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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Hauptmann

    1. Several of those appear to be upside down to my weary bleary 1 AM eyes.

      Go to Lukasz Gaszewski's WONDERFUL ribbons of the world website and at least they will be ID'd.

      If I did this right, the link will be directly to his East German ribbons page:


      Hi Rick,

      Right on target with both the site and I believe them being upside down. Assuming that's correct then (if I'm right) here's what they are... from top to bottom:


      Medal for 5 Years Long Service in the Ministry of the Interior.


      Medal for 10 Years Long Service in the Ministry of the Interior.

      Medal for 5 Years Long Service in the Ministry of the Interior.

      3rd (right way round I believe)

      Honorary Title Activist of Socialist Labor (1969)

      Honorary Title Kollektiv of Socialist Labor (1962)

      As I'm assuming it's not:

      Honorary Title Meritorious Lawer of the GDR (1979)

      Honorary Title Meritorious Teacher (1975)

      Now... not sure if the bottom one is a two level bar or what... because of the order on the one pictured on the bottom I "think" they are two bars... so based on that:


      Medal for 20 Years Long Service in the Ministry of the Interior (1959)

      Medal for 15 Years Long Service in the Ministry of the Interior (1959)

      Medal for 10 Years Long Service in the Ministry of the Interior (1959)

      Medal for 5 Years Long Service in the Ministry of the Interior (1959)

      5th (right way round I believe)

      Silver Service medal of the Ministry of the Interior (1966)

      Medal for 25 Years Long Service in the Ministry of the Interior.

      Bronze Service medal of the Ministry of the Interior (1966)

      Anyhow, let me know if I did okay or if I messed anything up. :beer:

      Thanks Rick!!!! :cheers: You're a miracle worker! :jumping::jumping:

      Dan :cheers:

    2. Jubil?umskreuz f?r Zivil-Staatsbedienstete 1908

      This version of the 60th jubilee cross was founded by Emperor Franz Joseph on 14 August 1908 in preparation for his approaching 60th anniversary of reign. It was awarded on solid red ribbon to civil servants.


      Hi Doc,

      Beautiful piece! :beer: You've tempted me now to share my cased example ahead of time. Was going to post my Austrian awards tomorrow.






      I love :love::love: the rounded cases they had. And think I lucked out with the mini! Least I hope so. :P

      Dan :cheers:

    3. Hi all,

      I theenk I did good the other day. I "finally" managed to get some DDR ribbon "bars". Oh, I've had a number of single ribbons... but no bars. They "always" seem to go too high. Except on three occassions where I lost track of time and three big bars (over a period of a month) went for around the $15-$25 range! :angry::banger:

      But whenever I keep an eye on them... up they go like a rocket. :(

      These are, I'm sure, nothing impressive... but to me they are GOLD as they are the "first".


      No idea what the medal is... going to post that on the Soviet forum and see what we can see.

      Anyhow got the whole group for the kingly sum of... are you ready? :D

      No, really, are you sitting down? :cheeky:

      Don't want you to like keel over or anything. :P

      $1.25 plus shipping! :rolleyes:

      I think I'll fall over for the rest of you! I simply could not believe my luck. And at this point even if they turn out to be put togethers... which for little one's like this I kinda doubt... I don't care! Me like dem! :cheers:


    4. And last (for now) but not least... something just for fun: :P




      This is a model... a plastic model. But very complete with screw off end cap, plastic pull bead and cord, screw off head with igniter inside attached to the pull cord.

      I built it many moons ago and my mom painted it. Not too bad I think for a hunk of plastic and displays quite nicely.

      Well, guess that's about it for now. When I'm able I'll dig up some more and try to do a nice group shot.

      Thanks, :cheers:


    5. This is one of my biggest ones, except for my Navy practice bomb which I'd already posted a while back.

      It stands 31.5 inches tall... the shell itself is 9 inches in length... and boy is it ever heavy! Not the thing to drop on ones foot... :shame: believe me, I know! :speechless1:;):speechless:


      The shell:


      Cartridge base:


      Shell base:


      What I believe is a German fuse or igniter:


    6. [attachmentid=43878]

      Another favorite... German shells made into shot glasses. I saw a whole tray of these on Ebay once and tried to get them but they went to high for me at the time. Easy come, easy go.




      These are neat... the aluminum heads screw off. Again no idea what they were for:


    7. [attachmentid=43867]




      This is one of my favorites. It belonged to my dad and he'd take it out on occassion and show it to me throughout my childhood.



    8. [attachmentid=43853]



      This is an interesting one... it was dug up by a metal detectorist... in central Florida of all places. Appears to predate the Great War:




    9. Hi all,

      Here's my shell collection... are at least as much as I've been able to photograph so far. I'll have to take out a bunch and do a "group photo" at some point when I've got more time and energy.

      Anyhow here goes:

      WWI Egg Grenade... was told originally this was German... but with the RF is it actually French?



      Don't know the designation of this one... just something neat I picked up at a surplus store one day:


      Another one I'm not sure of:



      And a good old pineapple... saw the little tags being put on these and sold for big bucks so just made my own: :P:cheeky::lol:



    10. Hi all,

      Here's some more from our museum collection here in Carrington, North Dakota. I should, over time be able to get into the cases and take more individual photos but this is just to give you an overview of what we have:






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