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Series: Birds (Vögel unserer Heimat) 10 colored painted porcelain veneers, there are differences in paint, size and finish. Aid to the winter war 1941/42 (Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1941/42). Reich-wide street collection (Reichstraßensammlung), carried out by the SA, SS, NSKK (Nationalsozialistische Kraftfahrkorps) and NSFK (Nationalsozialistische Flieger-Korps). Collection date: February 28 to March 1, 1942.
Series: Ancient Germanic battle axes (Altgermanische Kampfbeile und Streitäxte) 8 zinc badges with semi-precious stones embedded in various colors. Collection date: 19/20/ October -1940 Aid to the winter war 1940/41 (Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1940/41). Reich-wide street collection (Reichstraßensammlung), carried out by RLB (Reichsluftschutzbund), RdK (Reichsbund der Kinderreichen) and NSKOV (Nationalsozialistische Kriegsopferversorgung). Badges made in Idar-Oberste. 43,801,998 units were made PRESS PHOTOGRAPH, SIZE 13X18cm .. Felssteinbeil - Stone Ax Streitaxt - Battle Ax Dolchstab - Dagger Staff Steinhacke - Stone Peak Amazonenaxt - Amazonian Ax Tüllenbeil - Bronze Ax Amazonenaxt - Amazonian Ax Streitaxt - Battle Ax ! Danger! Blocking period until October 13 8 Badges of semi-precious stones for collection Image nº A 86,578 Published 7.10.40. This collection is dedicated to Battle Axes, 8 models.
Thank you very much Mister "The Prussian" for the information, very interesting. ----------------------- A modest photograph of a member of the RDB wearing the insignia, unfortunately the image is not clear. One of my dreams as a collector is to get a very sharp and clear photo of someone wearing this badge. Cheers¡¡
I am very happy, today I add my first Tinnie to my collection. - 1.Bez. Beamtentreffen Zwickau 14.15/4/1934 RDB April 1934, the first RDB Day in the city of Ziwckau, sure there were Parades, Speeches, Brotherhood Lunch, etc... By studying the part, I have been able to identify the manufacturer... It has been a great surprise !!! The manufacturer is M1/29 Otto Riedel, Zwickau, Curiously, this Jeweler and Engraver still exists... . I enclose a current photo of the Coat of Arms of the City of Ziwckau, reflected in the Tinnie. Zwickau's patron saint is Saint Maurice, and around 1560 it was added to the city's coat of arms. Unusually, he was included neither as a fantastical figure nor as a noble savage, but as a mace-wielding black soldier. In the representation of Tinnie, Saint Maurice does not come out.... For me, this little piece is wonderful, I am very happy, my collection gains in quality. Chers ¡¡
Today is my lucky day. Two fellow forum members have helped me by sharing their knowledge. Thank you very much Mr. GreyC for your translation. Thank you very much Mr. Scowen for identifying that medal, I really appreciate it, it seems amazing to me. In the world of the Collector there are Great people¡¡
RDB Collection by Gefreiter Otto Here you have the RDB identification card of the 2nd model, more attractive and somewhat more elaborate than the first type. In this case, what is rare and exclusive is that it is a woman, an Official. The card belonged to Marianne Vogel, just 26 years old. I have not been able to translate her office.... This model appears from 1940 to 1942. It is a card measuring 13cm by 9.08cm, on cardboard and with a beautiful emblem of the RDB insignia. At the end of 1942, the RDB already had more than 1.800.000 members. Approximate translation of the document: This card serves as identification for members of the RDB. It must be kept with care, its loss must be notified immediately to the RDB The fraudulent use in the management of social benefits of this identification will be immediately reported to the RDB. In the event of death, the owner of this card must have the membership fees up to date to enjoy all the social benefits These cards usually have a single number at the bottom that I don't even know what they meant. Administrative Region or similar? So far I have seen these numbers: 1 - Kempten "Gau Westmark" - Dresden "Gau Sachsen" 2 - Auerbach "Gau Sachsen" 3 - Minden "Westfalen-Nord" 10 - Dirschau "Danzig – Westpreußen" 13 - Halle "Gau Sachsen" I have not been able to translate her office....
RDB Collection by Gefreiter Otto ¡¡ latest acquisitions ¡¡ modest but interesting pieces for my RDB Collection. 1935 photograph of a Civil Marine with the insignia of the RDB I have not been able to identify this badge in the form of a Rosette, I think it is red and the White circle On the Cap badge, this veteran sailor wears an Iron Cross ... Badge with RZM 5 Walter Simon- Dresden, a very little known manufacturer that uses a unique type of safety pin in this badge.
RDB Collection by Gefreiter Otto ¡¡ latest acquisitions ¡¡ modest but interesting pieces for my RDB Collection. Badge with Logo KW Karl Wurster, Markneukirchen RDB member card of the 2nd model, started in January 1937, without number. This card includes the years 1937, 1938 and 1939, each month when paying the established fee, the corresponding stamp was added. This booklet has a pink shade between January 1937 and November 1938, I think I keep unglued stamps inside, or else someone very delicately peeled off all the seals ..... a pity . RDB stamp stamped from 1937 with an unusual Greenish Gray color, normally these stamps are Pink.
RDB Collection by Gefreiter Otto Badge M1/63 Steinhauer & Lück, Lüdenscheid. This eagle has a short thick beak, the crest on the head is slightly wavy. This badge stands out for its robustness, it is twice as thick as other similar pieces. If the eagle of the RDB from other manufacturers is only 1 millimeter thick, the part from Steinhauer & Lück is more than 2 mm thick. The firm Steinhauer & Lück still exists today: https://www.steinlueck.de/ Steinhauer & Luck, Ludenscheid Full License LDO L/16 Other codes and licenses of this manufacturer: M1/63 Shields and Badges (Decorations and Medals) M4/49 Belt Buckles RZM number 4
Almanach der Deutsche Beamten 1935 Book size of 19 X 25 cm, with 208 pages, Berlin publisher: Verlag Beamtenpresse, (1934). First edition. December 17, 1934 Linen hardcover, cover illustrated in color. The cover depicts a painting by Professor Horn showing Hitler, Hans Heinrich Lammers, Hermann Neef, and other Nazi officials during the dedication of the Reich Chancellery flag on October 27, 1933. Frontispiece portraits in b/w of Hitler and Reich Minister Wilhelm Frick with their signatures in facsimile. Foreword by Reich Minister Dr. Frick Roll of honor (The dead of November 9, 1923 Munich Feldherrnhalle) 25-page section of a 1935 calendar. Written article Gauleiter Reichsstatthalter Sprenger: “The development of the official National Socialist movement” Written article Hermann Neef (head office manager of the main office for officials of the Reich leadership of the NSDAP and Reich administrator of the Association of German Reich Officials): “The development of the system of official organization to National Socialism” Josef Reusch: “The organizational and social thought of the Association of German Reich Officials” Hans Hohnfeldt (head of the main office for officials in the Reich directorate of the NSDAP): “The main office for officials in the Reich directorate of the NSDAP” - Heinrich Lammers: “State leadership in the Third Reich” Josef Buchhorn (Gauamtsleiter for press and culture at the Gau Kurmark of the NSDAP) “Great Officials” Other articles: The history of the movement of NS officials in the districts The labor service as a school for German civil servants The official residences Objectives and tasks of the official Nazi press The racial will of National Socialism in legislation The development of civil service law in the National Socialist state Photos showing portraits of Hermann Göring, Generaloberst Werner von Blomberg, Constantin Freiherr von Neurath, Rudolf Heß, and others, as well as images of Hitler at Nazi rallies and other mass gatherings, etc. Section with small photographs of the 50 most important officials accompanied by brief biographies. Full page photos such as: "Hermann Neef with the Führer in Berchtesgaden / The RDB almanac is a corporate book with a lot of information related to this organization, with a calendar, statistics, propaganda, internal organization chart, promotional photographs, lists of political leaders, information on each Gau, meeting schedule, etc... Hermann Neef, Reichsbeamtenführer of the RDB, head of the Academy of Administration in Berlin, and head of the Public Services Office in the Reich Directorate. Propaganda of the newspaper Nationalsozialistische Beamten-Zeitung (N.S.B.Z.) "National-Socialist Official Gazette". The N.S.B.Z. It was the official newspaper of the public servants of the Reich, 24 issues were printed each year.
The RDB badge is a modest piece, but very varied... When I have more eagles, I will take comparative photos, it will be very interesting. RDB markings - M1/14 Matthias. Oeschsler & Sohn, Ansbach - Logo M.O.S Matthias. Oeschsler & Sohn, Ansbach - M1/34 Karl Wurster, Markneukirchen RARE - KW logo Karl Wurster, Markneukirchen - M1/63 Steinhauer & Lück, Lüdenscheid - Steinhauer & Luck logo - M1/151 Rudolf Schanes, Wien - M1/152 Franz Jungwirth, Wien RARE - M1/154 Unknown - M1/155 Schwertner & Cie, Eggenberg b. graz RARE - NR Unknown - RZM 5 Walter Simon- Dresden RARE - RZM 8 Ferdinand Wagner, Pforzhein - 11 RZM C. Balmberger, Nuremberg RARE - RZM 75 Otto Schickle, Pforzheim RARE - A F.W. Assmann & Söhne RARE * the RARE mark represents the most difficult manufacturers to find. * Marked in green the markings that I already have.
RDB Collection by Gefreiter Otto Badge marking M.O.S Matthias. Oeschsler & Sohn, Ansbach (M1/14) This eagle has a short beak topped at the top by cere , a waxy structure which covers the base of the bills of some bird species from a handful of families including raptors. To highlight the protuberance or wax on the beak.
RDB Collection by Gefreiter Otto Postcard printed by NS volkswirtschaft by Hermann Neef , head of department for civil servants. 1933/34 Winter Relief Campaign. The NS Volkswohlfahrt (NSV)—National Socialist Social Welfare—was a welfare organization active during the Third Reich The Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (translatable into English as "Winter Relief of the German People"), commonly known by its abbreviated form Winterhilfswerk WHW, was an annual campaign carried out by the NS Volkswohlfahrt to help finance works charity. This image, I think is the first official image of the RDB Leader.