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    The Prussian

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    Posts posted by The Prussian

    1. Hello Lew!

      There is nothing special written...


      Lieber Emil!

      Besten Dank für Deine letzte(?) Karte. Ich bin auf einige Tage in Urlaub. Hoffe Dich aber bald wieder in Joht. (probably Johannisthal) zu treffen. Wann ich komme, weiß ich noch nicht genau. Es kommt darauf an, wie mein Urlaub genehmigt wird.

      Auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen verbleibe ich mit herzlichen Grüßen, Dein Eugen

      Düsseldorf den 2.11.15


      Dear Emil!

      Thank you very much for your last card. I am on holiday for a few days. But hope to see you again soon in Joht. (probably Johannisthal) again soon. I don't yet know exactly when I'll be there. It depends on how my holiday is approved.

      I look forward to seeing you again soon with best regards, Eugen

      Düsseldorf 2.11.15

      The card goes to:


      Emil Hasenkamp



      Waldstraße 8 / Guillemot

      A Guillemot lived in Waldstr.8. So Hasenkamp lived as a lodger with Guillemot (he was Kfm. = Kaufmann = salesman)

      Johannisthal was the plaace of the Marine-Landflieger-Abteilung (Naval Land Aircraft Department)


      Hasenkamp died in 1917:




    2. Hello!

      An interesting photo!


      He promoted to Leutnant 17.9.06, his first ranklist entry was in 1909 (already with KO4!)



      17.9.06: Leutnant

      28.11.14: Oberleutnant

      18.4.16: Hauptmann



      1909: 3./Pi.Btl.4 (KO4)

      1910: 3./Pi.Btl.4 (KO4, GSF3b)

      1911.1912: commanded to Militärtechnische Akademie (Military Technical Academy)

      Autumn 1912-1913: 2./Pi.Btl.4

      Autumn 1913-1914: 4./Pi.Btl.4


      Unfortunately I couldn´t find him in the war-history of the bataillon. Probably after his promotion to Oberleutnant he changed the unit...


    3. Hello David!

      In 1830, Oldenburg had two infantry regiments with to battalions each. Each regiment had a reserve-battailon which had one reserve and one depot-company, One was in Lübeck, the other one in Birkenfeld.

      Source: "In Wehr und Waffen" (Wehrbürger, Söldner und Soldaten in Oldenburg und den Hansestädten),

      Peter Galperin, Motorbuch Verlag 1983, ISBN 3-87943-963-X

    4. Hello Claudio!

      Something about Alfred Galle (FuAR = Foot-Artillerie-Regiment; GFuAR = Garde-Foot-Artillerie-Regiment)):


      Patent Second Lieutenant: 18.8.95

      Patent Premier-Lieutenant: 21.5.06

      Appointed to Hauptmann 20.2.12, Patent: 1.10.12

      Patent Major: 20.9.18


      1896-1897: Sec.Lt. 4./FuAR14

      1898: commanded to "Artillerie und Ingenieur-Schule"

      1899-1900: 6./FuAR14

      Autumn 1900-1902: Adjutant I./FuAR14

      1903: 1./FuAR14

      1904: commanded to "Artillerie-Werkstatt in Straßburg im Elsaß)

      1905: commanded to service at "Luftschiffer-Bataillon"

      1906: 3./FUaR14

      1907: GFuAR, but commanded  to service at "1.Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment"

      1908-1910: Leader of Bespannungs-Abteilung (draught horse detachment) of GFaR

      1911-1914: 6./GFuAR


      Ranklist of honour: Major a.D. (retired), died April 15, 1921,


    5. Hello Joel!

      By the way: He also was Leader of 40th Infantry-Brigade (just a couple of days, from August 29, 1914 until around September 1914.

      He was born August 14, 1862, and he died May 3, 1946.

      He was commander of IR77 from August 2, 1914 until January 14, 1915. Then he left the active army, became "z.D." (Zur Disposition gestellt, set to disposition) and became commander of Landwehr-Bezirk  ("district") Lübeck.

      Promotion to Oberstleutnant: April 18, 1913

      He received the "Charakter" as Oberst (Colonel) April 18, 1915.

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