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    hucks216 last won the day on June 10

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      Ipswich, Suffolk, UK
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      Collecting German Wehrpasse, Soldbucher & Award citations. 'Outside' interests include reading history, watching Ipswich Town FC and the Ipswich Witches speedway team.

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    1. The last time I saw a bunch of formal RK citations sell (at auction) without the folder they went for around 5-6,000 Euros I believe so there have been a fair few genuine ones in the last year or so going for less than the more usual 10-14,000 Euros examples that have never been separated from their folder. I don't really study these as I will never manage to own one but if the citation is a fake then it is a well executed one.
    2. I can't say I have seen an example of one of these before but judging by the left hand edge in the first image and the total lack of personal information (and any possible membership dues) it looks to have had the second page removed.
    3. Hauptmann Bruno Schühmann Born: 31 Jan 1909 Died: 26 Sep 1987 Highest rank reached: Oberst Stab II/Infanterie-Rgt 47 Chef 5./Infanterie-Rgt 76 Chef Stabskompanie Infanterie-Rgt 76 Kdr Panzergrenadier-Rgt 90 DKiG: 27 Apr 1945
    4. Major Hermann von der Lancken Born: 11 Jun 1900 Highest rank reached: Oberst Chef 2./Wachtruppe Berlin Chef 2./Wachregiment Berlin Chef 2./Wachbataillon 631 Chef 2./Infanterie-Rgt GD III/I.A.122 (?) Kdr Grenadier-Rgt 549 Grenadier-Ersatz-Bataillon 172 Führer-Reserve Wehrkreiskommando III Führer-Reserve OKH kdt.z.Chef H Rüst u.Bde (AHA) vers. Führer-Reserve OKH/Wehrkreiskommando III
    5. Oberst Oskar Walther Serini Born: 12 Jan 1894 Died: 01 Jul 1976 Highest rank reached: Generalmajor Kdr III/Infanterie-Rgt 69 Adjutant 12.Armee IIa Stab Anton IIa Stab Heeresgruppe A Kdr Grenadier-Rgt 11 Kdr Sturmbrigade XI/853 6.Divisionsführerlehrgang Heeresgruppe D Festungskommandant von Narvik Another example from 1922 (Source: Bundesarchiv PERS 6/1823)
    6. Hauptmann Hermann Lindemann Born: 30 Dec 1904 Died: 19 Sep 1943 - Killed in action Highest rank reached: Major Chef 5./Infanterie-Rgt 56 Chef 8./Infanterie-Rgt 56 Chef 13./Gebirgsjäger-Rgt 138 Adjutant Gebirgsjäger-Rgt 138 I/Grenadier-Rgt 226 (Source: Various contributors on AHF - https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?p=2547257#p2547257 )
    7. Major Karl Schuchardt Born: 07 May 1893 Died: 13 Aug 1943 - Killed in action Highest rank reached: Generalmajor Transferred from Heer to Luftwaffe 1935 Kdr I/Flak-Rgt 4 Kdr II/Flak-Rgt 54 Kdr III/Flak-Rgt 14 Kdr Flak-Rgt 41 Kdr Flak-Rgt 11 Kdr Flak-Rgt 64 Kdr Flakgruppe Duisburg (Possibly Kdr Flak-Rgt 44 & Kdr Flakgruppe Essen) Kdr Luftwaffen-Artillerie-Regiment 15 Kdr Luftwaffen-Artillerie-Regiment 21 Kdr Flak-Brigade X / 10.Flak-Brigade DKiG: 10 Jan 1944
    8. Generalmajor Hans Hermann de Salengre-Drabbe Born: 21 Oct 1894 Died: 25 Aug 1944 - Killed in action Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant Adjutant HWA Kdr Infanterie-Rgt 457 Stab Heeresgruppe Süd Kdr 384. Infanterie-Division RK: 22 Feb 1942 DKiG: 27 Jan 1944 Example from 1922 (Source: Bundesarchiv PERS 6/854)
    9. Major Albrecht Ludwig Leopold Tassilo Prince von Hohenzollern Born: 28 Sep 1898 Died: 30 Jul 1977 stellv.Adjutant Deutschen Heeresmission in Rumänien Taken prisoner in 1944 when Romania changed sides. Held in Soviet MWD-Lager 69 in 1945 for deportation to Russia, he was released under a false identity. NSDAP Membership 3,289,751 Uncle to King Michael I of Romania
    10. SS-Obersturmführer Kurt Theobald Born: 07 Noc 1910 2./SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Rgt 2 7./SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Rgt 3 Adjutant SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Rgt 3 Chef 8./SS-Panzergrenadier-Rgt 9 9. SS-Panzer-Division Hohenstaufen (Source: Führerliste)
    11. Oberst Wilhelm Gehlig Born: 10 Jan 1889 Fliegerhorst-Kommandantur Döberitz Fliegerhorst-Kommandantur Stolp-Reitz Kdt Fliegerhorst-Kommandantur E 10/XI Eindhoven Kdt Fliegerhorst-Kommandantur A 204/VI Eindhoven Kdt Fliegerhorst-Kommandantur E(v) 206/XI Eindhoven (Source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries by Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)
    12. Hauptmann Karl Baacke Born: 15 May 1907 Died: 02 Apr 1944 - KIA in Ukraine Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant Kompaniechef 6./Infanterie-Rgt 37 Führer Rgts-Stabpersonal Infanterie-Rgt 37 Kompaniechef 2./Grenz-Infanterie-Regiment 124 III/Grenz-Infanterie-Regiment 124 Kdr Grenadier-Rgt 226 Platzkommandanten von Tscherkassy RK: 30 Jun 1941 EL: 10 Dec 1943 DKiG: 28 Feb 1943 Anerkennungsurkunde d.OKH: 15 Jul 1942 Wehrmachtbericht: 27 Apr 1941 & 21 Jun 1942
    13. Oberleutnant Erich Freis Adjutant Grenadier-Rgt 253 DKiG: 28 May 1944
    14. Oberst Wilhelm Poetter Born: 13 Sept 1882 Kommandeur Wehrbezirkskommando Frankfurt Main II
    15. Would anyone happen to have an information on this signature of an Oberstleutnant Piedmont of Wehrbezirkskommando Trier I / XII.Armeekorps in 1940? Bundesarchiv has a file to an Oberst Claus Piedmont (Born 17-09-1882) but it is not available to access at the moment. And that year of birth tallies with a Claus Piedmont of a wine dynasty that served in WW1 (https://www.piedmont.de/weingut.html) and who died in 1953. This GMIC thread mentions him wearing an award in the painting seen at the above link - I assume HHOX refers to the House Order of Hohenzollern in the thread title - But other than those little snippets I can find no mention of military service - even Claus Piedmont's service after 1933 and during WW2 (if this is him) is brushed over if you click on his image on the Piedmont website.
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