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    M Hunter

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    Posts posted by M Hunter

    1. Heck, Matt-- that's Konteradmial zur See Otto Fricke's ribbon bar (2 gold eagles?)...


      Added the Sudeten Medal ribbon by the beginning of the war but never updated his medal bar.

      What else have you got "lying around" like that? :catjava:

      Hi Rick,

      Yeh, 2 golden eagles. WOW and WOW...He had a very nice medal bar, Chile Order looks great! Rick, you amaze me once more! :cheeky:

      Not much else lying around but anything with Hanseatic ribbons I will post here. :beer:

      Best wishes


    2. Gents,

      Acquired this ribbon bar very recently but the last ribbon has me wondering what sort of uniformed chap would have worn it! :ninja:

      The last ribbon (though very faded) is GREEN. So i am thinking it could be:

      -Italian Order of St's Maurice & Lazarus?

      -Swedish Order of Vasa?

      -Hungarian Order of Merit?


      Could this be the bar of a Party member/Diplomat who was drafted to the Eastern Front?

      Or a regular Soldier, who received the foreign decoration before WW2 in some capacity?

      My thanks :beer:


    3. I also purchased a new book at the show which is just on Feldmarshall's and Grossadmirales. Below is a really good color pic of Model with his RKEK with oakleaves and swords.The pictures is dated May 1944 so it is before he received the diamonds to the RK. Any comments are welcomed.



      My congratulations also! :cheers: A great bar and piece of history to own. What is the title of the above mentioned book?



    4. Looks like little monkey fingers peeled off the backing, slapped it or a replacement back on, and then decided to stick 3 of the 4 Xs through the backing.

      The Austrian ribbon there is actually one of the two dozen or so all on generic waryime ribbons, and post-1938 should actually be in front of the Hindenburg Cross.

      Looks fine from the front, but slapdash whatever they were thinking of on back. :beer:

      Hi Rick,

      What would be the point in removing the backing though? :violent: All the devices are there... :unsure:

      Any idea on a rough value on this bar?

      Kind regards


    5. Ah, the "cookie cutters!" :cheeky:

      Extremely ugly and yet original period oddities. :cheers:Very infrequently seen and would be the sort of bizarre variant that would allow identifying a maker if only we can find a period sales catalog.

      But what does the REST of that bar look like? The Hungarian WW1 Commemorative (Xs upside down :unsure::whistle: ) is often mismounted after the Austrian version, but Full Frontal and back are always needed to evaluate a bar, not just a piece of one.

      Hi Rick,

      You got it right buddy, without even seeing the bar! :lol: The Hungarian ribbon IS in-correctly mounted after the Austrian ribbon...!! :Cat-Scratch:

      Here are the pictures of the bar in question!

      Thanks :beer:


    6. I suspect very often they simply used the ribbon for Baden long service awards as "close enough for gubamint work." The Detmold MVMs weren't common enough to have been in stock at dealers outside home territory.

      Thanks for the info Rick!! :cheers: That all stands to good sense to me! ;) The Baden long service ribbon is the same as the Berthold ribbon!


    7. No, it's the Lippe-Detmold Military Merit Medal (Nr. 1186 in Deutschland Katalog Orden & Ehrenzeichen 1800-1945), which for early WW1 was a wound medal for those who hadn't received an Iron Cross yet. It SHOULD have been returned after the normal EK2/LKr pair was earned but many recipients apparently kept it (and would have gotten a Wound Badge TOO in 1918)

      I am sure this was discussed since we've had threads on that award before.


      Does the Lippe-Detmold KVM have the red stripes on the edge of the ribbon? I found this ribbon for the above named award, but it just has the yellow stripes at the end and no red like the one on Noor's bar. Is this the right one? :unsure:

      I know the Lippe-Detmold award you mentioned makes a lot more sense than the Badan award i suggested. ;)

      Best regards


      (attached ribbon pictures courtesy of Lukasz Gaszewski) :cheers:

    8. Here is next weird ribbon bar what had been in my collection almost from the beginning. This bar was posted up here as well but haven't figured out what is the third ribbon on itunsure.gif

      PS: I would like to sell it and I like to be sure that I do not let go something what I regret later on (I miss it anywaycatjava.gif )

      Hi Noor,

      Great bar! :beer:

      I think the 3rd ribbon is Baden Orden Berthold des Ersten - Ritterkreuz mit Schwertern .

      Is that a Hamburg Hanseatic Cross on the end? If so, should that not be before the Hindenburg Cross?? :ninja:

      Best regards


    9. Gents,

      My latest purchase in keeping with my collection theme of Hanseatic Cross items! blush.gif

      But what is the last ribbon?ninja.gif

      I think it may be some sort of Weimar award or Veteran's decoration? But if so, why put it after a foreign award?

      Have i got the ribbons correct so far?

      -Iron Cross 2nd Class

      -Red Eagle Order (4th Class?)

      -Oldenburg FA Cross 2nd Class & Spange

      -Hamburg Hanseatic Cross

      -Mecklenburg Griffen Order, Ritterkreuz

      -Turkish War Medal/Iron Crescent


      Also the reverse is stamped DRP.

      Thanks for your help! beer.gif


    10. Hello Matt:

      The standard awarded early war crosses were made of iron and were magnetic. This piece looks to be made from "war metal" or aluminum possibly. The suspension is either a repair or the suspension was made in this fashion, but it deviates 90 degrees from the suspension on awarded pieces. Yes, the finish is irregular which is from a poor paint application or flaws in the piece itself (possibly from casting?). The arms are stippled which was not a feature of awarded pieces (but has been known on later replacement pieces).

      Although this may be a late war or post war private purchase piece, with so many original awarded iron pieces out there, I would pass on this one.

      Best regards,


      Thanks SPM. I think i will pass on this one!


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