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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Bob

    1. Interesting:

      * confirmation of the mongolian award (at least one of them)

      * info on where he fought in 1919-1920... more on that in next post


      Card # (blank) Personal File # 872

      1. Full name: Sorkin Naum Semyonovich

      2. Nationality: Jewish

      3. Possession of foreign languages: English with the help of dictionary

      4. DoB: February 11, 1899

      5. Place of birth: Town Zoporojie, Dnepropetrovskaya oblast

      6. Social status, profession (prior to being drafted to the armed Forces): civil servant

      7. Party membership:

      • Member of CPSU since 1919. Serial number of the Party Membership ID card: 2205698

      • Member of All Soviet Communist Youth Council since (blank)

      • Not a member of the party: (blank)

      • Former membership in other political parties: No

      • Party reprimands and change in party membership: No

      8. Education (Indicate the name of the school, number of classes attended or courses completed, date of the graduation):

       General: Four classes of high primary school in 1914;

       Military: The first Moscow command artillery course in 1920; Highest Artillery School in 1923.

       Political: No

      9. Service in Old (Tsarist) army, the latest post and rank: No

      10. Service in White Guard and foreign armies (service in foreign armies is indicated in case if the officer has not been concurrently in service of the Soviet Amy) No


      Rank bestowed Bestowing Authority Serial number of the decree Date of the decree

      Regiment commissar People’s Commissariat of Defense 00689/p 15.12.1936

      Brigade Commissar People’s Commissariat of Defense 003037 09.07.1940

      Colonel People’s Commissariat of Defense 07718 10.12.1942

      Major General Council of People’s Commissars 02.11.1944

      12. Participation in the Great Patriotic War (when, where and duration):

      From May 1919 to October 1919: Deninkin Front

      From August 1920 to October 1920: Polish Front

      13. Participation in military campaign for the defense of the USSR prior to the Great Patriotic War (where, duration, date): (blank)

      14. Record of captivity or encirclement, when and for how long (for those who have been in enemy encirclement, the information is to be provided by those only who broke the encirclement in non-assigned units) No

      15. State awards and date the awards were bestowed:

      Order of the Red Banner -1945 Mongolian Order of Red Banner - 1931

      Order of the Red Banner - 1946 Medal “XX years to Worker’s and Peasant’s Red Army”

      Order of the Red Star- 1944 Medal for “Victory over Germany in Great Patriotic War 1941-1945”

      Order of the Red Star-1944 Medal for “Victory over Japan”

      16. Type and number of Officer’s ID card: MR-000001 #3086

      17. When drafted to the Armed Forces and which post appointed: Drafted to the Armed Forces on a voluntary basis and appointed as a student to Kharkov artillery command courses on May 12, 1919. Drafted from reserve in June 1933 and again drafted in June 1936.

      18. Service record in the Armed Forces:

      Photo of Sorkin N.S.

      Post and place of service-unit (organisation), division, army, front or district, fleet or flotilla. The dislocation of the unit in peace time Bestowing Authority Serial number of the decree Date of the decree

      Student of Kharkov artillery command courses at Denikin Front May 1919-October 1919

      Student of the First Moscow artillery courses July 1920

      Commander of Platoon of 11th Horse-artillery Squad, 11th Cavalry Division of 1st Cavalry Army October 1920

      Commander of Platoon of Reserve Artillery Squad of 1st Cavalry Army February 1921

      Assistant to Commander of Artillery Squad of 1st Cavalry Army June 1921

      Assistant to Commander of 16th Special Artillery Squad of Sevastopol Fortress August 1921

      Commander of 16th Special Artillery Squad of Sevastopol Fortress March 1922

      Commander of 15th Special Artillery Squad of Sevastopol Fortress July 1922

      Student of Highest Artillery School July 1923

      Chief of Artillery School of Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Army July 1926

      Assigned to the Cadre Division of General Department of the Red Army Revolutionary Military Council of USSR 570 August 25, 1926

      In reserve

      Drafted to the Red Army Revolutionary Military Council of USSR 1201 June 7, 1933

      Discharged to a prolonged leave People’s Commissariat of Defense 1658 June 28, 1935

      Drafted to the Red Army People’s Commissariat of Defense 00524 June 19, 1936

      Deputy Chief of Division #9 of Intelligence Department of Red Army People’s Commissariat of Defense 00524 June 19, 1936

      Acting Chief of Division #9 of Intelligence Department of Red Army Intelligence Department of Red Army 0256 December 22, 1937

      Acting Chief of Division #5 of Intelligence Department of Red Army Intelligence Department of Red Army 045 March 11, 1938

      Commissioned to Department #5, General Staff of Red Army Department #5 00119 July 9, 1939

      Commissioned to Division #11, General Staff of Red Army 0220 August 9, 1939

      Acting Chief of Special Assignment Division, General Staff of Red Army People’s Commissariat of Defense 05082 December 23, 1939

      Chief of Special Assignment Division, General Staff of Red Army People’s Commissariat of Defense 03036 July 9, 1940

      Chief of Intelligence Division at the Staff of Far-Eastern Military District People’s Commissariat of Defense 0461 February 17, 1941

      Chief of Intelligence Division and Deputy Chief of Staff of Far-Eastern Front Far-Eastern Front 01834 December 30, 1942

      Acting Chief of Special Rifle Brigade # 18, Far-Eastern Front Far-Eastern Front 0308 March 9, 1943

      Chief of Intelligence Division and Deputy Chief of Staff of Far-Eastern Front Far-Eastern Front 0497 May 7, 1943

      Commissioned to General Intelligence Department, General Staff of Red Army General Intelligence Department 0437 April 24, 1947

      Acting Chief of Training Division of Military Diplomatic Academy of Armed Forces of USSR Military Diplomatic Academy 0130 February 2, 1947

      Chief of Intelligence Division and Deputy Chief of Staff of Far-Eastern Military District MoD 1862 September 28, 1948

      Chief of Intelligence and Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence of Far-Eastern Military District MoD 0634 April 14, 1950

      Highest academic course under the Military Academy named after Voroshilov MoD 05048 December 15, 1951

      Deputy Chief of Operative-Tactical Training Faculty at Leningrad Air Force Engineering Academy MoD of USSR 05188 15.11.1952

      Deputy Chief of Faculty of Tactics and History of War Art at Leningrad Air Force Engineering Academy named after Mojaiskyi Commander in Chief of Air Force 040 13.01.1956

      Assigned to the Cadre Division Commander in Chief of Air Force 0532 04.04.1958

      Discharged from the active military service by the Decree of Ministry of Defense #594, June 4, 1958 and registered as reservist at Jdanov Military Commissariat of Leningrad in May, 1959.

      19. Wounds and traumas (when, where): No

      20. Academic posts: No

      21. Academic degrees: No

      22. Record of travel abroad (where, when) and for how long: Special trip

      23. Record of conviction, if “yes”, when, which Court and the length of sentence: No

      24. Family status, full name and DOB of the spouse and children:

      Married. Spouse: Klavdia Georgievna Sorkina (dob 1901).

      Address: Moscow- 57, Peschanay street, DNS-2, flat #37.

      25. Special notes: (blank)

    2. Abbreviated service record card

      1. Full name: Sorkin Naum Semyonovich

      2. DOB: 1899

      3. Nationality: Jewish

      4. Place of birth (according to the latest administrative division): Dnepropetrovskaya Oblast

      5. Party membership:

      • Member of CPSU since 1919.

      • Candidate to a member of CPSU since (blank)

      • Member of All Soviet Communist Youth Council since (blank)

      • Not a member of the party: (blank)

      6. Education (Indicate the name of the school, number of classes attended or courses completed, date of the graduation):

       The first Moscow command artillery course in 1920;

       Highest Artillery School in 1923.


      Rank bestowed Bestowing Authority Serial number of the decree Date of the decree


      8. Marital status, family members and address (blank)

      9. Record of active military service in Soviet Army and Navy. In the Armed Forces since: (blank)

      Order of the Red Banner

      Medal “XX years to Worker’s and Peasant’s Red Army”

      Post and place of service-unit (organization), division, army, front or district, fleet or flotilla. The dislocation of the unit in peace time Bestowing Authority Serial number of the decree Date of the decree

      Chief of Intelligence Division and Deputy Chief of Staff of Far-Eastern Front Far-Eastern Front

      Chief of Special Rifle Brigade # 18, Far-Eastern Front Far-Eastern Front 0308 March 9, 1943

      Chief of Intelligence Division and Deputy Chief of Staff of Far-Eastern Front

      Chief of Intelligence Division and Deputy Chief of Staff of Far-Eastern Front People’s Commissariat of Defense 02439 April 9, 1943

    3. Abbreviated service record card

      1. Full name: Sorkin Naum Semyonovich

      2. DOB: 1899

      3. Nationality: Jewish

      4. Possession of foreign languages: English (good)

      5. Place of birth: Town Zoporojie, Dnepropetrovskaya Oblast

      6. Social status, origin: civil servant

      7. Party membership:

      • Member of CPSU since 1919.

      • Candidate to a member of CPSU since (blank)

      • Member of All Soviet Communist Youth Council since (blank)

      • Not a member of the party: (blank)

      • Former membership in other political parties: (blank)

      • Party reprimands and change in party membership: (blank)

      8. Education (Indicate the name of the school, number of classes attended or courses completed, date of the graduation):

       General: Four classes of high primary school in 1914;

       Military: The first Moscow command artillery course in 1920; Highest Artillery School in 1923.

       Political: (blank)

      9. Service in Old (Tsarist) army: (blank)

      10. Service in White Guard (blank)

      11. Record of captivity or encirclement, when and for how long (for those who have been in enemy encirclement, the information is to be provided by those only who broke the encirclement in non-assigned units) No


      Rank bestowed Bestowing Authority Serial number of the decree Date of the decree

      Colonel People’s Commissariat of Defense 07718 10.12.1942

      13. Participation in the War Fronts: Did not participate

      14. Wounds and traumas: No

      15. State awards (order and medals): No

      16. Family status and address:

      Married. Spouse: Orlovskaya Vera Nikolaevna, town of Habarovsk

      17. Type and serial number of Officer’s ID card: DN 175575. Issue date: May 16, 1944

      Stamp: Card database of Department of Cadres of Artillery

    4. I guess the red stars and 2 of the red banners would be worth researching with the third red banner probably being long service. Anybody know whether the Lenin could be researchable?


      Award Card

      Order booklet # 532872

      Identification card #

      1. Surname: SORKIN

      2. First and parental name: Naum Semyonovich

      3. Military rank: Major-General

      4. Sex: Male

      5. DOB: 1899

      6. Place of birth: Zaporojye town, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic

      7. Party membership (since): a member of All-Soviet Communist Party (of Bolsheviks) since 1919

      8. Education: Secondary

      9. Nationality: Jewish

      10. Drafted to the Red Army (since): 1919-26; 1933-35 and since 1936

      11. The place of service (the name of the unit) and the position held at the moment of awarding: the Staff of the second Far-Eastern Front, Deputy Chief of Staff-Chief of Intelligence Division

      12. The place of service and the position held at the moment: the Staff of the Far-Eastern Military District, Deputy Chief of Staff-Chief of Intelligence Division

      13. Home address of the awarded: Town Toyohara

      14. List of all decorations awarded:

      The name of the orders and medals Serial numbers Serial numbers of documents Number and date of decree of the award

      The Order of Lenin 133190 Uk 17-5-51

      Order of the Red Banner 247548 Z #497635 Decree of the Commander of Soviet Army in Far-East # 06/11 dated Aug 27, 1945

      Order of the Red Star 656998 A#467635 Decree of the Presidium of Supreme Soviet of USSR dated June 4, 1944

      Order of the Red Star 876273 G3092946 Decree of the Presidium of Supreme Soviet of USSR dated Nov 3, 1944

      Medal “XX years to Worker’s and Peasant’s Red Army” #000496 Decree of the Presidium of Supreme Soviet of USSR dated Feb 22, 1938

      Medal for “Victory over Germany in Great Patriotic War 1941-1945” B#08017004 Decree of the Presidium of Supreme Soviet of USSR dated May 9, 1945

      Order of the Red Banner 530435 Uk 30-12-56

      Order of the Red Banner 258082 Uk 5-11-46

      Signature: Sorkin (signed)

      Above information and the signature of the awarded is certified by: Assistant of the Chief of Intelligence Division of the Staff of the Far-Eastern Military District (signed) Major Samarchenko

      (Stamped) Stamp bearing the Seal of USSR titled “Intelligence Division of the Staff of the Far-Eastern Military District”

      Date: March 2, 1946

    5. Step by step will share research as it comes available.



      Individual number: A-763166

      1. Full name: Sorkin Naum Semyonovich

      2. DoB: February 11, 1899

      3. Place of birth: Town Zoporojie

      4. Nationality: Jewish

      5. Party membership: Member of CPSU since 1919

      6. Education:

      • General, political or special civil: Staff course of diplomatic workers in Moscow in 1933.

      • Military including military-political: The first Moscow Soviet Course of Artillery for Commanding officers in 1920. Highest Artillery school having specialized in commanding the platoons and Artillery gun units in 1923. Highest academic course under the Military Academy named after Voroshilov in Moscow in 1952.

      7. Possession of foreign languages including the languages of other Soviet nations: No

      8. Military ranks bestowed:

      Rank Bestowing Authority Serial number of the decree Date of the decree

      Regiment commissar People’s Commissariat of Defense 00689/p 15.12.1936

      Brigade Commissar People’s Commissariat of Defense 003037 09.07.1940

      Colonel People’s Commissariat of Defense 07718 10.12.1942

      Major General Council of People’s Commissars 02.11.1944

      9. Participation in frontlines and partisan’s units:

      Participated in Civil war from May 1919 to October 1919; August 15, 1920 to October 15, 1920.

      Participated in Great Patriotic War against Japan from August 9, 1945 to September 3, 1945.

      10. Marital status: Married.

      Spouse: Klavdia Georgievna Sorkina (dob 1901).

      Special Registration

      13. Full name: Sorkin Naum Semyonovich

      14. Commissioned: (blank)

      15. Registered: Jdanov district military commissariat in Leningrad

      16. Military rank: Major General

      17. Level: Commanding Officer

      18. Type of troops: General military

      19. Code of military specialization: 8

      20. Reservists age level: 3

      21. Health condition: Central Military Medical Commission of the Ministry of Defense of USSR of April 15, 1958. Considered as unfit for military service during the peace time and limited fit (2nd level) for the military service during the wartime by the Decree of #110 dated 1956 of the Ministry of Defense.

      22. Reservists’ retreat attendance: (blank)

      23. Place of work and the rank: Retired according to the Decree# 100.

      24. Home address: Decembrists’ street, apartment 6, flat 10.

      25. Type of the Military reservists ID card: B.D. SN: 00749

      Issued: July 23, 1958

      26. Miscellaneous Notes: (blank)

    6. long hallways with rooms on the side and many display cases, pistols given by hitler, and an attractive group


    7. First, I'd recommend visiting Avsar Ibar's shop in the Grand Bazaar - right in the center of the Bazaar actually. While not a big shop, he manages to pull some pretty amazing items out (Imperial Russian, Austrian, Ottoman, etc.) and is THE orders/medals shop in Istanbul/Turkey. Also, he's a great guy an very knowlegable about Istanbul, orders/medals, etc.

      Here's his shop (notice the Mongolian Sukh Baatar:))

    8. Bingo! Just got a mail from Nota Bene, more than 10 pages of background on Sorkin from the Russian archives - and also another, more clear, picture of him.

      Will get translation rolling and post later (apparently 3 soviet orders of red banner, 2 orders of red star, etc).

    9. Another great addition to your collection Bob.

      And another reminder to get my booklets off the shelf and get the research going. :whistle:


      Jan - yes, by all means - I'd love to see more on this forum!

      With that in mind, here's an example of the power of google... a picture of our friend Sorkin!

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