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    The Prussian

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    Posts posted by The Prussian

    1. If I were in Munich, I should take my lorry with me to take away all the papers I´d like to read... But I´ve never been there

      About the EW with the crown, I agree with you. The only thing, I´ve read about it, is i n the "Katalog der Uniformabzeichen der deutschen Freikorps", under "Freikorps Oberland". There ain´t no photo, but two photos of normally EWs with the text: "Abzeichen der Kompanie Oestreicher (ohne Krone)" (without crown). But I don´t know what that means according to the EW

    2. Hello gentlemen!

      Does someone have informations about a german pilot, called Heinrich Ponath?

      There were several lieutenants named Ponath, two of them died in the war, one served as an officer in the Reichswehr.

      But I don´t have any information about Heinrich.

      The shows him in the uniform of the 1st Garde-Grenadier-Regment. But his name in not mentioned in any Rangliste. He survived and became an officer in the Wehrmacht too, but I couldn´t find any informations.

      Thank you very much in advance

    3. Hello AK1915!

      Well, you´re right with your thoughts about wearing that badge. I think, no one can solve the problem clearly. Remember, it was war, and a lot of soldiers have seen the Edelweiss badges, and they said to themselves "we are in the Alpenkorps, so why not wearing that badge?" If forbidden, or not... A lot of soldiers wore the austrian Kappenabzeichen, even they were restricted to wear. I think, they wore the badges down there -no officer would have blame them for that. Back in Germany, it was another case...

      I had my informations about the w.Geb.Bttr.6 from the brilliant book "Handbuch der Vebände und Truppen des deutschen Heeres, Feldartillerie, vol.2".

      You are right about the bayer.Geb.Art.Abt.2

      It was set up ba the stel.Gen.Kdo.I.bav.AK (preuss. KM 30.5.15 and 1.6.15 and bav.KM from 22.5.15

      The w.Geb.Bttr.6 left this unit in february 1917 and joined the w.Geb.Art.Abt.4

      The battle order of the bayer.Geb.Art.Abt. was:

      w.Geb.Bttr.6 (until feb.1917)

      bayer.Geb.Bttr. 12

      bayer.Geb.Bttr. 7

      bayer.Geb.Bttr. 8 H (Haubitze). in this unit a 1/2 würt. platoon served in the w.Geb.Bttr.11

      The 2nd Abt. belonged to the Alpenkorps from may 1915 until july 1917

    4. Hello AK1915!

      First of all I want to welcome you here in this forum.

      Well, you offered us three intresting thesis.

      1) I don´t think so. If it happened, we surely had read anything about that

      2 and 3) It was possible, that some units changed their "colours". By example the Geb.Bttr.1 became later in june 1915 the württ.Geb.Bttr.11

      About the württ. troops, wearing an Edelweiss, I simply assume, they bought it themselves somewhere and put it at their headgear.

      According to the württ. Geb.Bttr.N°6:

      Set up 8.3.1915, mobile at 1.4.1915

      The replacements came from the würt.2.Ers.Bttr. that was under command of the bavaraian Ers.Abt./Geb.Art.Abt.2 and 4.

      The würt.Geb.Btr.6 later came (spring 1917) instead of the bav.Geb.Bttr.12 to the württ.Geb.Art.Abt.4.

      So we have a order of battle for the württ.Geb.Art.4

      set up september 1915:

      württ.Geb.Bttr.11 (former 1.Geb.Bttr.)

      bav.Geb.Bttr.12 (later changed with württ.Geb.Bttr.6)


      preuss. Geb.Haub.Zug 1

      We see, we have three württ. units, served in the württ.Geb.Abt.4. This Abt. belonged to the Alpenkorps from 2.10.17-25.10.17 and 14.1.18-21.1.18

      This fact makes me thinking, that they wore their Edelweiss not officially.

      What do you think?

    5. Hi AlecH!

      I´m still not sure, if the crowned Edelweiss was worn by those units. I have read, that the crowned one was worn by the Freikorps Oberland.

      They also had the ones with three big and three small pollens (like Freikorps Schwaben).

      The short history of the Edelweiss is, that the first ones were worn by the k.u.k. Landwehr-Gebirgstruppen. In 1907 that were the two Tiroler Landesschützenregimenter (a third one from 1909) and the k.u.k. Landwehr-Inf-Rgt "Klagenfurt" N°4, since 1911 the k.u.k. Landwehr-Inf.Rgt.N°27 "Laibach". Those troops wore the collar Edelweiss with the stem. Metal pattern by NCOs and Mannschaften and a cloth one worn by officers (#81).

      In 1914 Erzherzog Joseph-Ferdinand spent a new Edelweiss to the troops of the XIV.Korps (Innsbruck). This one was a non-stemed one with seven golden pollens.

      This one was given to the german Alpenkorps. Probably it´s the one shown in thread 18.

      But don´t forget, that some Alpenkorps units had a stamp of the DÖAV Edelweiss!

      I collected all patterns of Edelweis (including WWII), hoping that some of them were originally worn by Alpenkorps men. They wore all different kinds og the Edelweiss, but probably the one in #18 is the one, that was in the 20.000 pieces box. (I assume - no proof...)

    6. Right now, I have the following informations. Unfortunately the tank numbers are NOT the numbers, with whom the tanks are marked...

      Royal Tank Corps

      March 1916

      Company A

      Det.1 (1,2,3)

      Det.2 (4,5,6)

      Det.3 (7,8,9)

      Det.4 (10,11,12)

      Company B

      Det.1 (13,14,15)

      Det.2 (16,17,18 )

      Det.3 (19,20,21)

      Det.4 (22,23,24)

      Company C

      Det.1 (25,26,27)

      Det.2 (28,29,30)

      Det.3 (31,32,33)

      Det.4 (34,35,36)

      Company D

      Det.1 (37,38,39)

      Det.2 (40,41,42)

      Det.3 (43,44,45)

      Det.4 (46,47,48 )

      added September 1916 :

      Company E

      Det.1 (49,50,51)

      Det.2 (52,53,54)

      Det.3 (55,56,57)

      Det.4 (58,59,60)

      Company F

      Det.1 (61,62,63)

      Det.2 (64,65,66)

      Det.3 (67,68,69)

      Det.4 (70,71,72)

      added November 1916 :

      Company G

      Det.1 (73,74,75)

      Det.2 (76,77,78 )

      Det.3 (79,80,81)

      Det:4 (82,83,84)

      Company H

      Det.1 (85,86,87)

      Det:2 (88,89,90)

      Det.3 (91,92,93)

      Det.4 (94,95,96)

      1917 the companies changed into bataillons:

      Bataillon A

      Company 1

      Det.1 (1,2,3)

      Det.2 (4,5,6)

      Det.3 (7,8,9)

      Det.4 (10,11,12)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (13,14,15)

      Det.2 (16,17,18 )

      Det.3 (19,20,21)

      Det.4 (22,23,24)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (25,26,27)

      Det.2 (28,29,30)

      Det.3 (31,32,33)

      Det.4 (34,35,36)

      Bataillon B

      Company 1

      Det.1 (37,38,39)

      Det.2 (40,41,42)

      Det.3 (43,44,45)

      Det.4 (46,47,48 )

      Company 2

      Det.1 (49,50,51)

      Det.2 (52,53,54)

      Det.3 (55,56,57)

      Det.4 (58,59,60)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (61,62,63)

      Det.2 (64,65,66)

      Det.3 (67,68,69)

      Det.4 (70,71,72)

      Bataillon C

      Company 1

      Det.1 (73,74,75)

      Det.2 (76,77,78 )

      Det.3 (79,80,81)

      Det.4 (82,83,84)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (85,86,87)

      Det.2 (88,89,90)

      Det.3 (91,92,93)

      Det.4 (94,95,96)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (97,98,99)

      Det.2 (100,101,102)

      Det.3 (103,104,105)

      Det.4 (106,107,108 )

      Bataillon D

      Company 1

      Det.1 (109,110,111)

      Det.2 (112,113,114)

      Det.3 (115,116,117)

      Det.4 (118,119,120)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (121,122,123)

      Det.2 (124,125,126)

      Det.3 (127,128,129)

      Det.4 (130,131,132)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (133,134,135)

      Det.2 (136,137,138 )

      Det.3 (139,140,141)

      Det.4 (142,143,144)

      Bataillon E

      Company 1

      Det.1 (145,146,147)

      Det.2 (148,149,150)

      Det.3 (151,152,153)

      Det.4 (154,155,156)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (157,158,159)

      Det.2 (160,161,162)

      Det.3 (163,164,165)

      Det.4 (166,167,168 )

      Company 3

      Det.1 (169,170,171)

      Det.2 (172,173,174)

      Det.3 (175,176,177)

      Det.4 (178,179,180)

      Bataillon F

      Company 1

      Det.1 (181,182,183)

      Det.2 (184,185,186)

      Det.3 (187,188,189)

      Det.4 (190,191,192)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (193,194,195)

      Det.2 (196,197,198 )

      Det.3 (199,200,201)

      Det.4 (202,203,204)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (205,206,207)

      Det.2 (208,209,210)

      Det.3 (211,212,213)

      Det.4 (214,215,216)

      Bataillon G

      Company 1

      Det.1 (217,218,219)

      Det.2 (220,221,222)

      Det.3 (223,224,225)

      Det.4 (226,227,228 )

      Company 2

      Det.1 (229,230,231)

      Det.2 (232,233,234)

      Det.3 (235,236,237)

      Det.4 (238,239,240)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (241,242,243)

      Det.2 (244,245,246)

      Det.3 (247,248,249)

      Det.4 (250,251,252)

      Bataillon H

      Company 1

      Det.1 (253,254,255)

      Det.2 (256,257,258 )

      Det.3 (259,260,261)

      Det.4 (262,263,264)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (265,266,267)

      Det.2 (268,269,270)

      Det.3 (271,272,273)

      Det.4 (274,275,276)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (277,278,279)

      Det.2 (280,281,282)

      Det.3 (282,284,285)

      Det.4 (286,287,288 )

      since January 1918 the corps raised up to15 Bataillone. The letters changed into numbers

      Bataillon 1

      Company 1

      Det.1 (1,2,3)

      Det.2 (4,5,6)

      Det.3 (7,8,9)

      Det.4 (10,11,12)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (13,14,15)

      Det.2 (16,17,18 )

      Det.3 (19,20,21)

      Det.4 (22,23,24)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (25,26,27)

      Det.2 (28,29,30)

      Det.3 (31,32,33)

      Det.4 (34,35,36)

      Bataillon 2

      Company 1

      Det.1 (37,38,39)

      Det.2 (40,41,42)

      Det.3 (43,44,45)

      Det.4 (46,47,48 )

      Company 2

      Det.1 (49,50,51)

      Det.2 (52,53,54)

      Det.3 (55,56,57)

      Det.4 (58,59,60)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (61,62,63)

      Det.2 (64,65,66)

      Det.3 (67,68,69)

      Det.4 (70,71,72)

      Bataillon 3

      Company 1

      Det.1 (73,74,75)

      Det.2 (76,77,78 )

      Det.3 (79,80,81)

      Det.4 (82,83,84)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (85,86,87)

      Det.2 (88,89,90)

      Det.3 (91,92,93)

      Det.4 (94,95,96)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (97,98,99)

      Det.2 (100,101,102)

      Det.3 (103,104,105)

      Det.4 (106,107,108 )

      Bataillon 4

      Company 1

      Det.1 (109,110,111)

      Det.2 (112,113,114)

      Det.3 (115,116,117)

      Det.4 (118,119,120)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (121,122,123)

      Det.2 (124,125,126)

      Det.3 (127,128,129)

      Det.4 (130,131,132)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (133,134,135)

      Det.2 (136,137,138 )

      Det.3 (139,140,141)

      Det.4 (142,143,144)

      Bataillon 5

      Company 1

      Det.1 (145,146,147)

      Det.2 (148,149,150)

      Det.3 (151,152,153)

      Det.4 (154,155,156)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (157,158,159)

      Det.2 (160,161,162)

      Det.3 (163,164,165)

      Det.4 (166,167,168 )

      Company 3

      Det.1 (169,170,171)

      Det.2 (172,173,174)

      Det.3 (175,176,177)

      Det.4 (178,179,180)

      Bataillon 6

      Company 1

      Det.1 (181,182,183)

      Det.2 (184,185,186)

      Det.3 (187,188,189)

      Det.4 (190,191,192)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (193,194,195)

      Det.2 (196,197,198 )

      Det.3 (199,200,201)

      Det.4 (202,203,204)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (205,206,207)

      Det.2 (208,209,210)

      Det.3 (211,212,213)

      Det.4 (214,215,216)

      Bataillon 7

      Company 1

      Det.1 (217,218,219)

      Det.2 (220,221,222)

      Det.3 (223,224,225)

      Det.4 (226,227,228 )

      Company 2

      Det.1 (229,230,231)

      Det.2 (232,233,234)

      Det.3 (235,236,237)

      Det.4 (238,239,240)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (241,242,243)

      Det.2 (244,245,246)

      Det.3 (247,248,249)

      Det.4 (250,251,252)

      Bataillon 8

      Company 1

      Det.1 (253,254,255)

      Det.2 (256,257,258 )

      Det.3 (259,260,261)

      Det.4 (262,263,264)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (265,266,267)

      Det.2 (268,269,270)

      Det.3 (271,272,273)

      Det.4 (274,275,276)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (277,278,279)

      Det.2 (280,281,282)

      Det.3 (283,284,285)

      Det.4 (286,287,288 )

      Bataillon 9

      Company 1

      Det.1 (289,290,291)

      Det.2 (292,293,294)

      Det.3 (295,296,297)

      Det.4 (298,299,300)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (301,302,303)

      Det.2 (304,305,306)

      Det.3 (307,308,309)

      Det.4 (310,311,312)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (313,314,315)

      Det.2 (316,317,318 )

      Det.3 (319,320,321)

      Det.4 (322,323,324)

      Bataillon 10

      Company 1

      Det.1 (325,326,327)

      Det.2 (328,329,330)

      Det.3 (331,332,333)

      Det.4 (334,335,336)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (337,338,339)

      Det.2 (340,341,342)

      Det.3 (343,344,345)

      Det.4 (346,347,348 )

      Company 3

      Det.1 (349,350,351)

      Det.2 (352,353,354)

      Det.3 (355,356,357)

      Det.4 (358,359,360)

      Bataillon 11

      Company 1

      Det.1 (361,362,363)

      Det.2 (364,365,366)

      Det.3 (367,368,369)

      Det.4 (370,371,372)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (373,374,375)

      Det.2 (376,377,378 )

      Det.3 (379,380,381)

      Det.4 (382,383,384)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (385,386,387)

      Det.2 (388,389,390)

      Det.3 (391,392,393)

      Det.4 (394,395,396)

      Bataillon 12

      Company 1

      Det.1 (397,398,399)

      Det.2 (400,401,402)

      Det.3 (403,404,405)

      Det.4 (406,407,408 )

      Company 2

      Det.1 (409,410,411)

      Det.2 (412,413,414)

      Det.3 (415,416,417)

      Det.4 (418,419,420)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (421,422,423)

      Det.2 (424,425,426)

      Det.3 (427,428,429)

      Det.4 (430,431,432)

      Bataillon 13

      Company 1

      Det.1 (433,434,435)

      Det.2 (436,437,438 )

      Det.3 (439,440,441)

      Det.4 (442,443,444)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (445,446,447)

      Det.2 (448,449,450)

      Det.3 (451,452,453)

      Det.4 (454,455,456)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (457,458,459)

      Det.2 (460,461,462)

      Det.3 (463,464,465)

      Det.4 (466,467,468 )

      Bataillon 14

      Company 1

      Det.1 (469,470,471)

      Det.2 (472,473,474)

      Det.3 (475,476,477)

      Det.4 (478,479,480)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (481,482,483)

      Det.2 (484,485,486)

      Det.3 (487,488,489)

      Det.4 (490,491,492)

      Company 3

      Det.1 (493,494,495)

      Det.2 (496,497,498 )

      Det.3 (499,500,501)

      Det.4 (502,503,504)

      Bataillon 15

      Company 1

      Det.1 (505,506,507)

      Det.2 (508,509,510)

      Det.3 (511,512,513)

      Det.4 (514,515,516)

      Company 2

      Det.1 (517,518,519)

      Det.2 (520,521,522)

      Det.3 (523,524,525)

      Det.4 (526,527,528 )

      Company 3

      Det.1 (529,530,531)

      Det.2 (532,533,534)

      Det.3 (535,536,537)

      Det.4 (538,539,540)

      In addition I have the following informations about "baptized" tanks:

      B-8 (2556 - Banshee)

      B-9 (2667 - Black Bess)

      B-24 (8035 - Brigand)

      B-28 (2080 - Black Arrow)

      B-30 (Bally Hackle II)

      B-36 (2896 - Bayardo)

      B-57 (2873 - Blarney Castle)

      C-14 (2883 -Culloden)

      C-47 (Conquerer)

      C-51 (2732 - Chaperon)

      D-12 (716)

      D-26 (799)

      D-28 (586)

      E-43 (Eldorado)

      F-1 (Firespite)

      F-2 (Frivolous)

      F-3 (Frolic)

      F-4 (Flirt)

      F-5 (Firefly/Fervent)

      F-6 (Feu d´artifice)

      F-7 (Feu de ciel)

      F-8 (Freemason)

      F-9 (Feu Follet)

      F-10 (Feu d´Enfer)

      F-11 (Fizyama)

      F-12 (2321 - Friar Tuck)

      F-13 (Falcon)

      F-15 (Fifinella)

      F-17 (Follow the crowd)

      F-19 (Fill up)

      F-21 (Five Knights)

      F-22 (Flying Fox)

      F-23 (Foggie)

      F-24 (Friskie)

      F-25 (Fums Up)

      F-26 (Fearless)

      F-27 (Fighting Mac)

      F-28 (Formidable)

      F-30 (Flaming Fire)

      F-31 (Fearnought)

      F-36 (Furious)

      F-37 (Ferocious)

      F-38 (Firefly)

      F-39 (Formosa)

      F-41 (8019 - Fray Bentos)

      F-42 (Faun)

      F-43 (Fritz Phlattner)

      F-45 (Fiducia)

      F-46 (Fay)

      F-47 (Foam/Foralone)

      F-48 (Fiara)

      H-46 (Hyaena)

      H-48 (Hypatia)

      F-49 (Fuiry)

      F-50 (Fay)

      F-51 (Fortuna)

      F-52 (Foam II)

      F-54 (Festina Lente)

      F-55 (Fly-by-night)

      F-56 (Fly Paper/Fan Tan)

      F-57 (Flanders Fly)

      F-58 (Fly Flapper)

      H-49 (High Flyer)

      I-36 (Invincible)

      I-56 (2363)

    7. Hello Tony!

      Thanx for the link. But I do have that book as a pdf data (the 1919 edition).

      The book´s full of informations about the tank battles and the history of the RTC. Unfortunately no infos about the numbers, th names and th different battle ordres during the war.

      I asked the Imperial War Museum, but they too couldn´t help me

    8. Hello Herbert!

      This photo is not artillery. The he should have had a black cap band. This one is too bright. It´s also too bright for infantry, so I assume he wears the unifirm of a dragoon. There were four dragoon regiments in the north (IX and X army corps.) 16, 17, 18, 19.

      177 and 18 had guard litzen, 19 had a black colour, so maybe he belonged to the 16th regiment. (colour yellow)

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