Jurgen Fritz
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:unsure:Hello again Cris, please see here a Picture of the "Fairsome Senegalaise" IWW best Regards Juergen
:rolleyes: Good Morning Chris,thanks for your Interest Well,I had an Discussion about this Tool Machette- (In IWW used by the "tireilleurs Senegalaise" as Trenchweapon!-the got wrong for that) The Germans shot them.. It's the marking:"SPERRY" a "Expert"frenchman told me-this is "anglosaxon" and I bought in USA-so his Opinion:No french!-But as I said the messurements ect like the french "Coupe-Coupe"..? My Guess:maybe made in USA for Vietnam-war use by US -SPERRY Corporation?-it could be older- (but maybe was in Store?) -It could be from the french Indochine War 1954-I know the French Army&Legionaers used it there? (mentioned in Literatur ect.)-Then I heard after 1945 the stud to close the Scabbard was then Aluminium?-My ist (so the Rivets & Bladeprotector in the brown Leather Scabbard"Looks old Patina?) are brass. I really like to found more about the "french Connection" and how old it is?There are also guesses that the Leather would have rottet away in Djungleclimat&Monsoon I guess the Blade is Carbon Steel For any more friendly Answers very thankfull? (If any more INFO needed from my Side I will do my best) Best Regards Juergen
:rolleyes: Good Morning Gentleman-here a Picture of the Coupe-Coupe Blade My other Pictures are to big (Scabbard) have to find a Way to make them smaler Best Regards Juergen
Good Evening Gentleman, Please help me by identifiing a "Coupe-Coupe" in my Posession, IT's maker marked with a smal Stamp SPERRY on both wooden Handle grips and scabbard so some Opinion has it "not french" purchased in USA The messurements are excact like the french one?The Scabbard has inside (Rivet in) a brass Blade Protector-maybe that helps to fix a date to it? For any Help very Thankfull, Best Regards J.Fritz
Good Morning Joe-thanks for trying to found my Grandfathers first Regiment! Its all not so easy to explain:To know the historical Circumstances in this often changing Area of polish/prussian Influenz(an unruly Neighbourhut to Russia)so the big Fortresses and prussian Army Installation of regiments on the Border then under russian Rule Poland-I guess you know how it came about with the Total anihilation of Poland and "carving up" between Russia/Prussia and Austria?So much I guess was my Grandfather of "Szlachta" anscestory his Father Wojciech Czerniejewski-indeed there were in this "Wartheland Area "Settlements of Germans from "Franken" Area so maybe came to "Mixtures" are atoptations even??Of Polish Names (unknown Reasons?)so I guess Ludwig living in Prussian Punitz at the Time fell under prussian recruitmen(or was "Volonteer!")as often happening maybe his Father got him in the Army(was not out a "poor Family"!?Maybe the felt them self more attractet to the West?-many Things I don't know-My Granddad was very quiet after the IIWW and sayed not much and I to smal to ask about..For shure he moved to Hamburg and married here in 1914 He was attractet to the See and went on Big Oceanliners after Polish Unity in 1919 (fights against Stalins/Leinins Bolschwiks looks like the Czerniejeswki Family lived In Wroclaw (german Breslau)and his Father came to visit Ludwik In Hamburg He(Ludwik )joined out unknown Reasons the Hanseatic 76.Reserve Infantrie regiment and went to France in Trench Battle there-back in November 1919 to Hamburg (I remember he got in the III Reich the Certificat of "Reichsangehoerigkeit"(Member of Germany )+(maybe for his Service & Decoration) in IWW he was Heathwise deprest (Maybe his experiences at the Front) and the Downfall of the 3.german Empire ending his Life sadly for me in 1954 in Hamburg) thats more or less I know about him-hope I found his first prussian regiment?The Photo shall be helpfull?Thanks again Jurgen
Good Morning Mike-greetings!And many Thanks again for your help! I just thinking again-The 5.Niederschlesisches Inf.Regmt.154 you mentioned hat a white Brandenburg Cuff Patte?-but yellow Shoulderpads with red Nr.?? My Photo shows for shure a dark (red?) shoulderpad I just looked at an former research by you on an Oberleutnant with white Cuff Patte(piping?)another Mysterie there you mentioned more prussian regmts like 8.Westpreussisches Inf.Regmt Nr 175 White Patte (blue Pipings 3.Schlesisches " " 156 " 5.Westpreussisches " " 148 " " The Uniform appeareas" black" on the b/w Photo-so the Cuff Shoulderboards and Collar/peaked Cap but will be prussian dark?Blue Patte :"White" Now after thinking again(the Uniform with the yellow Cuffs found in wardrobe) was a lighter blue??but had Brandenburg Cuffs- zitron yellow Patte??maybe the mentioned Hessisches Nr 118 ??(he could keep for some unknown Reason) more Mysterys!? best Regards yours Jurgen
Hello an P.S> I searched for some Years I remember-all prussian Army Records are lost through Bombing Raids in the IIWW in Berlin Photos is all what is left..Sometimes old "regiment Historys" in Bookform appear on "ebay"or "militaerpasses but God nows were my Grandfathers went?My Mother possible sold that and the questioned Uniform with the Yellow Cuffpatte?)-could be he bought this after the IWW as a "memento"??somwere or given by a Friend?a "Mysterie"! regards Jurgen
Hello Mike-thanks for searching I may concentrate on the last Inf.Regmt.you mentioned Nr 154 V Army Corps I had also an Photo(lost)shows him on an Riflerange(Warthelager maybe?)with spiked Helmet shooting an old (M88 Rifle or carbine?) Still a Mystery-I will see to post the Photo? best Regards Jurgen
Hi again Mike-There is another Thought-On this b/w Photo my Grandfather looks about the age of 32 the Photo is taken in an Photo atelier (possible Hamburg)just befor WWI(and he joined(Volonteer?) the Hamburg 76 Regiment(Reserve? in August 1914) I guess-whats puzzle me he wears an then "old fashioned Bayonet Type 1870?" cauld it be the Photographer lent the Uniform for the Picture?-but looks a "good Fit"?-still I saw the Uniform after his Death 1954- in the Wardrobe-zitron yellow Cuffs? another Photo in 1915 on Leave shows annother Type of Uniform:Blauer "Rock"?or grey "Peace Uniform"?with 8 blanc Frontbuttons(Brandenburg- Cuffs show dark )White?Shoulderpads Peaked Cap with double Cacade:prussian & "Hamburg Cross Cocade."Ersatz"?Belt with Prongbuckle and "Ersatz"all Steel Bayonet?Shows "Reserve" was differnet Uniformed to all "Fieldgray" in 1915? (In 1916/- November18: Number 417.Inf.Regmt.2.Kompagnie?)any INFO on this?) He had on Decorations:Iron Cross/Hanseaten Cross(Hamburg) and Ehrenkreutz for Frontkaempfer(Hindenburg)after WWI given. Others Photo shows him in France in fieldgray "Fieldblouse" Fieldcap with an "white" Stripe (but Cocade on Top)?Could be MG Gunner (the covered red stripe)?The last Photos(Of bad health he served in Officers Cassino as Ordonance-an un identified Uniform with covered Button front dark high color with an "Monogramm"? The V.ArmyCorps had also Inf.RegmtNR 154?White Cuffs? best Regards Jurgen
Hello again Mike-I just seen a picture of the Regiments Colors (Von Coubiere) the Maincolor"Zitron Yellow"??the Commander in 1901:von Lueder It gives a Book:Regiments Historie with Colorplates-I copyed a Picture but very smal & faintet -it looks like one of the Figures have the Blue prussian Coat(maybe the 1860/70s Uniform?) with yellow Cuffs?? Still a Mystery?I had another Look at my Grandfathers Photo-the Cuffs for shure on this B/w Photo a bright Color looks White! For more Help very thankfull! regards Jurgen
Hello Mike very interesting-I got an black and white Photo of my Granddad-like to show it here but have to found out how to load that?(I'am no good with Computer-maybe my son in law can help- The Phote shows clear the prussian Uniform with prussian Cuffs(Look white on the picture(but were zitron yellow 100%shure)not Litzen the whole Cuff Patte were the Buttons is fixed(a Mysterie?) He was not a Dragoner (infantrie Musqueteer) and Pics IWW (France) shows a variety of Fielduniforms (I tried to found in Germany) but the cannot make it out he was in 1914(moved to Hamburg to live) in the "76"Hamburg Infantrie(I guess Reserve Regiment he was then 32 Years old) the had great Casultys and he went in an high numbered (war Regmt.)until 1918.Maybe there is some more INFO?If I found out about the Pic.I will show it here?Best Regards &Thanks for your Interest!Jurgen