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    Jurgen Fritz

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    Everything posted by Jurgen Fritz

    1. Hi just show mine here marked I.R.161 11 Kompanie other side a "K" dont know what it stand for? Maker was C.P Goertz /Berlin optic is still clear..
    2. and another GAHR/Muenchen marked Badge... there must be one who knows more? Best Juergen
    3. PPS ad least I proofed that the Workshop "Otto & Karoline GAHR" in Muenchen excisted! (even seen now another (Austrian Style Badge) marked as such. in Bronce with Pin fastener..but REAL? possible cast not stanzed out. & maybe a Clue that GAHR produced this Badges for Austria...
    4. PS ( looked in Feldgrau forum..no Sturmtruppen Abzeichen dort.) looks like only You has here replied to my Request: "GAHR/Muenchen Sturmtruppen Abzeichen" (I appreciate!) ..but disappointing..I had aspected more INFO from Experts here? have a nice Sunday Best Yours Juergen
    5. Hi Andi...well I see someone took Your Photo & made available ? To avoid any further Aggrevation i took the disputed Photo off now & replaced with the Photo of a COPY!OK? - for me using a Photo is for "Research reasons" only to help all who try to get answers..FB Groups are usefull so military discusion forums..Best Yours Juergen
    6. Hello Andi! very sorry didn know that was Your Photo...You must excuse..this Photo was visible/availabe! for anybody on GOOGLE/PINTEREST! not even say that is "YOURS!" ..there are lots Photos/Pics (Of this pariculare Austrian Capbadge) and Pictures of COPYS! I only used this to show the "Cossing Austrian/German Handgrenades"..how come this (Your Badge) was shown in public I use Face Book Groups in this case "Sturmtruppen 18" for my Research?...sorry again hope You understand now...Yours Juergen
    7. Thanks Andi nice Photo collection! for me interesting the "Sturm Soldaten" & the one with "crossed Grenades Arm Badge"..I seen also an (Austrian?) Sturmtruppen capbadge with "Kugelrohr crossed with German Grenade"..there were many "inofficial Badges" maybe some Friend here know more about my researched Badge? Best Yours Juergen
    8. Hallo Andi Gruesse! well Yes ..cloth Badges see Photo with "crossed Handgranades on Sleeve?"The one: "Crown with W" was awarded By "Crown Prinz Wilhelm" himself never made "official" by the Kaiser!..I concentrate on this GAHR marked Badge ( I believe now "Inofficial") but there must have Originals around?..& when sold in Muenchen..German Soldiers surly bought them? ( I read also like the " Totenkopf Kantinen Ringe" Sturmbadges were popular by the new "Wehrmacht" but Trouble! only allowed to wear by 1 WW veterans!.I seen Photos With Skull on the Sleeve Amazing since captured "Flammenwerfer Soldaten" faced torture & Death! ( like Combat Gas this inhuman Weapon shall have be banned!) - now it is! Yours Juergen
    9. Danke Andi...again..so you say there were NO German Metall Badges? all Austrians? but not seen the GAHR Badge as such descibed.also NOT on Austrian Soldier Photos?.I seen indeed only Cloth Badges for German Stosstrupps (Picture) all Sellers/Auctionaers (not only on ebay) describe the GAHR Badge in question as "Imperial German Sturmtruppen Chest Badge!" size about 42mm diagonal.. (some say "Inofficial") what let me think private purchased (after the War?) OK is this a "Dead End?" there must be a Way to find out (still have hope)..Best Regards Yours Juergen
    10. Danke Andi! (Many Thanks to Germany!) Yes I have no Proof sofar just that Otto GAHR/Muenchen produced other Broches and military / Party Regalia.in the 1930s.I just guessing that the (now much copied Badge) was made inofficial for all German "Veteran Soldiers"..and why for Austrians (in Germany!)..here some Broches made by GAHR: would be great found a Catalogue? Thanks & Gruesse nach Deutschland Juergen
    11. some (in 1970s UK!) created a "Beltbuckle" with the "GAHR" Badge? after 50 Years now much liked by Collectors! ( even made as "Tourist Items" in Spain!)
    12. PS "G" mark for "Guenscher Wien" (Vienna) the most Copyied Badge? different to the "GAHR" Marked Badge there are hunderts of Austrian/Hungarian Sturmtruppen Badges? here some:
    13. Hi thanks for Your Interest..some Badges (made in Poland) have a screwback "RZM & SS" marked (I think Fantasie Peaces!) RZM stand for "Reichs Zeug Meisterei"? dont think was used in 1WW? Regards Jurgen Hello Prussian,thanks for Your Interest! well sofar I seen only Austrian "Sturmtruppen Badges" total different to the one (GAHR Muenchen marked one) I shown (OK mabe Copys..but of an "Original"?) The Firm Otto GAHR is welknown especially after Otto GAHRS Death in 1932 ( Widow Karoline took over)..I agree never seen any Photos of Soldiers wore Badges ( "Sturmtruppen" was used for Germans also "Stosstruppen?"..maybe made after the war surly for German Veterans..since Austrians had multiple Badges? ? .."The Stoss Trupps" wore no Ranks nor any Identification in Combat..still searching..but thanks again! Yours Jurgen
    14. Hello gents! Greetings..any INFO very welcommen! There are many "Copys/Replicas" (in different Shapes) on ebay see Photos I believe there was an original made by the Muenchen Workshop Otto GAHR? Photo..maybe made "inofficial" after the 1WW had ended to purchase by former Soldiers ? Thanks for Interest Best regards Juergen
    15. Hi Gents greetings. Here some Photos of my BGS (Bundes Grenzschutz Helmet maybe iteresting? it show the different Camonets I&2 Modell and the "Swamp" Camo Cover Stamped Size 64 ( 53 - 57 ) and "LS" in a Circle I found is the Maker Linneman& Schnetzer Ahlen West Germany. any Commends verry wel come! Thanks & regards Jurgen
    16. Hello Gents Greetings..since Original German Para (FJ) Helmets are too expensive for me (~ $6000 and more!) have to do with a Repkica. ~ $60.- Indian Copy My Question here on the Experts: was there ( dedendend n the inner Liner ? ) a different Hight to the Screws visible outside the Shell? I fixed a "late War black Chinstrap " and a Friction Buckle" plus Aluminium late War Screw Bolts from "Warhats"as to the Color: I mixed a "Fieldgray" Spray..there are many "Shades"? Any friendly answer very appreciated Photos the last one shows the different Hight of the Screws? show Originals. Yours Jurgen
    17. P.S. : some Years ago I found by a Czech Seller an 1944 Steelhelm Repiica Liner what fit an DDR M 1956 Helmet (based on the Wehrmacht BII..( cannot found those Liners now anywere?) the rEsult similar as in the following Photos.. as known the "Paint color" changed in the War from a "Feldgrau/Green" to a more "Grey" shades differ by Factorys. so a "Grey Color" would be right like in the "Baer Book? I grinded the inside Rivets out and used an Wolfram Steel Drill to create new Rivet Holes..the Result was Amazing! by now many others do similar Stuff grinding the Rim off - stretching the Shell up (what looks now like another Prototype ..plus added an Decal ??..some just look rediculous..and some even try to sell as Originals..for "Mega Bucks!"
    18. Hi Gents..after some Years now more or less acurate "Copys" of the last German Steelhelmet are on sale ( last from Poland! ~ $60. any more Info very welcome Regards Jurgen
    19. Thanks Gordon..this confirms my Idea about an early (1951) BGS Helmet Thanks again for Your Help & Interest Regards Jurgen
    20. Gordon..thanks look forward to hear more! I remember ; The Liner Steel band could be adjusted like this from the later Modell:
    21. Hi Gordon Thanks for Your Interest! I found in the "Warrelics forum" it was the First BGS Model 1951! some former Wehrmacht helmets were also refurbished before a new Model with "Central fastening (a Screw welded in the Top of the Shell was welded to hold the Liner (as most knew) The "Textile Straps" were likely modelled on the USA Helmet Liner. maybe its "rare" now since not long time issued? any more INFO very appreciated! Maybe another Friend still has this Type of Helmet? Best Regars Jurgen
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