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    The Prussian

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      Essen, Rhine Province, Prussia
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      Uniforms and history of formations of the german army 1870-1933.
      Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Heereskunde e.V.

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    1. Hello! I´m not sure... IR68 was hungarian one. From 1903-1914 the regiment and its bataillons were in different towns. By example Budapest, Sarajevo, Szolnok, Semlin and Zemun. I coulnd´t find a match with the coat-of-arms. Check this out: https://www.richard-militaria.at/militaria-bis-1918/kappen-und-patriotische-abzeichen/54310/k.u.k.-kappenabzeichen-rad-8-b.4.-reitende-artillerie-division-8.-batterie-4.
    2. Hello Jan! I checked the ranklist again. The only one I found was an Oberleutnant Michaelis in Kamerun. Could you please show us the paper with the name?
    3. Hello Jan! I coudn´t find a Michell in the ranklist of honour. Do you know his last rank or unit?
    4. Hello! I´ve got this nice photo of a gun, maybe a howitzer? I checked my books and the internet, but I couldn´t find this one. Because of the house in the background the photo could have been taken in Italy. It seems to be about a 155m. It looks like a french 155mm M17, but the counterweight is half-round. Normally they were square. Maybe italian 210 or 260mm? Note the additional "bars" at the wheel. For what? Unfortunatly I can´t read the letters, it reads like a M224 or anything else. Thanks a lot for your help!
    5. Hello! According to the ranklist of honour there was only one General Freiherr v. Schaky auf Schönfeld recalled in WWI. The one who served in 1870/71. Unfortunately the are no first names, but Maximilian had the Iron Cross of 70/71. In 14/18 he was Commanding Officer of Munich. Later General of the cavalry a.D. (a.D. = außer Dienst = off duty)
    6. Hello! Does anyone has more infos about that one? I couldn´t find a lot, even if germans received it...
    7. Two guys, one thought... Yes, the missing edgings... but the inner circle looks like the Bene Merenti. Difficult to see...
    8. Hello Bernd! Yes, you´re right! He was just mentioned as Lt. So the sender probably was wrong... Here is the list of the officers, deputy-officers and NCOs, taken by the regimental history.
    9. Hello! Ah, ok. My fault. I thought the ribbon belonged to the cross... But a closer look proofed, that I was wrong. The ribbon really looks like the Prinz Alfons! The cross could be the Bene Merenti, but I don´t see the black edgings of the cross-arms, but that can be an optical illusion. Unfortunately I couldn´t find any infos about awards he received after 1918.
    10. Hello! Good work! But it´s strange! I couldn´t find anything, Schlodder was Lieutenant...
    11. Check this out... https://www.ebay.de/itm/393891922824 I don´t have an idea... Maybe the Militär-Sanitäts-Orden? https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Militär-Sanitäts-Orden The medal was received from 1914-1921. Maybe he received it after the war?
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