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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Bob

    1. Dimensions

      - ribbon: width of 20.00mm and height (excl ring connector) of appr 14.40mm

      - gold star itself has thickness of appr 3.35mm at center and 2.20 at star tip

      - gold star has max widt of 17.4 (star tip to star tip)

      - total = 17.8gr, star only 13.25gr

      Dimensions thus not being fully in alignment with what is currently in Eric's book.

      Unfortunately unnumbered/unmarked... although I'll request from source the "story" behind the star and - if possible - will share here.

      This is probably the first time that a scan of a real star (i.e. not from book) is made available on internet!

    2. During Chernobyl's disaster I lived in Kiev which is only 100 miles away from the nuclear power plant. I remember lots of interesting things happened that spring. For example all buses disappeared from Kiev for three days. As I found out later, they were used to evacuate the entire population of Chernobyl, Pripyat and other smaller towns around the power station. Later those buses returned to regular city lines after short deactivation procedures (just washed them with water).

      I visited Chernobyl and Pripyat while touring through Ukraine by car. Smuggled into the exclusion zone by a local maffia guy who was running the steel reclaim operation from various old reactors there, runnning the gasoline distribution and all transportation in the Chernobyl area.

      Had a blast - up to 100 meters of the reactor. Fun in the Chernobyl bar sipping away cognac with the locals.

      You can also visit it officially as a tourist but requires paying $$$

    3. Shyqyri Ishmi

      Fran Ivanaj

      Shenjaze Juka

      Mustafa Ka?a?i

      Xhemal Kada

      Dino Kalenja

      Hysni Kapo

      Kajo Karafili

      Ali Kelmendi

      Myslym K?ta

      Hasan G?rxhaliu

      Persefoni Kok?dhima

      Tom Kola

      Teki Kolaneci

      Emine Metaj

      Rahman Parllaku

      (hequr titulli)

      Hekuran Pobrati

      Vehbi Hoxha

      Vangjel Argjiri

      Branko Kadia

      Hito ?ako

      (hequr titulli)

      Petrit Dume

      (hequr titulli)

      Abdyl Elmazi

      Jordan Misja

      Jorgo Sulioti

      Hajredin Bylyshi

      Hiqmet Buzi

      Muhamet Prodani

      Ndreko Rino

      Rexhep Kolli

      Sadik Bekteshi

      (hequr titulli)

      Veli Dedi

      Xhoxhi Martini

      Zija Kambo

      Tuk Jakova

      Mehmet Shehu

      Emin Duraku

      Spiro Kote

      Asim Aliko

      as you can see some of the names under have in brakets the words (hequr titulli) meaning title later removed. these were people who once were entitled hero of people but later suposedly betrayed socialism and executed by communist party, they actually were rrivals of Enver hoxha.

      Hello Mr Albania :cheers:

      Could you shed some more light on this thread? Are the names / citations public knowledge and centrally available somewhere for isntance?

    4. Of course there isn't a single way.

      But there are mainstream areas and there are some less popular fields (Mongolia is one of them). It's getting better since some literature has been published on the subject, but still is very much niche market.

      I was just thinking about this from investor's point of view: if you buy something for $12,000, you would hope it would appreciate and you make nice return on your investment. But what's ones exit strategy? If there isn't large enough market - whom are you going to sell to?

      Again, what do I know? There may be plenty of folks to whom paying $12K and more for an order is in the same magnitude as for me paying for a common Red Banner is.

      If you were an investor, wouldn't you choose a more mainstream area precisely for that reason... better liquidity?

      Although I am confident Mongolian awards - the rare ones that is - will appreciate and appreciate over time... for investment purposes, the 12K ones may in fact be much worse than let's say a Soviet order of friendship.



      - USD 1.870, nr 1.918, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2007

      - USD 1.880, nr 1.785, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2007 (boxed)

      - USD 1.950, nr 860, www.russianglory.com - MARCH 2007

      - EURO 1.600 (roughly 2.100 USD), nr 1183, www.huesken.com - MARCH 2007


      - USD 1.680, nr 644, Nota Bene - NOVEMBER 2006



      - USD 2.900, nr 640, www.collectrussia.com


      - EURO 1.650 (roughly 2.200 USD), nr 1514, www.huesken.com

      - USD 2.150, nr 1.837, www.collectrussia.com

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