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    Posts posted by hucks216

    1. Generalleutnant Eugen Wößner

      Born:18 Aug 1896


      Kdr I/Art.Rgt 61
      Kdr Art.Rgt Stabes z.b.V 781
      Stoart Stab Heeresgruppe A
      Stoart Stab Heeresgruppe Süd
      Kdr Art.Rgt 10
      Arko 103
      Kdr 262.Inf.Div
      Kdr 197.Inf.Div
      General der Heeresflaktruppen und Inspekteur der Heeresflaktruppen


      DKiG: 09 Sep 1944



    2. General der Polizei Kurt Max Franz Daluege

      Born: 15 Sep 1897

      Died: 23 Oct 1946 - executed for war crimes in Prague


      Highest rank reached: SS-Oberstgruppenführer und Generaloberst der Polizei


      Chef deer Deutschen Ordnungspolizei

      Chef Hauptamt Ordnungspolizei

      stellv. Reichsprotektor Böhmen und Mähren


      RK KvK mit Schwertern: 07 Sep 1943

      DKiS: 10 Sep 1942



    3. From this weekend (which is Tankfest) they are introducing a CGI viewer sort of thing from World of Tanks whereby, I think, you put on a pair of 3D Virtual Reality goggles and you can see a rendered life size version of the Sturmtiger. They had the console in place playing an advert for it but it wasn't up and running. You can see the set-up on the right of the second photo.

    4. Yesterday I had a day out and visited the Bovington Tank Museum and here are some photos of the Tiger Exhibition. Unfortunately they haven't managed to get a Sturmtiger but they do have a Sturmtiger gun barrel.


      The Porsche variant of the Königstiger and the Jagdtiger...


      ...and the shell that the Jagdtiger fired:



      The Henschel variant of the Königstiger and the Elefant which is on loan for 2 years from the US.


      Lastly, the well known Tiger '131' and the Sturmtiger's gun barrel.


    5. 19 minutes ago, Bernhard H.Holst said:

      Hello Kevin.

      Of passing interest may be the Waffen-SS' method of applying their usual training programs  to all the potential "leaders" (not called officers) including those to be assigned to strictly  administrative duties. This did give Waffen-SS formations the means to fall back on such personnel in case of emergency situations.

      BTW: this writer was evacuated during 1943-1944 to a place not far from what is now Bad Arolsen which was the training center for future administrative leaders. We shared training grounds for field service exercises so had opportunities to observe them being trained and they were run through the grinder.

      Bernhard H. Holst


      Thanks for the additional snippet. It sounds like you were glad you didn't go through their training regime, and who can blame you.

    6. SS-Hauptsturmführer Ewald Ehlers
      Born: 03 Jan 1910
      Died: 28 Apr 1945 (lynched by his own men in Dirlewanger Brigade)

      Highest rank reached: SS-Sturmbannführer

      1.kl.Kraftwagenkolonne (SS-Totenkopf-Division)
      SS-Totenkopf-Standarte 5
      1./SS-Totenkopf-Standarte 12
      SS-Totenkopf-Standarte 8
      SS-Totenkopf-Standarte "Kirkenes"
      6./SS-Infanterie-Regiment 8
      Chef 39.SS-Rekruten-Depot "Debica"
      SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Totenkopf"
      SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 7 (4.SS-Polizei-Division)
      Kdr II./Waffen-Grenadier-Regiment der SS 73 (SS-Sturmbrigade "Dirlewanger")
      Kdr Waffen-Grenadier-Regiment der SS 73 (36. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS)

      Also served at KZ Dachau



    7. Hauptmann Helmuth Raithel

      Born: 09 April 1907

      Died: 12 September 1970


      Highest rank reached: SS-Standartenführer (transferred to Waffen-SS in 1943)


      Nachr.Offizier GJR 100
      Kdr II./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 143
      Kdr Waffen-Gebirgsjäger-Regiment der SS 28
      Kdr Waffen-Gebirgsjäger-Regiment der SS 58
      Kdr 23. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS "Kama" (kroatische Nr. 2)
      Kdr SS-Gebirgs-Jäger-Regiment 11 "Reinhard Heydrich"


      DKiG: 31 Jan 1942



    8. Have you managed to look in the KG-26 history? I don't have it I'm afraid but maybe he is shown in there although as he was only with KG-26 for around a year it might be a long shot.

      He certainly seems to of been transferred a lot! For anyone else who might know where to look this is his listing in the Officer Career Summaries:

      WERNER, Otto-Friedrich. (DOB: 13.06.12). (i.G.). 01.04.30 pre-military flight training with DVS (to
      31.03.31). 01.04.31 Kriegsmarine (officer from 1934). 01.05.35 trf from the Kriegsmarine to the
      Luftwaffe and assigned to Fliegerschule 2 (Warnemünde) for Beobachter (observer) training. 01.10.35
      promo to Oblt. 01.12.35 trf to Fliegerstaffel (F) (See) at List/Sylt as a Beobachter (observer/navigator).
      01.10.36 trf to Kü.Fl.St. 2./Kü.Fl.Gr. 206 at Norderney. 01.07.37 trf to 2.(F)/Kü.Fl.Gr. 106 Hörnum.
      01.10.37 trf to Fliegerschule (See) Bug auf Rügen as a gunnery instructor. 15.11.38 at Fliegerwaffenschule (See) Bug auf Rügen. 05.01.39 ordered temporary duty to Höh. Lw.-Schule (Lehrgang 137) (to 31.03.39).
      01.02.39 promo to Hptm. 25.08.39 trf to Stab/Luftgaukdo. XI as Ib Fl. 01.11.39 Hptm., trf from
      Fl.Waffenschule (See) Bug auf Rügen to Stab/Führer der Seeluft West and appt Ib. 26.07.40 trf to
      Ergänzungs-Fliegergruppe (See). 12.08.40 trf to KG 4 and assigned to 6. Staffel. 18.09.40 trf to
      1./Kü.Fl.Gr. 906. 26.09.40 Hptm., appt Staka 1./Kü.Fl.Gr. 906. 07.08.41 Hptm., Staka 1./ Kü.Fl.Gr. 906.
      02.10.41 trf to Stab/Gen.d.Lw. beim Ob.d.M. and appt Ia. 01.04.42 promo to Maj. 16.04.42 trf to
      Stab/Führer d. Seeluftstreitkräfte and appt Ia. 07.42 transferred to Stab/Luftflotte 3. 01.08.42 trf to
      Stab/Gen.Kdo. IX. Fliegerkorps and appt Ic. 01.01.43 Maj., trf into the General Staff of the Luftwaffe (did
      not attend the Luftkriegsakademie). 13.03.43 ordered temporary duty to Stab/Luftflotte 5 for Ic training
      (to 26.03.43). 27.03.43 trf from Genst./IX. Fliegerkorps to Stab/Angriffsführer England and appt Ic.
      1943 Maj., reassigned to Stab/General der Kampfflieger. 15.10.43 reassigned to IV./KG 26 for aerial
      torpedo training and appt provisional Kommandeur. 11.08.44 Maj., appt Kdr. II./KG 26 (to 02.12.44).
      1945 Maj., Ia/Komm.Gen.d.Dt.Lw. in Dänemark (to 08.05.45).

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