Hello, I'll try to be organised: 4th post: 2 - 10? r?giment du g?nie (10th engineer regiment) 5th post: 2 - 3? r?giment de cuirassiers (armor) 6th post: 1 - Escadron de chasse 2/2 C?te d'or (air force squadron n?2, with the name of a province) 2- 3? r?giment d'infanterie (3d infantry regiment) 7th post: 2 - 6? division blind?e (6th armored ivision, which exited befor the 6th light armored division and they don't have the same badge) 3 - 5? r?giment de cuirassiers (armor) 8th post: 4 - 4? division blind?e (4th armored division) 9th post: 2? corps d'arm?e (2nd army corps) 10th post: Force d'Action Rapide (Rapid Reaction Corps) 12th post: 17? r?giment du g?nie parachutiste (17th parachute engineer regiment) 13th post: 11? division parachutiste (11th airborne division) 14th post: 1? division blind?e ou 1? brigade m?canis?e (1st armored division or 1st mechanised brgade; they have the same badge because the brigade received the traditions of the brigade) - ? - ? - somebody belonging to the army aviation but coming from artillery - 61? r?giment d'artillerie (61th artillery regiment) - ? - ? - Troupes de marine (Marines) I hope it is clear enough Noir 7