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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Bob

    1. Will be posting a type 1/2 booklet here later today - a group just arrived by mail (well, I'm assuming it's a group). If it is, would contain 3 orders and it comes with a fully uighuir script award booklet. No picture (and i can't read uighuir)... but there appears to be a clue in the form of a name written in cyrillic on the inside cover of the front page. Ink is faded (and my cyrillic isn't that great...) but it appears to be: "Cogvoi H.C."

      Pics to follow.

    2. While interesting to see, i have to say it's a shake that "old style" design is being left behind. I can understand not putting Choibalsan on a medal anymore and perhaps updating some of the symobolism, but would much rather prefer some continuity in design (and quality!) of awards. If not, they tend to lose character and become more or less generic awards which could be used for just about any country. I guess this is called progress though and I'm just conservative... happens as you get older :blush:

    3. Just finished with my first multi-hour reading (and viewing) session of this book - many more to follow I'm sure.

      To start with the summary: this is an OUTSTANDING piece of work. I can highly recommend it to all with an interest in Mongolian awards as well as those with an interest in Soviet awards:

      - wonderful pictures (both of awards, documents and recipients)

      - immense amount of detail on award regulations, types/variations, awardees, serial numbers, manufacturing sources, etc.

      - LOTS of interesting facts

      I will have to take another weekend along with my "vault" of awards at home to walk through the book in detail and write down all my comments, questions (e.g. why was Dandar's hero title revoked?), and come back to GMIC for discussion.

      Highly recommended!

    4. Whereas this is something apparently dated from 1960:


      There is nothing in this book which appears to bear a serial number indicating that it came with a badge-- I suspect it is a "privileges" book, indicating the Old Partisan had enummerated perks on the subsequent completely pre-printed pages, Soviet style (extra pay, housing allownce, personal service priorities and so on).

      The design of the badge seems very very modern to me, but the enamelwork seems similar to that of the Khasan and Khalkin Gol badges. The weird soldered wire coil channel for the usual undersized flimsy pin in typical of those I see in Red Chinese awards from the late 1940s and 1950s.

      So how old ARE the Partusan badges? What DOES the Book actually do? And who was this recipient?

      I THINK I recognize his name in my book! And it would confirm nr 4 as well... more digging later!

    5. And finally, what appears to be the beginning of page after page of ukaz with names and numbers (of the badge???)

      Keeping my fingers crossed to validate with some Partisan documents in this thread. This could be a treasure trove of information potentialy tied to individual (if numbered) badges !!!

      post-679-074746200 1291674550_thumb.jpg

    6. Praise the people who documented/archived things in Mongolia the past decades!

      Attached scan of an 800 page book with bios on the 1921 Partisans. There are two more parts to this series of 3 books with Partisan bios, am awaiting to get the other two parts as well.

      700 pages of bios, roughly 5 page bio per partisan = 140 per book = 420 in total - not far off past estimates

      post-679-014815200 1291674176_thumb.jpg

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