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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Dan, i am glad, you like it :beer: And i know, you?ll take good care of it ;)

      Hi Gerd,

      Glad you popped on. :D Hope all is going well on your end of things. Again, many many many many thanks :jumping::jumping: for making this happen. I just can't say enough about this piece! Beautiful!

      You're ever in my neck of the woods you'll be getting the royal treatment I can assure you. :beer:

      Well, off to bed for now. :sleep: Got to get up for an estate auction in the morning. Doubt there will be any militaria but one never knows.

      Have a great one! :cheers:


    2. Very nice order Hauptman, it makes long to get mine back :beer:

      Are you going to considor resarching it?

      Order of Victory

      Actually Gerd said he tried three times... kept coming back as non-researcheable but it is an issued piece. So for now I'll just pretend it was to some high up KGB General or a Naval Admiral or some such. :P

      Hopefully one day I'll be able to find out more but for now I just love it and am so thankful to have been able to get it.


      Dan :cheers:

    3. Hi all,

      Just found and purchased a book on Ebay:


      As my wife Kim is a writer and often asks questions relating to military and especially naval customs and traditions, etc. it seemed a natural purchase. Plus I got it for $6.99 including shipping... couldn't pass it up. Only drawback is that the seller is away on a family emergency and won't be back to ship purchases till early August.

      Here's the info the seller gave on it:

      "Naval Customs Traditions & Usage" by Vice Admiral Leland P. Lovette, published by United States Naval Institute, 1959, is a hardcover book with cover graphics as seen in the picture below. The book has an inscription on inside front cover page dated July 14, 1961 "To Ensign Burnier on the occasion of swearing him in as a commissioned officer in the United States Navy" signed by H.D. Feld, Admiral USN, Com Poe??? (that's what it looks like it says???).

      I'm hoping someone out there might be able to give me more info on either the Ensign Burnier or Admiral H.D. Feld, U.S.N.

      And of course I won't know for sure till I receive the book but I'm wondering if "Com Poe" is not actually "Com Pac"?

      Anyhow would appreciate any info anyone can give on this. :beer:

      Thanks, :cheers:


    4. [attachmentid=46901]

      Nr. 98.116

      I'm sure I'll never be lucky enough to have a 1st or 2nd... unless I win big in the lotto or something. But I feel very fortunate in having this 3rd as I was beginning to think I'd never manage one of those either.

      Again thank you Gerd for making it all possible. :beer: Oh, and these pics are his used with his permission as I could have never done better with my poor little overworked digital camera. And I wanted to show it in all it's glory. :jumping::jumping::love::love:

      Dan :cheers:

    5. Hi all,

      Hope it's okay to wish for the documents/award booklets too. Here are the numbered awards I have lacking same:

      Order of the Red Banner 366,733

      Order of Glory 3rd class 389403

      Order of Glory 743,693

      For Valor 3,376,705

      For Valor 2,697,271

      Combat Service 2,952,415

      Order GPW 2nd 907,735

      Order Red Star 1,655,214

      Order Red Star 3,103,954

      Order Oct. Rev. 72,718

      Badge of Honor 908,799

      Red Banner Labor 641,610

      Labor Glory 3rd 525,949

      And soon to be added:

      For Valor 168221

      For Valor 85202

      Combat Service 112338

      I also have an Orders book for:

      Order of Lenin 437,333 (Dec. 22, 1976)

      which sadly has had additional entries added.

      So if anyone has the Orders books/documents to any of these, or if you have that Order of Lenin... please let me know.

      Thanks, :cheers:


    6. And last but not least so far... Medal for Veteran of WWII:


      I have a feeling this is definitely going to turn into yet another slippery slope for me. ;):beer:

      The pics of the Order of Courage (other than of my set) were from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense site I posted links to.

      The ones for the Border Guard related medals were from an Ebay seller Subwhiskey and the WWII Veteran was from an Ebay seller out of the Czech Republic who goes by 2742013.

      I've posted these for informational purposes and I take absolutely no credit for any photos save my own. If anyone feels these should be removed I'll be happy to have one of the administrators take care of it.

      Many thanks! :beer:

      Dan :cheers:

    7. I do like this piece!!! :jumping: What can you tell us about it? I'm not up to speed with post-Soviet Union ODMs.

      :beer: Doc

      Hi Doc,

      Thank you! :D:beer: I was so hoping someone would see and comment on this one. Actually I don't know a ton about this one. I've done some checking on the net. Here's a good page:


      And this which is the overall site for their Decorations:


      From the above site:

      First Class... this also has a breast star but you'll have to view it on the site as their link for that pic does not appear to be working at this time:


      Second Class:


      And of course the third:


      If anyone else has more info on these or just modern Ukrainian Orders, Decorations and medals please feel free to post as I'm sure we'd all love to see and hear more. :jumping::jumping:

      From the look of the above site they seem to have several very nice awards. Very original designs as well.

      Dan :cheers:

    8. [attachmentid=46753]



      Would love to see more if you have them as well as any information on these. They're nice awards. Seems they're trying to get away from the Soviet style hangers. Pleasing design and nicely done serial number.

      Any ideas on the maker?

      Wish it was an issued piece but then I'd have probably had to spend a good deal more to get it.

      Dan :cheers:

    9. Thanks, Hauptman. :beer:

      No problem at all. We're happy to have you! :beer: So have you specialized in any one area or just have a broad interest in Soviet and Russian awards? Any specialized knowledge in any of these areas? Can always use more of that! :P This is such a great hobby and I've found this club to be one of the best places to be to share among other's of like interests. I think it's truly what Nick the Chairman set out to create... a Gentleman's Club where we could all relax, unwind, discuss our hobby or just life in general without feeling pressure or fearing disputes. We're all in the same boat. The more we help each other the better off we all are.

      I for one look forward to seeing more of your collection as well as comments you might wish to make on what others have presented here.

      So have some fun, get comfortable, pull up a chair, order a drink and enjoy! :beer:

      Dan :cheers:

    10. Thanks guys! And Rick, totally agree... I need to do a bit of cleanup and oiling on a couple of them. Hoping to get to that in the next day or two.

      And definitely treasure the ones that my Uncle brought back. They're plain Jane but I'd never sell or trade them for anything. Definitely going to be passed down in the family. :D

      Thanks again for the compliments and comments. :beer:

      Dan :cheers:

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