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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Bob

    1. Very nice picture....

      Enemy at the Gates is the best Soviet Based Word War II produced its a must for any fan of the Soviet Union.

      Its a bit glossy 'Hollywood' but the details in it are fantastic!

      Oh and then there is that girl, nuf said :jumping:

      I suggest you have a look at the German movie called Stalingrad. It has English sub-titles.

    2. First of all, just to be clear, it's not a group (wish it was!).

      Anyway, the polar star is number 2502. My Uighur is a bit rusty so can't decipher a specific date. Can read 1941 at the end of the booklet... but that's no surprise.

      The Soyombo is number 420 (well documented on this site already). Found its way back to western europe again.

      Awaiting obtaining 2 other Soyombo's. A number 373 (first type) and another one documented from the original recipient along with several other orders (but keeping my fingers severely crossed on that last one coming through!). Hopefully more news in a couple of weeks time.

    3. My guess:

      To quote Lord Carnavon as he first peeped into King Tut's tomb: "Things, wonderful things".

      What do I win?

      Prize in this instance is simply the boxes opening - what a pretty sight! :love:

      I in fact prefer the Polar Star... the box is much "heavier" than I expected plus the design is more intricate and, in this case, having a booklet along with it is nice as well.

      Close up of the awardee also included.

    4. An interesting group... 10 awards. One booklet without award unfortunately (hopefully forgotten to put in the envelope upon shipping!). All awarded to a Mr Damda. Let's have a look at his career:)

      1) Honorary Medal of Combat - serial nr "No 854" - awarded on 36-9-26

      WAR IS OVER!

      2) Medal we won - serial nr 3443 - awarded on 46-7-6

      3) Soviet medal "victory over Japan" - awarded 8-?-46

      POST-WAR MILITARY ACHIEVEMENTS - 1 booklet 2 awards

      4) Another Honorary Medal of Combat - serial nr 4521 - awarded on 1953-9-11

      5) Order of Polar Star - serial nr 8143 - awarded 1958-11-15


      6) The record of the people's army (B - N10) with a nice red booklet - no number - awarded 1960-12-9

      TIME TO FILL UP....

      7) 40 years of the MPR (medal missing) - serial nr 14083 - awarded 1961

      8) Soviet 25 years victory badge - no number - presumably awarded sometime 1970

      9) Medal 50 years of the Mongolian people's army - no serial - awarded 1971-3-12

      10) 30th anniversary of victory over militaristic Japan - no serial - awarded 1975-9-3

      11) Shockworker of the 5th 5 year plan - no serial - awarded 1975-7-16

      Now... some interesting pics to follow!

    5. I recently tracked down a cased Foundation of Nation medal at an online auction. Placed a bid weeks in advance... received confirmation of my bid... only to later see that the final hammer price was MUCH lower than my bid. Auction house had screwed up and ignored my bid. I'm still trying to decide whether to get extremely angry or extremely sad... nothing as annoying as coming close after a long hunt and then losing due to a screw up like this :mad:

    6. I seem to vaguely recall that the Turkmenbashi changed the names of the days and months to his names and those of his family. As in, "I'll be back on Fred, the 15th of Johnny." Also, that he had built the largest gold statue in the world. Does that sound close to correct?

      I know that he wears a large black diamond ring. A friend of mine gave it to him. I have occasionally run with some darn big dogs for an old country boy from Oregon. Go figure.

      I'm outa here in, let's see, make it 9-1/2 hours.


      Don't know if statue is the largest... but indeed, there's statues / posters of him EVERYWHERE and the statues are all gold colored. In the main city Ashgabat there is a large gold statue on top of a building in the center of the city. The statue turns around automatically to ensure that Turkmenbashy is always facing the sun :)

    7. :Cat-Scratch: I assume the book is IN Turkmen, which will be as "interesting" trying to figure out as Mongolian!

      The book is in Turkmen WITH English translation fortunately:)

      It's nice to see that all medals have the president (or his mother) depicted on it:)

      Apart from one, the new highest medal (instituted after publication of the book) which I saw in the National Museum. If I recall correctly it's the Order of Rukhnama. Rukhnama is a book written by the president. An important book which every Turkmen must have and you must do an exam in the book in order to proceed in your education. To quote the president: "The Koran is Allah's book, but Rukhnama is a holy book". :P

    8. Just returned from 2.5 weeks of travelling in the former Soviet Socialist Republic of Turkmenistan.

      Picked up a book their containing pictures + background info on all post-Soviet Turkmenistan awards (i.e. all from the Saparmurat Niyazov "dictatorship" era). If anyone is interested, let me know and I can provide info.

      Unfortunately, not a lot of awards to be found in Turkmenistan itself. Did visit some museums which contained awards from, for instance, Heros of Soviet Union... but generally reminders of the Soviet era have been wiped away in the country. Even at the big Tolkuchke bazaar outside Ashgabat I was rather disappointed... mainly low end motherhood medals to be found :(

      Hopefully more luck when I travel to Moscow and subsequently Caucasus in several months.

      Kind regards,


    9. 6624963303

      No, it's not my credit card number but I'm sure you can find a site where you can fill that number in and find... a gold soyombo.

      First pic looks good... great in fact... but:

      - why are the other pics on a different background?

      - and... that first pic looks a bit familiar, didn't you see it on a different website before?

      So you look at the other pics and notice:

      - enamel is lighter and rather "spotted"

      - the ring which should be (and is on the first pic) solidly party of the suspension allowing for the "middle ring" to connect the medal with the suspension appears to be a bit of a DIY job

      - the enamel between the different parts of the Soyombo sign in the central disc is... well, where is it? seems rather crude

      - and the list actually goes on (I received some detailed scans)

      Was considering purchasing it but got scared and walked away. What do you think?

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