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    1. that's the mark of the Nagoya Arsenal btw
    2. harribobs


      they do finish off a good sword quite nicely
    3. i may have the odd one ) but 99% are in SD's or more casual.... and there's the family pictures Oh yes....Pals battalion albums are rarely on sale these days!!!
    4. Graham, cheers, but you misunderstand me, my interests are almost totally on the conflicts and so i've never really run across the them in red jackets here's the 7th batt band at annual camp and a great picture of a serjeant and his family, which we think is approx 1907 cheers chris
    5. it'd never happen in this day! ( he had had his first gun long before that )
    6. i honestly don't know, but the uniforms of the Volunteer Battalions we were discussing had disappeared in 1908 SDs were introduced in 1902 (IIRC), i haven't really come across any TF soldiers in red jackets after that cheers chris
    7. shortly after the Great War started, the major change to the Manchester Regiment Territorials uniform was the dust, mud and blood of Egypt, Gallipoli and Flanders chris
    8. Hi Stuart yes 15 does sound a mite too young! i am not really sure why the 2nd VB had yellow facings, they were raised as the 6th Lancashire Rifle Volunteers and absorbed another few units along the way, but all the other VBs had white facings i might just ask the question in our forum and see if anyone has the answer cheers chris The Manchester Regiment Group
    9. Hi Stuart What actually happened in the Haldane reforms/reorganisation was that the 2nd Volunteer Battalion MR became the 6th Territorial Battalion MR, so he didn't really move battalions at all cheers chris The Manchester Regiment group
    10. how odd...you'd think if someone was looking for info on their family and was offered a photo and more information, they'd snap it up not so it would seem................
    11. not bad Paul has the midland really moved you to Moscow? cheers chris
    12. Chris i am sure i can get you some more information on him and a photo as well if you like he was actually in E coy, certainly when he volunteered anyway, in platoon 17 it would be better if you contact me through the manchester regiment group site ( on the mancs forum) manchester regiment group cheers chris
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