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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi all,

      Sorry this took me so long... just been a very busy week. Here are more pics of the helmet and gasmask.

      First off... I checked thoroughly under and inside the lining on the helmet... I could not find a red dot... or anything red for that matter. Hope that's not a biggie.

      But tried to take pics inside to pretty much give you a feel for how it looks.

      Tried to do the same with the gasmask, taking stuff out of the pouch, etc. so hope I managed to show what ya'll need to see.

      Anyhow here goes:




    2. Hi Andreas,

      Great posts on this beautiful award. Love the protypes as well. Gorgeous! Yet another dream piece I'll never see in my collection... but sure is nice to have the pics to drool over.

      Deeply appreciate you sending that over. Explained alot about the award. Always intro'd in learning more... that after all is what this is all about. :beer:

      Thanks, :cheers:


    3. This is my Order of Stalin

      Oh now you went and did it! :P:love::jumping::jumping:

      I LOVE those!!!! I want one sooooooooooooooo bad! But I've only seen one and that was on Ebay like years ago!!!!

      How, where, when, why, how much!!!!???? Gotta know! PM me, email me... catch a flight! Must know!!!!!!!! :P

      Also can you show the back... puleeeeeeese! And what's the size? Comparable to OGPW or to the OoV?

      Dan :cheers:

    4. Uh, nope. You DO need a scanner. :rolleyes:

      Yeah, all seems related to one Ernst Lorenz, who emigrated to America in 1923 and apparently changed his name to "Ernest Lawrence" whereupon his old bank refused to cough up his measly forgotten savings as "no such person ever had an account with us, sniff."

      His teenaged Work Book is almost completely over scribbled with groceries lists.

      can't read the military stuff.

      EPSON. Think EPSON.

      Hi Rick,

      Much appreciate the try. Kinda figured it would be too hard to make out alot of this. Have had them forever and would love to know... but knowing my luck the whole thing is probably just grocery lists. :( Sigh.

      And trust me... as soon as I get the money up Kim and I are heading to one of the bigger cities up here and we're gonna buy an Epson per your recommendation. :beer:

      Again I deeply appreciate your making a try on this. As soon as I get the scanner I'll redo all of this. Just tell me this... do you just need the pages that are filled in and such? And do you not want me to fool with the Arbeitsbuch? Just let me know what you'd want redone and your wish is my command. :beer:

      Thanks! :cheers:


    5. paddywhack & Paul C.,

      You won't regret your purchase of the Red Bible AKA the PMD(For Paul McDaniel who Co-wrote the book with Paual Schmitt). It is a MUST have for collecting Soviet ODMs. It is the best book out there right now on the subject. I use mine regularly. It's a MUST!!!

      :beer: Doc

      Hi Doc,

      Yet again I've gotta agree! Still going back through mine just for the sheer enjoyment of it.

      And hey... in a pinch it makes one heck of a good looking paperweight too... and saves on weight lifting equipment! :P When Kim came home the day mine arrived I handed it to her and said "Now, doesn't that feel like something worth a hundred dollars?" :lol: And she totally agreed. You definitely get alot for your money... in weight :cheeky: and in knowledge. Just great stuff from cover to cover.

      I will say this though... just heard yesterday about the new book being out:


      and thank goodness for the "slightly" lower price! :rolleyes: But I can't say I'm thrilled with the cover compared with the first book. Perhaps if they'd left off the bottom two pics of the map and whatever. Like the green cover though... my favorite color!

      But hoping to get my copy soon one way or the other. Definitely don't want to wait ten years on this puppy! :rolleyes:

      Dan :cheers:

    6. Sorry Dan,

      I meant the badge I posted, it was far to early for me to be posting :speechless:

      Order of Victory

      Hi OoV,

      Sorry bout that... probably too late/early for me too! :P:beer:

      Okay... here's a link for a page that covers the various flags of the Hungarian People's Republic:


      You'll see those same colors of green/white/red... same as pictured on the border pole pictured on your badge.

      I then captured your image, blew it up to try to read the inscription and put it through an online Hungarian English translation... which is by the way how I confirmed my sports badge as being not only Hungarian but also figuring out what it was for.

      It's possible I got some letters wrong but I can't get a translation for it. Could be something that was a name of an organization that won't come up using such a translator... could be that it's two or even three words together. Just don't know.

      Does it say anything at all on the reverse? If so, go to:


      or google to find a better one and type in what it says on the badge (either side) and try to translate it.

      Based on the national colors and some of the design I'd say Hungarian. The starburst though has a Yugoslavian look to me.

      Perhaps one of the other members will be able to come to the rescue. Ed might be a good choice.

      For now... I'd be very tempted to say Hungarian... same candy apple red enamel... same national colors in the same order and same crossed machine gun design that I've seen on some of their other awards:


      and specifically:


      Given what I've seen... my vote is "YES" Hungarian. :D But try Ed as he should be able to confirm it. Hope I'm right... I need another notch in my research gun. :P

      Hope this helps. :cheers:


    7. Dan,

      V. Nice medals, I have not seen such a range of Hungarian medals.

      Is the badge Hungarian to?

      If it is, is it a border guard badge?

      Order of Victory

      Many thanks! :beer: Yes, the badge is Hungarian... but not BG... it's for a sports organization. Go to my other post:


      And it goes into more detail on it. I've been trying for the last year or so to find out more but so far what's in that post is all I know.

      It's a very nice well constructed badge and the case is very old world. It makes me think this was awarded to some high muckety muck... or their kid or something. It's serial numbered as well. But so far it's all just conjecture. Was hoping after I'd posted it originally that one of the members might know something but so far... no one's posted on it.

      Anyhow take a look and let me know what you think. :beer:

      Thanks! :cheers:


    8. And here's that add on page. I tried it several ways. First the full page... unreadable but gives you an idea of how it looks in the book:


      Next is one that I "finally", after multiple tries got to come out half way decent with the flash:


      These next two were hand held under a light believe it or not. They're the best I can do right now. Willing to try again later today if it's something that looks important. Seems to be some sort of figures written lightly in purple ink.


    9. Next document:


      Bigger shots of same, top and bottom:



      And the last document:


      And the reverse:


      I hope someone can make something out of all this. I can read a word here and there in the script but not much as I'm just not used to reading German in script.

      And again, if these pics are not good enough I'm happy to try again once I get my scanner.

      Also many apologies if I included anything unnecessary but as I didn't know what would be needed I felt I'd better put as much in as possible. It always seems as if when I assume I don't need to show another view someone requests it. :P Hopefully I didn't go too far the other way this time. ;)

      Hope it's worth it.

      Many thanks! :cheers:


    10. Top left and right are blowups of the full page in the last post:


      Then the following two pages:


      Attached to the bottom left page above is another sheet which folds out. Somehow I missed getting that :speechless: so will include it after the final post. Many apologies. Not even sure how well it will turn out, but I'll try.

    11. Hi all,

      I got these AGES ago! Have had them forever and a day. As far as I know they all go together. Was going to wait until I got a scanner but figured after taking pics of Soviet and Bulgarian documents and it working out fairly well that I'd go ahead and do these and take a chance. But can always redo them with the scanner once I get one.

      Hoping perhaps to find something neat about this individual, assuming that is that it is all to one person.

      Anyhow here goes.

      I'll start with his picture:




      And the writing on the back:



    12. You are welcome!

      I have the book (massive but well worth it): "Nagy Magyar kitunteteskonyv" which has award numbers. My friend in Budapest translated the Communist era chapters for me and I am slowly going through the Horthy era with a dictionary.

      Hungarian awards are absurdly undervalued, well made, beautiful and my newest favorite area.

      Great medal!

      You are a lucky man indeed! It seems that reference material on these Warsaw Pact countries are rather on the scare side and I don't know of any for Hungarian awards in English... although I could be wrong... been known to happen. :P

      Sounds like once you're done studying that you'll have to become our resident expert on Hungarian awards. I promise... I'll have tons of questions so study hard! :rolleyes::cheeky::lol:

      And yes, they are beautiful pieces. Some of their red enamel reminds me of candied apples. Just stunning!

      Thanks! :cheers:


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