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    Posts posted by hucks216

    1. Judging by the entires (and lack of) in the Führungsbuch and the entries in the SB it would appaer that Clausen left Z10 Hans Lody in late 1940 and spent the rest of the war at the Torpedoschule at Murwik where he was awarded the KvK II Kl mit Schwertern in April 1944 and the KvK I Kl mit Schwertern in April 1945.

      And here are just a couple of his 'write-ups' from his time on Z10 Hans Lody, taken from the Führungsbuch... (1)

    2. As can be seen from the Soldbuch he was awarded the EK II in November 1939 and the Destroyer Badge in October 1940 and it was while serving on Z10 Hans Lody that he earned these two awards.

      Page 3 of the Führungsbuch has a list showing the dates of when the Hans Lody sailed on operations while Clausen was onboard and so he participated in not only the merchant warfare 'sweeps' through the North Sea in the early days of the war but also the offensive mine-laying operations near the Humber Estuary on 18-19th Nov 1939 and off the coast of Cromer in Norfolk on 6-7th December 1939. It was during this latter operation that the British destroyer HMS Jersey was badly damaged by a torpedo fired from one of the German destroyers.
      He was also onboard when Hans Lody was part of the escorting force for Scharnhorst, Gneisenau & Admiral Hipper during Operation Juno in June 1940 and participated in the sinking of the tanker 'Juniper' and rescued 98 survivors from the Orama. On the way back to Drontheim on 9th June the Hans Lody captured a fishing vessel before escorting a bomb damaged Scharnhorst from Drontheim to Kiel.

    3. What makes this citation alittle more interesting is that it seems to of been sent to a Frau Anni Czajerek (the LW soldier being Ewald Czajerek) and with the citation was a note with the reason why he won the award.

      The translation of the note (thanks to Brian)...

      1.) For the award of the EK II class:

      Gefreiter Czajerek Ewald Clerk and K 1 (cannonneer)

      at the alarm gun

      Gefreiter Ewald Czajerek was deployed as K 1 at the alarm gun during the terror attack of 30 July 1943. As such he showed exemplary calm and a high degree conscientiousness in all phases during this exciting night of battle, whereby he contributed decisively so that the remainder of the crew carried out its duty at the gun. In spite of the nearly constant impacting of high explosive and incendiary bombs in the closest proximity he continued to fire unwaveringly and prevented the aimed targeting of bombs on the Horst-Wessel barracks and thereby prevented the possible destruction of many of the soldiers in the barracks.

    4. I was never quite sure if the EK2 doc was not an add on... no real reason i could put my finger on, it was just so ÜBER - Sexy.

      I ran it by Hüsken about a decade ago and he pushed cash in my hand, so it was probably good.

      Should of trusted your gut instinct and took his money - it's a fake add-on as you suspected.

      And I have serious doubts about the promotion document as well.

    5. Hi All, received a book through one of my uncles in Styria Austria, titled 'goethe und die generale''. On the front inside cover a printed sheet was stuck in with words from SS Gruppen Fuhrer for Alpenland and dated Salzburg 1943. There is also a signature in Blue pen. Now i know Rösener was head of this during that time but not sure if this is actually his signature ??? I dont collect signatures so know very little.

      I did look under the microscope and it looks penned and not autopenned ( i think), No tunnels, no start and stop dots and not even throughout.

      Looking at old germanic script it doesnt look like Rösener but then again i have no idea and it might be ( The cursive loopy letter at the beginning might be his First name Initial E and the big loop around might be the capital R. But this is when i quit since i was starting to take flying leaps and think this is probably one of his assitants in the office signing on his behalf. Well your opnions would be valuedattachicon.gifSScvoer.jpgattachicon.gifsscoversig.jpg

      The signature is similar to Erwin Rösener's although whether it is handsigned or not is impossible to say from the images.

    6. General der Artillerie Walter Heitz.

      Born: 8th Dec 1878

      Died: 9th Feb 1944 in Moscow

      Highest rank reached: Generaloberst

      Kommandierender General VIII Armeekorps

      Captured at Stalingrad 31st January 1943

      RK - 4th Sep 1940 / EL - 21st Dec 1942

      DKiG - 22nd Apr 1942

      Image: Assault Badge citation

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