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    M Hunter

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    Posts posted by M Hunter

    1. I don't see anything wrong with this bar... About the KVK - there were many manufacturers hence the difference in swastikas; and this decoration is so common it's not realy worth faking in good quality. What do the others think?

      Having looked at some fakes i think both KVKs posted are original but made by two different makers.

      Here is an example of a "high-quality replica". :sleep: Looks good in the photos...but i used to own one of these and if you put it next to an original there is a lot of difference. ;)

      Best wishes


    2. Hello Everyone,

      Here is the corrected group, with the Kyffhauserbund Medal and many thanks to Sascha for making this possible.

      I really like this group even more now. The EK2 is in near mint condition and the ring is marked with a "G" which I believe indicates manufacture by Godet & Sohn or Berlin.

      Thanks again to all who have made this correction possible.



      Looking good Brian. :cheers:

      Best wishes


    3. Hi Matt,

      I never thought about the single Oldenburg Cross as being a reproduction. However, now you mention it there are some differences between the two. Perhaps this is due to a different manufacturer and/or because it is not made of a ferrous metal (iron). I guess that last statement is really a question. :lol:

      I am interested in knowing your thoughts on these two crosses.



      I prefer the one on the left..... :blush:

      I am no expert on these I am afraid Brian....but I do know there are fakes of these out there.

      Perhaps another member can assist Brian? I do not want to be telling him the wrong thing. :ninja:

      Best regards


    4. :love: Another great addition Brian. The long service cross is exactly as it should be. Maybe you are thinking of the Crown Order 4th Class? I has an enamelled centre with light blue ribbon.

      Here is a medal bar in my collection belonging to Generalleutnant Kurt Dittmar....he had the Crown Order 4th Class.

      Kind regards


    5. Hello Matt,

      Yes the FA cross is iron, the one on the newly-made replacement ribbon is not. Would that one be a later made specimen and possibly made of zinc? Or am I looking at a reproduction?



      Hello Brian,

      As far as I am aware there were both magnetic and non-magnetic FA Crosses...maybe a member can confirm.

      I cannot tell if your other cross is reproduction or not as I can only see the top cornor of it. :blush:

      Best wishes


    6. Hi Matt,

      Very nice ribbon bar. Your analyse is correct. This officer finished the WW1 with grade of second or first Lieutenant. He probably served in the Reichsheer (need to read the RL to find it :rolleyes: )

      During WW2, he served, like you said "in a desk job capacity". He was probably Oberstleutnant or Oberst.

      On your bar there is only one mistake. It concern the Austrian ribbon which, theoricaly, should be after the long service ribbon. There is no explanation about that choice :banger:



      Thank you for the help. :cheers:

      I believe the ribbon bar combination to be correct. This bar was put together during the war (has 1939 KVKx) and usually bars constructed after the 1938 Austrian Anschluss had the Austrian awards bumped up a few places.

      Would this chap appear on the Zahringer Lion roles? Would anyone be able to look? :unsure:

      Or is the Imperial combination too meagre to search?

      Best regards


    7. Gentlemen,

      As you will see form the pictures there is no Hanseatic Cross ribbons on this one....but sometimes one has to branch out. :shame::D Ribbons, devices etc are all good and look period. I would like a little help with my analysis of this new ribbon bar...i could be completely on the wrong track. :blush:

      I think he was most likely an Army Officer (which rank i do not know) given the combination (haven't seen many Zahringer Lions on Naval ribbon bars) He did serve in WW2 hence the KVKx but perhaps received it in a "desk-job" capacity? Not sure if this one can be identified given the shortage of Imperial awards...but regardless of that, i think it it a great little ribbon bar. If it could that would be the icing on the cake for me. :cheers:

      Combination of awards:

      Iron Cross 2nd Class

      War Merit Cross 2nd Class with swords

      Hohenzollern House Order

      Baden Orden of Zahringer Lion 2nd Class

      Honor Cross 1914-1918

      Austrian Commemorative Medal 1914-1918

      Army Long service eagle gold 25 Years of service

      Army Long service eagle gold 12 Years of service

      Hungarian Commemorative Medal 1914-1918

      Bulgarian Commemorative Medal 1914-1918

      As always i am appreciative of any information given and all comments are welcome. My analysis may be way off. And to those who help never be afraid to let me know if i can ever help them in any way. :beer:

      My best


    8. This one is stinky for me too:


      sloppy stitching, off-centered and different swords, too-new looking... what do you think?

      Regards, Valter

      It looks ok to me. I have seen ribbon bars with 2 different type sword devices. Perhaps the camera flash caught the swords making them look "new"? :P In any event i think it looks good.


    9. Gentlemen,

      Whilst browsing the internet last evening i came across this picture of a medal bar. Very eye catching (and a nice Hansa cross on there too... :lol: ) but take a closer look at the Saxon Albrecht Order.... :whistle:

      Was this particular part of theses orders a separate part and has fallen off?

      There seems to be a black dot or perhpas it is a hole where the bust of Albert used to be. :ninja:

      A very impressive medal bar otherwise. :beer:


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