segelschulschiff Gorch Fock ( 2 - 4 - 9 - 10 - 21 )

      Segelschulschiff Horst Wessel ( 18 - 18 )

      Sperrschule ( 26 )

      Sperrversuchskommando ( 13 - 20 )

      Unterseebootstender Weichsel ( 22 )

      Vermessungsschiff Meteor ( 12 )

      Versuchsboot ( 13 - 19 )

      Versuchsboot Nautilus ( 16 - 19 )

      Versuchsboot Pelikan ( 27 )

      W.E. Inspektion Dortmund ( 19 )

      W.E. Inspektion Schleswig-Holstein ( 19 )




    7. From member CanCol:

      Greetings, everyone.

      I need help identifying a signature and I am hoping someone knows who this is.

      The signature is from 1941 and for the Kreisleiter of Kreis IX, NSDAP Gau Berlin.   It is my understanding all, or almost all documents for Kreis IX were destroyed in 1945 or were captured by the Soviet Union.

      Can anyone identify this signature?

      Many thanks, Barb




    8. I don't often post items from my collection anymore but here is one item that I was able to trade for earlier this year during the height of the pandemic and being primarily a Grossdeutschland collector it will be hard for me to top. It is the Soldbuch and Führerschein to General der Panzertruppe Gerhard Graf von Schwerin who would win the Knights Cross, Oakleaves and Swords. In 1939 he was assigned as battalion commander of I/Infanterie-Rgt GD and would actually command the regiment for the opening of the invasion of France due to von Stockhausen being away for a few days (von Stockhausen's signature can be seen at the bottom of page 2).
      He would go on to command a battlegroup in the African desert where his men captured the British generals Richard O'Connor & Sir Philip Neame and also commanded 116.Panzer-Division in Normandy and around Aachen where he displeased Hitler with his decision to declare Aachen an Open City.
      Post-war he was in charge of a secret department that was responsible for setting up the West German armed forces.
      His entry in Wikipedia covers his career well:

      What I also like about this Soldbuch is that it is the original issue from 1939. It never had a photo placed in it but it was carried by him from day 1 to the end of the war, is full of entries and is in good condition. A lot of Soldbücher to General's can be quite bland and a fair few are replacement issues.

      If anyone has digital copies of the Ehrenblätter for his Rittrekreuz grade awards I would appreciate a copy if possible to add to the Soldbuch files.

      Group, Schwerin (1).jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard von (2).jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard von (4).jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard von (5).jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard von (6).jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard von (11).jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard von (13).jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard von (14).jpg

      On Ancestry I have been able to find a record of his Baptism and also a record of his marriage to his first wife Herta Kannengiesser in 1925. It is his second wife (of three), Julia Zulich, that is mentioned on page 5 of the Soldbuch.
      And from various online sources I have obtained his card files from WW2, some of which are shown below.

      Baptism - Sankt Ägidien, Hannover, Preußen 27 Jul 1899.jpg

      Marriage 25 Sep 1925 (Berlin) to Herta Mathilde Kannengiesser.jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard Graf von (4).jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard Graf von (5).jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard Graf von (6).jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard Graf von (7).jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard Graf von (8).jpg

      Schwerin, Gerhard Graf von (9).jpg

    9. The unit is Ergänzungskampfgruppe 5 which was a bomber training unit, a sort of battle school - it is this one here based in Barth:


      Fliegerhorst Barth:



      The pilot is listed in the Volksbund and is buried in Aachen while his casualty card gives the cause of his death as an accident near a place called Bankow/Brankow which I can find no mention of.







    10. Where is this item listed? My first gut feeling is that it could be a fake due to the ink being used for the Bonin signature being similar to other faked items but the quality of the image isn't good enough to go beyond a gut feeling.


      Likewise I can not find any mention of a Rudolf Lichte as a fighter pilot but that isn't unusual as there must of been hundreds who never left their mark in the history books. There is mention of a Rudolf Lichte on Ancestry as being married in Hannover in 1940 but it doesn't give any date of birth to aid confirmation and has his trade as Arbeiter so I doubt it is the same person.

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