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    Posts posted by hucks216

    1. Oberstleutnant Peter-Paul Petersen


      Born: 04 May 1893
      Died: 20 Apr 1945 - killed during an air raid


      Highest rank reached: Generalmajor (possibly posthumous)


      Kdr Panzerabwehr-Abt 16
      Kdr Panzerjäger-Abt 16
      kommandiert zum Stab des Armeenachschubführers 530
      kommandiert zum Stab des Kraftwagentransportregiments 605
      Höherer Offizier der Kraftfahrparktruppe beim General der Kraftfahrwesens
      stellvertretenden Wahrnehmung der Geschäfte als Chef des Heereskraftfahrwesens


      (Source: AHF members Dieter Z & Askropp)




      Petersen, Peter-Paul.jpg

    2. Did this come direct from the family to you without any middlemen? If not then it is highly likely that the actual awards were added to the paperwork to increase the profit for the seller which happens a lot.


      Nice little set of paperwork though with the EK citation signed by Dr Friedrich Altrichter who died in a Russia PoW camp in 1948/49. Part of his card file in Bundesarchiv (PERS 6/299316)






      For others, here is Thurau's casualty card. Unfortunately, it looks like he is not listed in the Volksbund so his body has never been recovered and is currently not listed or updated in their database.





      This is a section of the German situation map for the HG Nord frontline just three days before he died with 58.Infanterie-Division bottom left (courtesy of Lexikon der Wehrmacht).






    3. Ernst-Günther Wilhelm Karl von Schuckmann


      Born: 06 May 1899
      Died: 08 Sept 1970


      Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant (Regierungsrat 1957)


      Adjutant des Wehrbezirks Paderborn
      Adjutant des Artillerieersatzregiments 6
      Adjutant der Kommandantur von Graudenz
      Adjutant der 306. Infanteriedivision
      Adjutant des Generalkommandos z.b.V. Mieth
      kommandiert zum Stab des LXI. Reservekorps
      Adjutant des LXI. Reservekorps
      Adjutant des XXXIII. Armeekorps


      (Information via AHF thread)



      Schuckmann, Ernst-Günther Wilhelm Karl von.jpg

    4. One item I was able to tick off the collecting bucket list this year was acquiring a prelim RK citation. I would have been happy for an example to anyone, but to have obtained the citation for a significant General was more than I expected.

      The RK & Gold Wound Badge citations are for eventual General der Artillerie Erich Marcks. In 1940 he was tasked with drawing up a draft proposal for what would become Operation Barbarossa and during Op Barbarossa he commanded 101.leichte Infanterie-Division which was part of 17.Armee in Heeresgruppe Süd. On 26th June 1941 he was severely wounded which resulted in him having his left leg amputated.






      It was during this period that he was awarded the Knights Cross. It was awarded for the performance of his division during the opening days of Barbarossa, especially the crossing of the San river northeast of Przemysl and the subsequent battle against a Soviet bunker line at Medyka.





      During the period of his recovery, he commanded first 337.Infanterie-Division and then LXXXVII.Armeekorps which were both based in France.
      On 1st August 1943 he was placed in command of LXXXIV.Armeekorps that was responsible for what would become the D-Day sector.




      Marcks was one of the few senior officers who believed that an invasion in Normandy was a possibility and upon the Allies landing ordered a counterattack which ultimately failed.
      Here he is in the film The Longest Day, played by the German actor Richard Münch.



      On 12th June 1944 while touring the front northwest of Saint-Lô, his staff car came under attack from Allied aircraft and Marcks was hit by a 20mm shell. Despite his driver dragging him to a ditch, the injury was too severe and Marcks died of blood loss. He was posthumously awarded the Knights Cross with Oakleaves and now lies buried in the cemetery at Marigny - Block 2, Row 38, Grave 1478.

      The following documents and clippings are from his files in the Bundesarchiv (PERS 6/300187 & PERS 6/269)




    5. On 23/11/2023 at 10:13, nesredep said:

      A great picture Larry. Thank you for helping to keep alive this thread that Martin W started. Sad that we are the only ones who post here while others will harvest information without posting anything themselves. Everyone must remember that this is a of the best Thread together with the thread on the Forum wehrmacht-Awards .com on Mutzenbander in wear

      cheers, Morten HP.


      164,000+ views of this outstanding thread cannot be wrong. 


      The Index has now been upated: 


    6. On 17/11/2023 at 23:14, Jock Auld said:

      Hucks, more house clearance stuff, the medals were there but way too expensive. When I came back to him someone had bought the medals and left the pictures? Bit odd?



      I'm never surprised what people do and do not collect. I've seen people buy groups of citations, keep the Ostmedaille citation and then sell the remainder and others who buy Soldbücher just to keep the front cover with the photo and sell the coverless Soldbuch.

    7. In this French notice it mentions the death of a Captain Charles Trott who died in a French PoW camp in Verdun on 8th February 1806. He was from Woodbridge in Suffolk but the period French notice mentions that he was a Captain in the 'Scottish Marching Battalion' (unless it has been mistranslated). Any idea what unit that could be and where his service records might reside?





    8. Oberleutnant Franz-Josef Maubach


      Highest rank reached: Hauptmann


      A/Flieger-Ausbildungs-Rgt 62
      Staffelkapitän 11./KG 53
      Staffelkapitän 13./KG 53
      Staffelkapitän 4./KG 53


      DKiG: 19 May 1943
      Ehrenpokal: 07 Oct 1941


      (Biography source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries by Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)




      Maubach, Franz-Josef (DKiG).jpg

    9. Oberleutnant Emil Allmendinger


      Born: 18 Feb 1913


      Highest rank reached: Major


      I/KG 53
      Staffelkapitän 1./KG 53
      Lehrgangsleiter Grosse KFS 3 Greifswald
      Chef 1.Kp Grosse KFS 3 Greifswald
      Flugleiter I/Grosse KFS 3 Greifswald
      Ausbildungs Gr.Leiter FFS C 15
      Kdr III/KG 53
      Kdt Platzkommando Eggebek / Fliegerhorst Kdtr A9o) 3/XI


      DKiG: 14 Feb 1942


      (Biography source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries by Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)




      Allmendinger, Emil (DKiG).jpg

    10. Major Alarich Hofmann


      Born: 28 June 1903
      Died: 27/28 Dec 1942 - MIA in Murmansk area


      Highest rank reached: Oberst (Posthumous)


      Staffelkapitän 3./KG 53
      Ia Stab/IV Fliegerkorps
      Chef d.Stabes IV Fliegerkorps
      Kdr I/KG 30


      DKiG: 09 April 1942


      (Biography source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries by Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)




      Hofmann, Alaric (DKiG).jpg

    11. Oberstleutnant Paul Weitkus


      Born: 17 Oct 1898
      Died: 09 Nov 1974


      Highest rank reached: Generalmajor


      Kdr II/KG 252
      Kdt Fliegerhorst Liegnitz
      Staffelkapitän 3./KG 26
      Kommodore KG 53
      Kdr Kampfbeobachtervorschule 1
      Kdr He-111-Verbände zur Versorgung im Osten
      Kdr I.Rumänischen Fliegerkorps
      Fliegerführer Albanien
      Fliegerverbindungs-Offz to Heeresgruppe E
      Kdr Luftflottentruppen/Luftflotte 4
      Kdr 18.Fliegerdivision


      RK: 18 Sept 1941


      (Biography source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries by Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)





      Weitkus, Paul (RK).jpg

    12. Hauptmann Gerrit Wiegmink


      Born: 30 July 1909
      Died: 24 March 1944 - shot down Sønder-Tranders (Denmark)


      Highest rank reached: Major


      Stab/Küstenfliegergruppe 706
      Staffelkapitän 1./Bordfliegergruppe 196 (attached to the battlecruiser Scharnhorst 1940)
      Gruppenkommandeur Bordfliegergruppe 196


      (Biography source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries by Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey)






      Wiegmink, Gerrit.jpg


    13. Major Hermann Lessing


      Born: 20 October 1900
      Died: 29 May 1990


      Highest rank reached: Oberst / Kapitän zur See


      Transferred from Kriegsmarine to Luftwaffe in 1937
      Staffelkapitän 1./Bordfliegergruppe 196 - onboard Scharnhorst
      Kommandeur Küstenfliegergruppe 706
      Lufttransportführer (See)
      Kommandeur Küstenfliegergruppe 906
      Kommandeur Küstenfliegergruppe 706
      Verbindungsoffizier OKL to OKM/Skl
      XIII. Fliegerkorps Kommandeur Navigationschule Strausberg
      Possible Seeaufklärungsgruppe 130
      Transferred from Luftwaffe to Kriegsmarine
      Kommandierender Admiral der Unterseeboote
      Kommandeur U-1231

      Ehrenpokal: 26 October 1942




      Lessing, Hermann (EP).jpg

    14. Oberleutnant Otto Hunnius


      Born: 08 December 1915
      Died: MIA 11/12 May 1943 - reported MIA during a sortie to mine the Thames & Humber estuaries


      Highest rank reached: Hauptmann


      1./Bordfliegergruppe 196 - onboard Gneisenau
      Führer der Seeluftstreitkräfte West
      3.(M)/Küstenfliegergruppe 806
      1./LG 1
      Staffelkapitän 11./KG 6
      Staffelkapitän 7./KG 6




      Hunnius, Otto.jpg

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