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    Posts posted by arb

    1. Dave,

      Karl Gotthilf Schimmelmann was a sergeant on IR 87 when he was awarded the EK1. The 1877 awards list names 167 enlisted as recipients of the EK1, confirming your suspicion.

      According to the MWB 1890 #28 dated 26.03.1890, he received the PAE at the "Ordensfest 1890" while a Feldwebel in IR 87 (presumablly on the birthday of Kaiser Wilhelm I., 22.03.1890).


    2. Marcin,

      The first document is an award to Sister Franziska Zilla in Hannover. It is "signed" by the presidnet of the Ordens Commission Graf Kanitz.

      The second is an award to Ratsdiener Franz Louis Mädler from Reichenbach i.W. and is "signed by Friedrich August

      The third is to Herrn Hugo Schroeder and is signed by Admiral Ludwig von Schröder


    3. Herrn Louis Becker, Göttingen

      … erfülle ich die traurige Pficht, Ihnen von dem >>> Ihres Sohns Heinrich Mitteilung zu machen.

      In den schweren Kämpfen von 17.09.1918 bei Nancy (??) hat er infolge Artillerie Volltreffers sein Leben seinem Vaterlande opfern müssen.

      Leider was es trotz ??? nicht möglich seine Leiche zu bergen, da das Gefechtsfeld aus taktischen Gründen dem Feinde überlassen werden müsste.

      Die Kompanie betrauert auf ... den Verlust dieses tapferen Soldaten und guten Kameraden. >>>>>>

      Der Gott möge Ihnen in Ihren ... beistehen


      Mr. Louis Becker,.

      I fulfill my sad duty to inform you of the death of your son Heinrich. In the heavy fight near Nancy (not sure) on 17.09.1918, he sacrificed his life for his Fatherland. He was killed by an direct hit from artillery. Despite (every effort???) it was not possible to recover his body, as the battle field had to be left to the enemy for tactical reasons. The company mourns the loss of this brave soldier and good comrade. May God be with you in your .....

      Sergeant Major

    4. While researching the career of an officer who served in the East Asian Expedition Corps from 1901-1904, I found an entry in the 1904 Militär Wochenblatt that shows him receiving the "kaiserlich chinesische Erinnerungs Medaille 1st class" after he returned home. (Imperial Chinese Commemorative Medal)

      Obviously, this medal does not appear in the Ranglisten and I am wondering if any member can provide an image of this medal or any details on it.



    5. Christophe,

      Moritz Ernst Louis Borßdorf had a commission as a Sek.Lt. of 19.07.1865, Prem.Lt. 01.01.1872 and Rittm. 23.07.1875. He left the saxon army on 29.09.1883 as an squadron commander in HR 19. The 1883 saxon Rangliste shows him having the VR1.KD and EK2. He received the "Charakter" as a Major on 10.10.1883. He died 25.06.1896.


    6. Chris,

      Here is some initial information which may help others find more. In 1914, he was a Lt. d.L. I assigned to Landw. Bez. Colmar. He was promoted Lt.d.R. d. IR 169 on 18.08.1902. At some point, he transferred to the Landw. I. Aufg.

      He was promoted Oberlt. on 08.11.1914 and then to Hptm. on 26.01.1916. It is interesting to note that when he was promoted Hptm. he was assigned to IR 143. This point may be one well suited for more research.


    7. That is Gustav Ernst von Roerdanz. He retried from the army on 21.04.1911 as a Major and battalion commander in Inf R. 137 and in 1913 was living in Wiesbaden.

      He was born 28.07.1863, entered the army on 16.04.1881 in IR 111 from the corps of cadets. He served as a company commander in Füs. R. 35 from 1896-1899 then transferred to the Haupt Kadettenanstalt 1899-1902, then was a company commander in Gren. R. 109 1902-1906 and then on to Inf. R. 70 as a major attached to the staff before a transfer to IR 137 and retirement.

      He was recalled at the outbreak of the war and was a battalion commander in Landwehr Inf. R. 81 (02.08.14-28.12.1914) at the time this postcard was written. He served as commander of four Ersatz battalions between 10.03.15 and 01.06.17 before moving to the consulate in den Haag. On 11.11.17 he was put in charge of the "Postzentrale d. stellv. Gen. St." He died in December 1923 in Hamburg.


    8. Chris,

      Es gibt nicht viel...

      28.04.18 EK 2 erhalten

      15.06.18 Liste 1: unter der in Kriegsgefangenschaft befindlichen und jetzt in Holland untergebrachten Angehörigen der Schutztruppe

      15.11.18 in der Liste 2 der bisher in Holland untergebrachten und jetzt als Austauschgefangene zurückgekehrten Angehörigen der Schutztruppe.


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