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    Posts posted by hucks216

    1. Recently there has been a development with regards to this grouping in that 4 years after acquiring this citation set the owner of Hermann Fischer's Soldbuch & various licenses emailed me a month ago letting me know that he was letting the group go and gave me first refusal. Needless to say I snapped it up and so I have finally reunited the citations with the Soldbuch & Führerschein after who knows how long apart.

      Both the Führerschein & Fahrlehrerschein contain the signature of Knights Cross Diamonds winner Hyazinth Graf von Strachwitz.

    2. Would you please tell us more about obtaining such files? Is it necessary to prove any relations with a person we are researching? Any fees involved?


      The link below will tell you all you need to know. You don't have to be a relative etc. I believe they charge around 80cents per page but I am still waiting to hear back from them as to what they have got (or haven't got). I asked for file details on 3 officers so it may take a couple of weeks for them to get back to me as to whether they have anything or not and what the total cost will be if I proceed with obtaining copies.


    3. Is talk about this von Roques, Karl?

      I'm not sure. The only two 'Roques' I can think of is Karl von (who had a Luftwaffe background) and Franz von and I have an example of Franz von Roques's signature in my collection and it isn't the same as the one shown here (see Signature Database to see it). I have seen this signature many times but have never bothered to save it to my files. Wish I had now!

    4. Recently I posted the WW-2 Soldbuch for Generalmajor Georg Seegers in the TR Document section ( Seegers Soldbuch ). Along with the WW-2 Soldbuch I also obtained his WW-1 Militärpaß & Soldbuch so I thought that I would post the images of them here. Being solely a collector of WW-2 related paperwork I am unfamiliar with the WW-1 versions.

    5. A very recent addition to my collection is an item that I have been looking to add to my collection for a number of years and that is a Soldbuch to an officer of 'General' rank.

      The Soldbuch belonged to eventual Generalmajor Georg Seegers who was promoted to that rank in March 1945 and judging by the inside front cover he wasted no time in replacing the original photo with him wearing his new collar tabs.

      The Soldbuch is a second issue as it was opened in February 1942 at a time when Seegers was serving within OKH in Heeres-Personal-Amt P2. In between combat assignments he seemed to return to OKH P2.

      Starting the war in OKH he then went to III/IR 432 (131 Infanterie-Division) in 1941 as an Oberstleutnant. Staying with IR 432 until October 1941 he was then reassigned back to OKH P2 as a Gruppe-Leiter in OKH HPA. In 1942 he became an Abteilung-Chef with the HPA and was promoted to Oberst in April of that year.

      He remained at OKH until the beginning of 1944 when he received a combat posting as Regimental Commander of IR 431 (131 ID) which was fighting on the Eastern Front. During the fighting in the last months of the year Seegers was recommended for, and won, the DKiG with him being awarded the honour on 15th December 1944. At this time 131 ID was caught up in the heavy fighting in East Prussia as a part of 4 Armee.

      In February of 1945 due to the wounding of the Divisions commanding officer, Seegers was handed the temporary command of Fallschirm-Panzergrenadier Division 2 'Hermann Göring' - also of 4 Armee - which he held for just a month or two. The division was evacuated on March 25th to Denmark and it is very likely that Seegers returned with it as he was then assigned to OKH Reserve for the remainder of the year instead of ending up in Russian captivity. This unit assignment is the one shown 'blacked out' on Page 17 of the Soldbuch.

      Within the Soldbuch are two signatures of Knights Cross & Oakleaf winners, these being Mortimer von Kessel (seen on Pages 2,3 & 22 while the DKiG entry is signed by Werner Schulze who also won the DKiG in addition to the RK & EL. Also seen on Page 15 is the signature of Friedrich Weber who also won the RK & DKiG.

      Along with the Soldbuch was Seegers WW-1 Soldbuch & Militarpaß (he served with IR 77) as well as a large portrait photo showing him wearing the DKiG. Post war Seegers spent some time as a President of a post-war veterens organisation.

      Seegers' WW-1 Militarpäß & Soldbuch

      Seegers shown wearing his DKiG. He also won the Ordin Corona Romaniel which he would of worn around his neck

      Here are the responsibilities of OKH HPA P2 -

    6. Matrosen Kurt Meusemann


      Born: 14th February 1904


      Highest rank reached: Kapitän zur See


      3 Artillerie-Offizier Panzerschiff Admiral Graf Spee

      Internment after Graf Spee scuttled

      OKM/AW a

      Abt-Chef Abteilung für Ballistik, Munition, Rohre, Panzerung, Luftsperrgerät, Gas, Gasschutz und Nebel (AWa A II)

      Chef der Amstgruppe Artillerieentwicklung




      Kurt Meusemann.jpg

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