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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Bob

    1. I guess I wasn't far off with the 3K for an SB prediction by end of this year.

      Anyway, haven't posted much in recent months for a number of reasons:

      - fewer purchases (not much coming available which I am very interested in + what is tends to be quite expensive)

      - what I did acquire was not "new" to the forum anyway

      - spent much more time / $ on Albanian awards

      I agree, research will be an exciting new trigger for this forum. For me, I've slowly decided to focus myself though and stop the slippery slope I was on of the Mongolian badges:)

      When I return from vacation, I will in fact - first time in a long time - get my shoeboxes full of awards out and unpack everything for a thorough review... will see if - with more knowledge now - I spot any interesting new things on old items and post them here.

    2. That's probably a long service (Ukaz 3 November 1944) Red Banner that was about 50,000 serial numbers AFTER they started making them as hanging ones.

      There are LOTS of really good fakes coming out of Georgia (both cloth and metal) so unless you're getting a really good deal on it (which in that case I'd question it anyway, as the prices in Russia and the FSU are often higher than in the West) or it's just something you HAVE to have, I think you might have better luck buying when you get back to Europe/US.


      Thanks for your help. 150 USD offer doesn't seem like the right price to take such risk. We'll see what else this person will bring with him next time I see him.

    3. Hi,

      Travelling in Georgia (the Soviet, not the US version) and have opportunity to buys some interesting items... however, don't have all sources easily at hand:(

      Quick question... Order of Red Banner nr 151387... would it make sense that this is originally a screwback converted to a pinback? Any specific things to look out for?

      Thanks... seeing seller this saterday so appreciate any help. He might have some more items incl. Lenin, Labour Hero star, etc for sale... will have the unenviable task of deciding to take risk and purchase without being able to review books etc. first or to walk away.... arghhh



    4. Yep, I went back and looked. They appear to have passed through another dealer's hands before they arrived at their current repository. Have you contacted the original seller to see what else might be available??

      At those prices, I think my mongolian collection will have to stay as it is unfortunately. The days of "cheap" SB's are clearly over... although it's surprising to see such a huge price difference between 2 dealer sites... having said that, with SB's going for 1600-1800 USD in Mongolia right now, I suspect 3.000 USD from dealer will not be the end point.

      Please all, stay away from Albanian awards so I can have them all! :cheeky:

    5. Valid points Ed. In a discussion most people naturally "dislike"

      Don't want to get into a "I'm less immoral than rest" kind of discussion, but at least people on forum such as this try to share their collections and contribute to collective learning on the phaleristic area. Still is better in my eyes than some first class super expense order "disappearing" and never beingg heard of again. :unsure:

    6. And if you put one of his items in your "reminder" list on eBay, boom... there'd be a bid from Chinggisron on it just to tempt you to get bidding yourself:)

      Speaking of the items this person is selling, what are all your thoughts on the numbered inventor medal that he is selling?

    7. As per Eric's post elsewhere about further expanding eastern european socialist state research, I figured a good way to start would be to use the existing forum. So let's use this thread for any books that would be useful for studying Albanian awards.

      First, a very useful book for learning about the history of Albania:

      - History of the Party of Labor of Albania

      - Published by the "Institute of Marxist-Leninist Studies at the Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania"

      I bought it on eBay but see now that you can also easily get it on www.abe.com

      Have just browsed through it sofar but provides a lot of interesting background to an important institution as well as dates / names in Albanian history.

    8. I agree that a "country" focus would probably be best to limit scope and achieve comprehensive coverage in a specific area.

      I'd like to contribute obviously to the Albania section. I also have a limited interest also in Bulgarian awards - for which quite some good documentation already exists. In addition, I'd be interested in zooming in on Moldovan awards although I have nothing to contribute there yet (apart from my recommendation on Moldovan wine and Moldovan ladies).

      This of course next to my other interests, mainly being Mongolian awards and - more recently - Order of Tamara (for which I am trying to bit by bit collect available knowledge into one English language document much like Eric's on Albanian awards but obviously limited to only 1 award).

      Did I mention focus? :P

    9. Let's by default make this thread into the "badge" thread then. Will inevitably contain mainly undocumented items.

      5 badges (right to left):

      - Distinguished Artist Badge

      - Distinguished Military Cadet Badge

      - Distinguished Soldier Badge

      - unknown

      - 40th Liberation Anniversary Badge

      Apart from the first one, generally not "high quality" (i.e. a cheapish flimsy feel / weight) although the design isn't half bad.

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