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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Bob

    1. Here some very recent ones. Probably allowing us to identify sources of manufacturing or "batches" as there are similarities (e.g. compare the one with Uighur script vs. a previously posted one also with it and similar reverse).

      Unfortunately, these have a much more "mass production" feel to them.

      left to right



      - OUTSTANDING MINER (why a different one?)

    2. Here's a "Distinguished Oil Worker and Distinguished Miner" Title... not easy to find despite it's "simple" design.

      I.e. a "3rd class" in this area - awarded for 4 years service.

      Much to my surprise, while travelling through Albania, I was able to see that Albania had quite an oil industry... although not the most environmentally friendly and certainly in need of some "de-rusting"! :)

    3. Here's then - after a long hard search! - an Order of the Red Star 1st class in virtually perfectly new condition.

      Also note the interesting difference in attachment of the pin on the reverse of ribbon.

      What still intrigues me is whether these higher classes (also for other awards) were awarded much like the Glory of the Soviet awards (i.e. second time you do something good you get second class, third time first class, etc.) or whether it's an estimation of the "merit" of your deed and you can get a first class right away?

    4. Here a nice one as well which recently found its way in my "shoebox full of Mongolian stuff". Came without a booklet :( so it's nice that it did come with a case to keep it nice and warm

      4 rivets, serial number under screwpost

      serial number 2.369

      I have to say, these Mongolian orders never let you down. The design, quality and sheer size / weight are extremely nice.

    5. Have started reading a bit and looking at maps in light of my intended travels to and in Mongolia Q2 next year. For those that have already travelled there, what are the good sites for people interested in military history and in particular Mongolian / Soviet awards?

      Has anybody been in Choibalsan city incl. the Khalkhin Gol War Museum? How about actually travelling to Khalkhin Gol itself (where supposedly the monuments and relics are all over the place)?

      Are there any good markets for buying medals?

      Still in very preliminary phase of planning. Hope to arrange a visit to the state mint (seeing how orders / medals are being made!), among other places.

    6. As Mongolia didn't have enough awards already:

      The highest award of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry

      Explanation of Khiimori - the Spirit

      The spirit is the secret power of the human mind influenced pleasantly from the eternal heaven and the stars to any person for overcoming any bad things or difficulties easily and living with full happiness. The person with spirit is fortunate person whose life and work is successful.

    7. One of the more rare orders. All 3 classes.

      Judging from the condition, I suspect - similar to Mongolia - in Albania there's also been a bit of a sell-off at the local medal vault at central bank. In fact, the fact that so few Albanian awards are on the market and even FEWER award booklets... makes you wonder where there were even any close to significant numbers of these awards awarded at all?

      In any case, a nice award. Almost a bit "modern" looking depiction of the typical black eagle emblem. And an ingenious way to attach the front shield to the award!

    8. That's the sort of price growth you see in the Moscow property market at the moment !

      The interesting thing to note with all these highly priced items is how long they stay in the dealer's list. There are a number of items out there that have been in lists for months now, a sure sign that prices have outstripped demand. The only question is whether the prices will correct, or whether demand will pick up as the Russian economy continues to improve.

      To some extent these super highpriced items are a "marketing tool" though.

      If you are in the market for a Tractor Lenin... you'll probably manage to find your way to these dealers ANYWAY. Putting them on their websites is a surefire way to get "mere mortals" coming back again and again though to browse their website.

    9. JSTOR: Mongolia 1978: Continuing the TransitionIn two symbolic gestures in 1978, Mongolia awarded its highest medal, the Order of Sukhe Bator, to CPSU Politburo members Suslov, Andropov, and Ustinov and ...

      links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0004-4687(197901)19%3A1%3C58%3AM1CTT%3E2.0.CO%3B2-A - Similar pages

      [ More results from links.jstor.org ]

      Anybody with access to above site?

      Also more interesting stuff to be found there:

      JSTOR: Mongolia in the Sino-Soviet DisputeOn March 20, Malinovsky and Colonel-General Pliev (and not General Hsu) received the Mongolian decoration, "Order of Sukhe Bator." In May, July, and August ...

      links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0305-7410(196310%2F12)16%3C75%3AMITSD%3E2.0.CO%3B2-K - Similar pages

    10. Sunday's are always good to flip through Dr B's book and this time what sparked my interest was the awards that Tsedenbal has (page 21).

      In particular: 3 Bulgarian Dimitrov orders!?! Never realized that Mongolia had such close ties to Bulgaria of all places. That's more than his modest 2 Order of Lenin's :P

      How about identifying the awards on the other side of his jacket?

    11. Back to topic (I suspect whoever got Alexei's various goodies will post their new guests here when they arrive, I know I'll post what I got when I get it -- we are starting to sound like our German-collecting cousins whining about Detlev's updates?! -- the last I saw, he still had the nicest thing and best buy on his update, the interior ministry badge) . . .

      Document 2

      (Can we number these for ease in reference whan we have a clue what they are and say.)

      Starting with mysterious things in bichig.

      There's one somewhat similar to this one on eBay right now. May be a path to get some answers.


    12. Hi JC,

      Well, it's at least nice to know that the one from 2 months ago went to somebody here on the forum:)

      I went for the boxed Order of Red Banner of Military Valor + I supplemented it with a nice Bulgarian Dimitrov miniature to add to the early edition Dimitrov Order I have in my collection (although I am not sure whether the early orders were actually issued with a miniature). Not it's just waiting for the mailman to arrive:)


    13. Too late again :speechless:

      Now I had to run off and buy something else again...

      I should have noticed the warning on Alexei's website the first time I entered ;)

      It makes you wonder though, how many collectors of shockworker badges from the exotic country of Mongolia exist? And why aren't they all on this forum!

    14. Came back to this old thread after looking at following old thread on another forum:


      Makes one wonder about the red boxes:

      - first, why are there so few of them? If you received an award in a nice red box wouldn't you take just as good care of the box?

      - secondly, were these cardboard (see the link) boxes purely used at the mint or is that how people would get them? In last case, where'd they then get the red box from?

      Simple questions but difficult to answer :(

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