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    Posts posted by arb

    1. Chris,

      I've gone through the 1917 Verordnungsblatt but could not find any item from the Milit. Kabinett with that date.

      However, there are many requests for the current location of EK recipients. As an example, on page 54 article "Nr. 116. Nachforschung nach Inhabern des Eisernen Kreuzes II. Klasse." 31 Januar 1917

      This requests the location of certain NCOs who received the EKII in 1915. The last sentence of the item states:

      "Behufs Ausstellung der für das Militärkabinett bestimmten Auszüge wird um Angabe an Obost ersucht, wo sich die Genannten jetzt befinden."

      This same sentence is used at the end of each of the requests regarding EK recipients, and there does not seem to be any indications that the soldiers were wounded.

      Perhaps we might assume that the Militärkabinett was attempting to document each award of the EK and the fate of the recipients??? Your document seems to fulfill that requirement.

      I'll keep looking for the actual document.


    2. Joe,

      I've had a copy of the "Anhaltspunkte für den Generalstabsdienst" for a number of years. It is marked "Nur für den Dienstgebrauch" and stamped "GEHEIM" (presumably after mobilization). My edition was printed in 1914 and is numbered "49" The second part, "Taschenbuch des Generalstabsoffiziers", marked "GEHEIM" is numbered 84.

      I'd be curious to know the numbers of your copy- just to get a sense of how many might have been published each year.



    3. Here are his career highlights:

      10.02.18-12.03.18 Commander of Gren. Regt. zu Pferde 3

      18.04.13-1914 Adjutant in 1. Kavallerie Inspektion

      10.04.06-18.04.13 squadron commander in Ulan R. 14

      22.03.03-13.02.06 squadron commander in Gren. Regt. zu Pferde 3

      17.09.87-17.05.02 squadron officer in Hus. R. 16

      18.03.86 left the Corps of Cadets, attached to Husaren R. 16

      Oberstlt. 22-03-18

      Major 27-01-13

      Rittm 17-05-02

      Oberlt. 12-09-95

      Leutn 17-09-87

    4. Claudio,

      Yet another wonderful bar, congratulations!

      Carl von der Hellen was born 27.11.1879 in Rotterdam, son of a salesman.

      He graduated the Corps of Cadets in 1898 and was commissioned a Sek.Lt. in IR 91 on 18.08.1899. Oberlt. on 17.09.1909 and Hptm. 01.10.1913.

      He was a battalion and regimental adjutant as well. He finished the war as a Hptm. The 1916 Gotha Briefadel. Taschenbuch lists him as a "Brigade Adjutant"

      He died on 12.04.1969 in Oldenburg. The 1978 directory of former cadets mentioned that he was an Oberstlt. a.D., so, we can assume he was reactivated during the war.


    5. Hugo Meiler (*14.06.1877 in Schongau)

      24.10.00 Leutn.

      25.06.10 Oberlt.

      02.08.14 Führ. 7./b. Res. Fußart. R. 1

      20.10.14 Hptm.

      20.08.15 wounded

      28.09.15 left hospital and returned to 7./bay. Res. Fußart. R. 1

      01.12.16 transferred as commander of I./2. bay. Fußart. R.

      11.02.18-20.03.18 instructor of a gunnery course at Grafenwöhr

      20.03.18 returned to I./2. bay. Fußart. R.

      27.01.19 assigned to the "Bespannungs" Abtl. of 1. bay. Fußart. R.

      11.03.19 transferred to the staff of 1. bay. Fußart. R.

      15.06.19 referent for returning POWs in the Ministry for Military Affairs

      09.10.19 attached to the "Abwicklungsstelle" (demobilization staff) of 1. bay. Fußart, R.

      09.04.20 left military service

      MVO4mschw 23.11.14

      EK2 27.09.14

      EK1 31.03.16

      Österr. Mil. Verd. Kreuz II. Kl. m. KD 25.08.15

      PHOvH3mSchw 10.06.18

      From several of his entries on ancestry.com.


    6. Chris,

      It is indeed a small world. In late June, I exchanged e-mails with a German collector who was considering purchasing items attributed to this Leutn. Haverkamp (to include a GIBRALTAR sleeveband and decorations). There was a letter describing him and his mention in Jünger's book.

      What I discovered then was that there was an Offizier-Aspirant des Beurlaubtenstandes Haverkamp (von Landwehr Bezirk Bremen) who was promoted Leutn.d.R. d. Inf. R. 75 on 22.05.1915. I believe this is the man in question even though it appears he never was assigned to FR 73.


    7. Andreas,

      I believe he is Adolf Fach (*30.05.1849 in Dingelsdorf (Baden) The 1899 Almanach of military musicians shows all these awards except the Baden Zähr. Löwen.

      In 1899 he was the Obermusikmeister d. bay. 1. Inf. R.

      01.06.1866 in Bad. Gren. R. 110 eingetr.

      Kgl. Bay.Obermusikmmeister 31.07.1890, Mil. Mus. Dir. 14.12.1888, Musikmeister 13.12.1886, Stabshoboist 21.03.1877


    8. The lack of first names is the hallmark of contemporary Prussian sources and later works based on them. This makes researching the Prussians maddeningly slow and challenging.

      If the book you are looking for is that compilation of awards listed in the Militär Wochenblatt (MWB) during the war, you will be faced with the same problem- no first names!!! In those cases of a common name, it's next to impossible to know from this list which family member was given an award. Realize ahead of time that it will be rather frustrating looking for a particular individual. That said, using other sources such as the MWB themselves can be more informative, as the often, but not always, give the type (i.e. reserve regiment, Brigade, division, etc) of unit under the officer's command. This can be helpful if you know that man's rank and unit and general date pf the award.

      As you work longer in this area, you will discover that there are sources of names, but they are hard to find and expensive. While there is an amazing amount of information available on the web today, it's not all there.

      If you have a specific question, post it on this forum. Several members should be able to assist.


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