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    Posts posted by JapanX

    1. This is not Tajik SSR award per se.

      More like Tajik ASSR ;)

      It was established by Tajik Autonomous Republic in the structure of Uzbek SSR in 1925 (Tajik SSR was created only in 1929)

      Correct name for this one will be "Нагрудный знак отличия ТАССР" (a.k.a. награда Таджикской Автономной Республики за участие в разгроме басмачества, a.k.a орден Таджикской Республики «Красный Полумесяц»)/ Badge of Merit of TASSR (a.k.a award of the Tajik Autonomous Republic for participation in the defeat of basmatchestvo, a.k.a order of the Republic of Tajikistan «Red Crescent»)

      Inscription on obverse جمهوريت اجتماعی شوروى مختار تاجيكستان reads Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialistic Republic.

      Piece is post #1 is a fake.



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