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    Chuck In Oregon

    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Chuck In Oregon

    1. Thanks, Rick. The dirty little secret is that I'm having a ton of fun with this. I never knew how satisfying it would be to bring some of these old photos back to life. Sometimes when I'm done with a photo I just say "Welcome back, soldier." Yes, I admit, senility at work. I've stopped caring.

      I'm having SO much fun that I'm thinking of selling most of my collectibles and just concentrating on old photos, repairing them to the extent my skills allow, then cataloging them and sharing them on a website. In fact, I've already created the website and started populating it with images. It's the site I told you about before. I've got several hundred images already done and many more to come. I've also got a collection of uniform sketches that I'm going to include plus a bunch of other things. All this, because I discovered that there are a LOT of things you can do with these old photos besides just show them around one at a time then put them back in the box.

      If I have a little time today maybe I'll see what I can do with Spitcurl Girl. Among the photos I have worked on I have one of a major-league cutie. Uniform, leather, Mauser pistol and hot looks. You'll like her.


    2. Ed, I really love your pictures. I've been working quite a bit at restoring my own photo collection. I couldn't resist the temptation to play with one of yours and work on my own meager skills.

      Here's what I think the photo of your three friends in post 3 might have looked like back in the day. I hope you aren't offended. Should you be, I apologize in advance and promise not to do it again.


    3. However, the real problems are two: (a) what becomes of records when "regime change" takes place (usually they get trashed) and (b) what becomes of records when they are left in working offices that have no need for them and only so much space in which to work (usually they get trashed). And the archives are usually so poorly funded that they cannot deal with what they have (especially if people expect the archivists to do their research for them!).

      * * * * *

      Too true.

      I have a handful of GPU capital crimes case files from the 1920s, with photos, interrogation Q&As, internal memos, telegrams, decrees, the whole thing. They were just pitched after the Soviet collapse. "Who needs this old stuff?"

      Very interesting things to me, at least at the time. But eventually the question becomes "What the heck am I going to do with this stuff?" Just like it was for them.


    4. I acquired this document in 2002 and subsequently lost it in my thoroughly modern filing system. "Hmmm. Might be in that pile over there."

      What I think this is, is an arrest warrant signed by Lavrenti Beria in 1926.

      The suspect is Andro Ter-Artyunov and the violation is of Article 142, foreign currency speculation.

      Corrections and better translations are always welcome.

      Anyone seen an earlier Beria signature?


    5. I am really enjoying this thread and seeing what you guys are doing.? I have been doing a lot of work on repairing old photos from Russia and Georgia.? I started from (knowledge+experience = zero) but I've been learning along the way.? It has been very satisfying to bring some of those photos back to life from their damaged (and some very damaged) states.? Now I'm wondering how some of them would look in color.?

      You can do so much with the photo editors.? There are some good tutorials on YouTube about, for instance, making pop art sketches out of photos, just to name one technique.? That's ahead of where I am but it's something to think about. Thanks for this great thread.?

      Gloat: Now I'm off for a week of fishing the Kenai River combined with intensive woodturning challenges on-site at a friend's cabin right on the river with a huge woodturning studio.? Is life good or what?


    6. no worries and thanks for liking them as much as i do!!!!actully if anyone does know what the badges that would be great as i actully no NOTHING of pre-war soviet badges(well i mean apart from the red banner lening etc!!! :cat::rolleyes::beer: )

      thanks again! :beer:

      * * * * *

      Well, I'll try.

      The middle guy in Post #1 looks to have a Pioneer Troops collar insignia. I can't tell on the other two.

      In post #2 the guy on the left has an Osoaviakhim badge, "Ready for PVKhO" which is, I believe, Air and Chemical Defense.

      Post #3 is pretty hazy. Maybe a Voroshilov Shooter's Badge on the left and a Ready for PVKhO on the right, but just guesses from the shapes.

      In Post #4 I'd guess an early GTO badge on the left and an Osoaviakhim Voroshilov Shooter's Badge on the right.

      In Post #6 the guy on the left is a tankist, of course. I think I'll retract my comment about the DOSAAF Activist badge on the right. That shape looks familiar but I can't quite place it. Seems like I should be able to ID that watch, too, but I can't quite do that either. Maybe it will come to me.

      I hope that someone else can give you a little more help.

      Thanks again for sharing these. That pilot looks like he just stepped out of "Dawn Patrol" or off of a DOSAAF poster.


    7. and the last sadly! tank and infantry brothers me thinks! one looks like he has an officers academy badge on him!! hope you like them all! :beer:

      * * * * *

      VERY nice pix. I love the early photos. I've been cataloguing a bunch of mine recently.

      Could the young man on the right be wearing a DOSAAF Activist badge? Not that clear, but could be.

      I especially like the pilot photo.

      Thanks for letting us see these. Please post all you care to share.


    8. Here's one that I haven't seem mentioned yet. She is the Soviet passenger/cargo ship turned hospital ship Armenia. She was sunk in four minutes by a torpedo launched by an He-111 on Nov. 7, 1941, while evacuating casualties and refugees and medical staff from the Crimea. She was wearing large hospital markings on her sides and decks at the time. Estimated 7,000 deaths (said to be overloaded by at least 2,000) with only eight survivors. Supposedly the largest ship disaster of WW II. Don't know for sure, not my field.

      This photo is obviously touched up, at least to the extent of adding a readable name on the bow. This was likely done by Pravda or TASS to make it more relevant to the printed story. The only other photo of Armenia that I could find was of her being built in dry dock. That one is in Wikepedia. I didn't try that hard, so maybe there are millions of them out there.


    9. OK, I'll bite. No pun intended. What the heck IS going on here?

      Four elements: The water truck, the guy (call him a cook based on his hat, I guess) who seems to be goofing for the camera, the oversized ladle and the pot wth handles on a stand. The locale is somewhere in "the field". There are no obvious security concerns (he IS goofing after all) or weapons and his uniiform is clean.

      The ladle is too big for individual servings of whatever the liquid of the day is, so I guess it's for making smaller group portions out of a larger pot. So, is he bringing soup (or water, I suppose) via that pot from a central mess to a small unit? If water, I don't think they would use a ladle but there is that water truck to consider. I'm thinking soup. There would have been room for the pot on the truck behind the water tank.

      Really, am I the only one who doesn't know what's going on here? Wouldn't be the first time.


    10. The Russian government does not demand to return all Soviet awards.

      * * * * *


      Are you sure?

      Try to get a Red Star out of Sheremetyevo and see if the customs bulls agree.

      <<At present in Russia are wanted as 25.000 awards stolen more and medals having number. Criminals at abduction of awards even kill veterans. But it certainly does not stop collectors.>>

      That's one heck of a non sequitor. Some murders are the fault of ordinary collectors? Should the Russians ban coin collecting on the same grounds? I imagine that murdering elderly veterans might be frowned upon as well. BTW, how are they doing at solving those crimes? Which part of all this should "stop collectors"? Stop the free exchange between consenting adults because the state defines it as some kind of crime? Well, count me among the libertarians on this one, and you already know my thoughts on "stolen valor". Stolen freedom, more accurately.

      Willing buyer, willing seller, agreed price -- offer, acceptance, consideration -- who else's business is it? The state's? Are you kidding? The same state that defaulted on every major promise it made to the same veterans? (This year we're going to catch up on pensions. No, really, trust us this time.) The state should concentrate on the national interest. They have enough medals for display purposes from now to doomsday. They don't need to steal any more at the airport or from auction houses. They probably haven't catalogued the ones they repatriated in 1938. Too many, I suppose.

      "The profiteers are to be shot at the place of the crime." -- Lenin; "Unless the state IS the profiteer." -- Chuck In Oregon

      Hmmm ... Outlaw coin collecting and confiscate coins over 50 years old. Just a minute here. Sounds like free money to me. The state issued the coins, it didn't promise anyone they could keep them ... AND NOW WE WANT THEM BACK, YOU SUBVERSIVE CRIMINALS. And tell 'em it's for the kids ... and pensions ... and roads ... Wait. Didn't FDR try something like that?

      "When coin collecting is outlawed, only outlaws will have coins." Boys, I think this one may have legs.



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