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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Bob

    1. Will be giving some highlights of Belarus as far as related to phaleristics.

      First, some pics from a small little museum on the war in Afghanistan in the city of Vitsebsk (north of Belarus)

      Second, some pics from the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk. Highly recommendable.

      Third, some pics from the Brest Fortress in Brest of course. Also highly recommendable.

      And finally, while travelling in Lithuania, I stopped right across the border with Belarus in a town near Drushkininkai called Grutas. There's a very nice park there jam packed with old Soviet time period statues... Lenin, Stalin, etc. galore. Also has some very nice exhibitions and you can eat traditional Soviet food from the good old days in the cafeteria:) Great park to wander around, enjoy the socialist realist art and take pics:)

      Will post pics step by step over coming days. The best at the end:)

    2. Mongolian Organization Decides to Award Order to Kim Jong Il

      Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- The Guidance Council of the Federation of Peace and Friendship Organizations of Mongolia on Jan. 18 decided to award its highest order "Star of Friendship" to Kim Jong Il on the occasion of his birthday

    3. SOAS News

      Mongolian Order of the Pole Star Award

      15 Jun 2007

      Emeritus Professor C R Bawden FBA was recently awarded the Mongolian Order of the Pole Star by the Mongolian President on a recent visit to the UK.

      The decree was awarded for Professor Bawden?s efforts in developing relations between Mongolia and the UK, especially in promoting Mongolia, its history and culture to the world and for his contributions to the Mongol state.


      Perhaps GMIC should be getting a Polar Star for contributions to phaleristic research related to Mongolia! :cheers:

    4. They considered him a traitor. He could have stayed quietly behind in England and ridden out the war but he chose to fight instead (and against the wishes of his mother-in-law Wilhelmina).

      Then you are also aware that his pre-Dutch background in Germany is not exactly spotless? I agree, he could have stayed behind but chose to flee the Netherlands instead. A convenience many others did not have.

    5. I collect some (mainly postcards, Feldpost, etc) not out of sympathy with National Socialism but to honour the brave German Fighting Men of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS who did nothing more than fight for their fatherland just like any patriotic person of any other country would and prevent their memories from fading away.

      Curious: so what drove you to collect TR as opposed to, say, militaria of brave fighting men of Poland for instance? You are German?

      One thing I have to give to the Nazi's, they were certainly good at building and consitently communicating a strong brand image. I suspect that is some of the appeal for many TR collectors?

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