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    Chuck In Oregon

    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Chuck In Oregon

    1. I just got back from a visit to Tbilisi, Georgia. While I was there I took possession of a few things I had bought since my last visit in 2009. This jeton is one of them and I'll share a few more in the coming week or so.

      This is a 1928 jeton "For Riding and Fencing" earned by Vladimir Pavelovich Kolesnikov. He served with Zhukov in the 1930s and eventually became a colonel and CO of the 206th Shooters Division of the Red Army. He was killed on 5-1-1944 and is buried in the Ukraine.

      Does anyone know what the 4KD might stand for?



    2. Here is an example for your consideration. I have always believed it authentic and still do. It compares well with the above images. I have attached an "enhanced" image below that brings out the lines in the cross. Other opinions are welcome, especially if you can authenticate or de-bunk with some certainty.


    3. Hello IG

      I spent 16 weeks working in Yerevan in 2007. I lived at the Marriott and I think I visited the flea market at least once every weekend. There wasn't all that much else to do.

      As you go down the steps from the open air tool sellers there is a guy on the left with a bunch of minor medals and badges. However, if you talk to him and ask him, he'll probably pull out his better things. I bought a few minor badges from him but what I value much more were some excellent documents and posters that he had. Check him out, he has a table next to the wall and his buddy has one in the center of the aisle.

      After you go across the street and get past the book sellers there is a little old guy with a small stand, mostly some things along the low wall plus a board or two. He is a friendly and fair guy and he came up with a couple of interesting things and some good documents.

      All the way at the back by the beer stands is a crippled guy with a couple of tables of badges and medals. He does a good business and had a couple of high-end things that I couldn't afford and some more ordinary things that I did buy.

      There's one other guy on the left as you go toward the back, a small stand with some good items. He used to go up to Tbilisi a lot but he got in visa trouble for entering Georgia via Abkhazia, so I don't think he goes up there any more, at least not under his own passport. He probably had the best authentic items of anyone I saw there. There are LOTS of fakes there but I assume you already know that.

      Of course, that was the situation in 2007 but I'd be surprised if it has changed all that much.

      My time in Yerevan wasn't as enjoyable as the 3-1/2 years I spent in Tbilisi but it was OK and I'd go again if the opportunity presented itself. I spent a lot of warm evenings eating ice cream at the city park. Armenian food isn't as good as Georgian, either. Every time I asked about a good restaurant, somebody would say "There's this great Georgian restaurant out on The Ring." However, there is also a good Lebanese restaurant just around the corner from the Marriott.


    4. When I tried to access the URL in post #3 I got the following warning:

      Reported Attack Page!

      This web page at ilpilot.narod.ru has been reported as an attack page and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

      Attack pages try to install programs that steal private information, use your computer to attack others, or damage your system.

      Some attack pages intentionally distribute harmful software, but many are compromised without the knowledge or permission of their owners.

      My browser is Firefox 3.6.3. I've heard that Firefox can sometimes give false warnings regarding legitimate URLs. Nevertheless, I'm not going back there. It's safer for me to believe the warning than to try to prove it wrong. Now I'm wondering if I should post a general warning to the board or just leave it alone. Any suggestions?


    5. Here are two more examples. I'm confident of the authenticity of the one on the left side and equally suspicious of the one on the right. Since I've never seen a reference to this medal in other than silver I've always thought that this is a fake. The worn silver wash on the one on the right is pretty apparent, as is the strange color. Still, I kept it because, well, because I keep stuff like this.

      Parish Schools Medals - Reverse-590x329.jpg

      Parish Schools Medals - Obverse-590x324.jpg

    6. Hello Ulsterman

      Don't have a clue what was behind this sentence. In 1923 it might have been ties (current or past) to the Menshevik or White movements. Remember, Georgia wasn't conquered until 1921 and there was a major violent revolt in 1924, savagely put down by (I think) the 11th Red Army, re-named the Caucasus Red Army. There was plenty of opposition. I have 1-2 Caucasus Red Army items from that period. Pretty scarce stuff.

      I also have 2-3 entire Cheka capital crime case files from the very early days, including one of a Chekist officer who was pardoned the first time, executed the second time around for being a train robber and gang leader. I found them at the Tbilisi Dry Bridge Flea Market years ago. When independence came the KGB archives were ransacked and a lot of this stuff was burned or otherwise destroyed or stolen. Some of it stayed around and you still find it here and there. No one understands why a crazy foreigner would want this stuff. I'd share the files here but I don't know how to post such voluminous things. I can't even figure out how to use them on my web site.

      I've been around but not too active. I've spent the spring and summer supporting my darlin' wife in her battle with breast cancer. Surgery, chemo, radiation, the whole nine yards. She has five more daily radiation treatments to go, the next one in three hours. She is in the "burst" phase and is suffering very angry and irritating 1st degree radiation burns. Who knew? Anyway, next Tuesday is her last treatment. The prognosis is good. She had an unrelated cancer 13 years ago and this has renewed a lot of old fears but there are no indications for other than a full recovery.

      The orphanage goes very well. One of our girls got married last year and lives with her husband, a young small businessman, and his family in Telavi. I saw her in March and she looks just great and very happy. I took her and a few of the oldest kids out to a great supper when I was there. It was a rare privilege. This year we're bringing in a tutor for the 12th-grade (equivalent) students who show college potential. I don't select them, of course, but our teachers do. The national exams are very difficult but if we can get some kids successfully through them they will be admitted for free. We have high hopes.

      Always good to hear from you my friend, and to read your posts.


    7. Here's a pair of unusual documents. One is an execution order for one Sandro Ivanovich Gvsalia. The other is a confirmation message that he was, indeed, executed on June 27, 1923, in Senaki Prison, Republic of Georgia.

      If this belongs in another forum, or if it is somehow inappropriate here, I won't resent it if it is moved or deleted. I post these as minor historical documents of some interest.


    8. This image includes three police badges from Georgia, two of them from Tbilisi.

      The top badge most closely resembles Aver-8 item 1836, which is an illustration only rather than a photo. It is also described as an RKM ranker?s breast badge, 1923-26. There are a couple of differences from the book. This one appears to be solid brass (and is definitely heavy enough) and has crude blue, rather than red, enamel and Georgian letters instead of a Cyrillic RSFSR. That?s as close as I can get. The blue enamel might suggest a GRU version, I guess, but my references don?t show one.

      The lower two badges are specifically from Tiflis (Tbilisi). I think they are Tbilisi Criminal Investigation Department badges. I was told (but cannot substantiate) that the one of the left is for a detective/officer and the one on the right is for an ordinary investigator. The badge on the right does not have a badge number attachment but is does have a small ?24? stamped on the reverse.

      None of my references show any of these variations. I suppose if I had a good "Badges of the Republics? reference I could check there. Anyone know where I might get one?

      I'd like to see some of your early badges, so please jump on in.


    9. I?d like to start a thread on early Soviet police badges. Nearly all my things come from Georgia, including these first five badges, so that?s what I can contribute.

      In the first image, the smaller badge on the left is similar to item 1841 in Avers-8 but with less detail, much poorer enamel and no visible design beneath the enamel. It is grey metal rather than gilt. Avers describes 1841 - the silver variant - as a hat badge for RKM officers, 1926-30. The example in the book is gilt or brass, a ranker?s variant. Replacement screwplate.

      The larger badge on the right most closely resembles Avers-8 item 1849 which is described as an RKM ranker?s breast badge, 1923. The only obvious difference is there is no portion below the banner that might have born a badge number.

      These examples are pretty crude, nothing like the quality of the RSFSR examples in the books. I don?t think they?re fakes, though. I think they?re just local rush-job badges from a chaotic period in a far-away republic. Neither appears problematic under a black light.


    10. Is this really Bill Dienna? Where you been, Bill? They just let you out?

      That's a great photo. WW II's smallest awards ceremony. In case of bad weather they could've moved it indoors... to a three-holer. Is there a story about how you came into possession of this picture? Nice find.

      Nice exchange of awards, too. Good for the morale, will go a long ways toward establishing post-war harmony.

      The poor 1LT must have arrived on May 10.


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