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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. Thanks for translation and great work with these articles about persian orders in Heraldic_Spb! Welcome to GMIC Mitya! Best regards, Nick
    2. Well the lion of this demócrata is certainly lying! Regards mate and many thanks for posting this interesting photo, Nick
    3. Many thanks for these pictures and info Megan! Best regards, Nick
    4. Hermitage has a huge collection of different oriental manuscripts from different time periods. A result of almost 200 years of acquisitions and donations. So our precious firmans could be in this collection. At least I hope they are
    5. Unfortunately I wasn't able to locate (until now) copies of the original Persian firmans (or their French translations for that matter) I will try Hermitage manuscripts collection... But I have strong doubts that they scanned them (if indeed they have them in collection). Sorry mate, Nick
    6. That is one strange (and long) post from another poster. "General idea ... not exact equivalents" this phrase was in my last post, but the other poster is going into details about each order structure... For what? "General idea" behind LOH was a creation of rewarding system for recognition of civilians and military men. But of course this is one loose analogy LOH=LSO. I don't know why Gritzner made this remark (especially since he knew about medals and different ribbons in case of LSO). And I never said that "structure of the L&S being the same as the LOH." Where did this came from?! I said that "... photographs of multicolored ribbons are out there" (i.e. two-colored ribbons) and the other poster response was "perhaps I am blessed with superior eyesight, but I am usually able to see that there are different colored stripes in black and white photographs ..." What is it for??? My one and only real question (actually not a question, remark) was why Amir Kabir have white ribbon edged yellow. In what regulation we could find description of these color? P.S. "Emotional histrionics"... Well at least it is not "repetitional reposting" ...
    7. But just think how old these babies and in what amazing condition they are!!! Simply incredible...
    8. Yep, I agree. Order from post #211 certainly looks like it could fall from this chest Another great photo! Thanks mate!
    9. Not to mention the fact that one recipient had two versions (lying and standing) on his broad chest at the same time!!!
    10. Well if this photo is indeed photo of recipient of these stars (actually I think we have both stars that are visible in this photo - star on the right is from post #209 and star from the left is from post #214), then NON-PERSIANS WERE AWARDED WITH STANDING LION VERSION OF THE ORDER TOO! At least back in 1880. What we have here in one unstable order Maybe it's time to remember Sir John Wright words? "...As the years went by, variations appeared in the design of the lion and the sun emblem... The lion couchant sometimes stands; sometimes he faces sideways both left and right, sometimes he is full-faced; sometimes his tail is down, sometime up; he also appears flourishing with a sword in his right paw..." Thanks for finding and posting this photo mate! Cheers, Nick
    11. I see you finally figure out how to pitch these pictures!
    12. A little statistical add on. During last "seasonal awardings” (autumn 2011) approximately 4000 Japanese citizens were awarded with rising sun order and only 40 foreigners. 1% quota. Cheers, Nick
    13. On November 3, 2011 former Prime Minister of Canada (from 1984 to 1993) Mr. Mulroney was awarded with Grand Cordon of the rising sun order.
    14. Japanese foreign minister’s Commendation from 2010
    15. Certificate of Commendation on October 10 2007
    16. Lately this school was awarded with different commendations from Japan government. Beautifully designed commendations! Let’s take a look at them.
    17. Mr. Ranga San Chairman of the oldest & largest Japanese School in South India (ABK - AOTS DOSOKAI) was awarded with 5th class of rising sun order on July 6, 2005. July Graduates of this school (interpreters & translators) work for all the Japanese industries in India.
    18. A 90 year-old Japanese Canadian Shozo Ishikawa was conferred 5th class of the rising sun order. He was born in Shiga Prefecture in 1915 and moved to Vancouver in 1935. Since arriving in Toronto in 1949, Mr. Ishikawa devoted himself to the betterment of life for Japanese Canadians through his work in the Toronto Japanese Canadian Citizens Association's Issei Division, serving in various executive positions including its President. (“Issei” refers to first generation immigrants). In 1995 he was a recipient of the Ontario Volunteer Service Award, and in 2000 Mr. Ishikawa received a Special Commendation from the Consul-General of Japan for his work.
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