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    Bryan Poon

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    Everything posted by Bryan Poon

    1. Prussian Republic Lifesaving Medal (This one came with the award document, I will scan it later.) Obs Rev
    2. Hi All Wish you enjoy my collection. I will keep update this thread with my collection photos. At this moment I post my Lifesaving Medal collection first. Table of Contents for This Thread Lifesaving Medals collection 3rd Reich Medal Bars collection 3rd Reich Campaign Awards collection HJ Badges collection Mother Crosses collection 3rd Reich DRK and EDV Badges collection EKII collection Cheers Bryan
    3. Hi Gents Can I say that mine is WW2 era??? http://www.geocities.com/bkobp/germanEmpir...s/ge_ek1_2.html The hinge, pin and catch are matched the set up in 1939 EKI. Cheers Bryan
    4. Hi Naoki May we have the chance to take a close look to your cased Army Para Badge? Thanks Bryan
    5. Bryan Poon

      Chiang Wei-kuo

      Searching by WEGO Chiang, some more info: http://www.gebirgsjaeger.4mg.com/kopold3.htm
    6. Bryan Poon

      Chiang Wei-kuo

      Hi Found more from the web: http://big5.chinataiwan.org/tsh/shzh/20080...0717_699559.htm This web page introduced Chiang's book - An Autobiography of Him in Oral I captured the following paragraph there and will highlight some points in English "一九三六年德國萊謝勞將軍(General Von Reichenan)到中國協助訓練陸軍,即將緯國介紹給萊將軍,希望萊幫緯國到德國學軍事。 一九三六年十月底,緯國在上海登船,船經馬六甲海峽,停檳城、巴拉灣,再橫越印度洋,停孟買,經紅海、蘇伊士運河,十一月十九日,在馬賽登陸,由中國駐德大使館人員,經巴黎接到柏林。由譚伯羽(譚延閩之長子)接待,並進柏林大學語言先修班習德文,啟用德文名字??WEGO。先住在一個義大利太太的家庭,稍後遷入一位德國太太的家庭,除在學校念德文外,回家後德國太太(緯國稱德國媽媽)與他講德文,要他背短文,說笑話,記名人演講摘要,並改正一些音節或文法錯誤。也要他在自己朋友面前公開?演講?,故其德文進步神速。 依照德國的規定,進入軍官學校前,必須接受入伍訓練一年。即在正規部隊內,插進入伍生一二人,隨部隊訓練。一九三七年九月,緯國依此規定分配在山地兵第一師第九十八團第二營第五連,接受入伍訓練,包括基本訓練與山地兵訓練。前者是以班教練為主,各個單兵教練皆在班教練中完成,讓士兵一開始就有全班性作戰概念,如何相互掩護,協同作戰,全班行動,不塑造個人英雄;後者攀登山頂,背馱裝備,山地行軍,限制喝水,以及習慣寒冷山風吹襲等等。緯國在接受入伍生訓練時,曾參加兩次行軍。一次是德奧合併,他們進軍到奧國邊界,另一次到捷克作戰,佔領捷克蘇臺登區。 入伍生訓練完成後,一九三八年九月,分配到慕尼黑軍校,接受為期一年的軍官教育。此一訓練以營連戰術為主,同時學習騎馬、劍術、跳舞,才能被視為真正德國軍官。在軍校期間,緯國曾被希特勒召見三次,與德國其他將領亦有往來。稍後被派往德國第七軍團見習。軍團在德國稱 ARMY COURT,是介於師與軍之間的戰略單位,借此可以了解德國正規部隊編裝、戰術思想與野戰戰略。一九三九年七月,軍校畢業,分發德國山地兵第八師服務,經柏林到波蘭邊境第八師報到。八月中旬奉命回國,九月一日德國進軍波蘭(歐戰發生),十六日緯國在阿姆斯特丹登船,直航紐約。" - General Von Reichenan visited China in Oct 1936 to help China to train the Chinese Army - Chiang arrived Marseille at 19th November 1936 and then went to Berlin througn Paris - After Arrived Germany, he named himself "WEGO" - He joined the German Army at September 1937 (pre-requested procedure before joining the Military Academy) - He attends the Munich Military Academy at September 1938, training in 7th Corps (I am not sure it should translate to Corps or not but this Corps (?) is also called "ARMY COURT") - He graduated from the Munich Military Academy at July 1939 - Finally he leaved the German Army at the mid of August 1939....so he shouldn't have the chance to join the invasion of Poland Ok, from his autobiography, there is no mention on Spanish Civil War and Legion Condor but I will try to tranlate which division and troop he joined. Yep I had the information. Cheers Bryan
    7. Bryan Poon

      Chiang Wei-kuo

      Hi From a Taiwanese (may not be) website http://irepublic.blogspot.com/2006/10/blog-post_08.html, I only found the following sentence: 蔣緯國更被送往德國慕尼黑官校,畢業後參與禿鷹軍團投入血腥的西班牙內戰,隨後也參與吞併奧地利與波蘭的戰事。 It say "After graduated from the Munich Military Academy, Chiang joined Legion Condor and Spanish Civil War. He also joined the invasion of Poland afterward." Cheers Bryan
    8. Bryan Poon

      Chiang Wei-kuo

      The photos..... Chiang Wei-kuo as an officer candidate in the Wehrmacht. The shoulder boards indicate the rank of Fahnenjunker.
    9. Cased example!!!!! My first time to see a case came with the portable version!!!! :love:
    10. Hi love4history, Nice start. Wish you will get many good stuffs into you collection. Cheers BP
    11. Dear All May I have your opinions on the following badge? Thanks Bryan
    12. Hi Rick, I have no idea on what made this badge. It is not in my collection Here is another one from my collection. Cheers Bryan
    13. Hi All Is this a good one? Cheers BP
    14. Hello Eddie Thanks a lot for the clarification. Regards Bryan
    15. Verify a buyer or gain the money from he/she? I will choose the second one first for sure :rolleyes:
    16. Rhein/Ruhr badges came without sword.....um....I have one with 2 pairs of clasps "Grenzschutz 1919-20" and "Rhein/Rhur 1923-24". This example is came with a pair of swords. I think this pair of swards is due to the clasps "Grenzschutz 1919-20". During finding the information for Schlageter Badge, I found one of the US dealers mentioned that Schlageter Badge is difficult to get one and much scarce nowaday. He/she say that he can easily find over 1000 EKII and hard to find 1 Schlageter Badge...is this possible and real?
    17. Dear Eddie Thanks for your great help. Very useful: - prove again, human translation is the best. - clarify the meaning of bottom swords - understand more the background of the badge The description in this site is much better than other sites I watched. Thanks again. All the best Bryan
    18. Online translator give me the feeling of all words........... :unsure:
    19. Hi Taz Thank you. I like to see more information about this. I will try to translate it by online translator. Cheers Bryan
    20. Dear All Could anyone of you help for the infromation about this badge? I would like to know what's the clasp mean in this badge? How many combination of the clasps which will mounted on this badge? Thanks and regards BP
    21. Hi Tom Thank you very much. I will try to get one. Cheers Bryan
    22. Hi All Please help. How to stop rust in EK? Cheers BP
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