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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Hauptmann

    1. I have never seen a modern day tinnie like this before, do many of them exist? This tinnie is made almost exactly the same way as the old ones from the '30's which leads me to believe it was made by a maker that was around during the war and earlier. Hopefully someone can enlighten us on this unique tinnie which is probably quite rare I would assume.



      Hi Pat,

      No idea on my part. I loved it mostly because it had the lion (I'm a Leo so kinda partial to them) and a Stahlhelm (I'm part German so I'm kinda partial to them too! :P ). I'm assuming they just continued to make such pins for reunions, veterans events, beer festivals, Octoberfest... you name it. :D

      But would love to know more if someone out there knows.

      Thanks, :cheers:


    2. Hi all,

      Have begun to get comments on the headgear and one of the gasmasks but was also hoping for some on this beautiful pipe. Am surprised no one has commented on that. It was buried in the cabinet and I'd never even known they had it... and they didn't even have the foggiest idea what it was.

      I've seen these before but never near as complete as this one seems to be.

      Would deeply appreciate any or all information, opinions, comments and possible valuation on any of these pieces as well as the pipe.

      Many thanks! :cheers:


    3. Hi all,

      Any additional info you could provide on this would be deeply appreciated. Am trying to work up a report on the museum's militaria collection in the hope that if they see how valuable this stuff is, not only in historical terms, that they'll be willing to put more money into it's display and preservation. So far, all these years it's all just sat there gathering dust.

      Any ideas on manufacturer on this one? How about rough idea of value?

      Again would deeply appreciate any info, opinions, etc. on this or any of the items I've posted from the museum.

      Mucho thanks! :cheers:


    4. Hi all,

      Deeply appreciate all the info so far. Could also use any ideas on value... am trying to do a report for the museum and the more information I can provide the better. This part of their collection has just sat for soooooo many years and I really am trying to provide more info. If they feel it's valuable then my hope is they'll invest a bit more in display not to mention in preservation of such artifacts.

      Again any help is deeply appreciated! :beer:

      Thanks! :cheers:


    5. look forward to seing posts of your stuff,ill try find more info on the 75mm ,can you get a clearer picture of the fuze on the trenchart round,it could help id it.just noticed on the 37mm where the fuze fits its stamped DWM that will make it a german round.DWM = Deutsche Waffen und Munitionfabriken

      Hi Spotter,

      Will definitely give it a shot on more pics. "Might" be able to at tonights meeting but generally weekends work out much better as not as many folks popping in and out and taking up time. Depending on my schedule I'll try to put in for sitting over there again if I can and if so those are the best times. But can probably sneak that one in tonight (knock on wood!).

      I did one of my big shell and casing yesterday but ran out of time to post everything. And todays been pretty tight too. But hopefully by tomorrow if all works out if not sooner. I've also got a ton of other smaller pieces that I hope to do... shells, grenades, etc. but have to dig them out and get some pics. Rest of the week should be alot easier time wise so hoping to get much of this done soon. :beer:

      Will send over more pics on the museum ones as soon as I can. Many thanks for the help! :D

      Thanks! :cheers:


    6. Dan,

      That is a good start on polish ODMs. Your Order of Polonia Restituta is the 5th Class (Member Class)

      Take a look at my Polish collection here: http://community.webshots.com/user/riley1965

      Prices are rising on Polish ODMs. Inspite of this, I'll have a complete Order of Polonia Restituta (I need the Grand Cross which I should have in September) and I have the 3rd & 4th Class of the Order of Virtuti Militari and will have the 1st, 2nd and 5th by the end of the year. Enjoy your Polish collection!!!

      :beer: Doc

      Hi Doc,

      Many thanks! That Polonia Restituta... I'd absolutely love a cased Grand Cross set on that one! Keep hoping to pick one up. Just depends on finding a deal I can't refuse! There was another one that I keep seeing on Ebay too... has these really beautiful leaves as part of the design on the breast star but can't remember which one it is. I'll have to do some digging.

      I had soooooo many pictures I kept for research and before I could manage a backup my other drive died. Was a total loss. And pretty sure I had pics of it on that one. But they turn up quite alot so keeping my fingers crossed.

      And I'll definitely pop over and check out your collection as it sounds fantastic. Can't wait till you get the GC set and post that... drool, drool! :cheeky::P:beer:

      Gotta run for now though.

      Thanks!!!! :cheers:


    7. Dan, thank you for your reply. I particularly like the curved quillon that your's has. No doubt they were one of the main instruments of war in their philosophy of island fighting and the such. Keep the pictures of your Japanese militaria coming and I'll do the same. :beer:



      Hi Joel,

      Wow... my brain must have been on vacation... or my eyes are really going, but I didn't even notice that your's didn't have the curved quillon. Geez, I either need new glasses or new brain... whichever is cheaper! :P

      I had hoped to post my two Arisaka's yesterday but got into posting other stuff I was backlogged on and then with sizing all the pics I took the day just few!

      Then today Kim comes home from a meeting and said it was such a nice day she wanted to go up and have a picnic. So off we went. Just got back a bit ago but now have to go up and vote in a few minutes. Then historical society meeting at the museum, then work tonight at 10:30 p.m. But hoping between all that to have time to get more posted. Then tomorrow (knock on wood) should be a clean slate except for my usual research work.

      So keep your fingers crossed and I'll have more up soon. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of your great stuff too!!!! Please keep it coming! :beer:

      Thanks! :cheers:


    8. Beautiful set, Dan :beer:

      Hi Gerd,

      Mucho thanks! And thanks again for the DDR goodies!!!! :love::love::love::love: I really love them all, and especially the sport with pendant and the full and half sized set of badges. Gonna have to find a case for those if there were any. I've seen the Soviet/DDR friendship badges in a matched set like that. Keeping my fingers crossed. Just great stuff. :jumping::jumping:

      Thanks!!!! :cheers:


    9. Im sorry i dont know much about valuing ordnance ,your best bet is to do a search on ebay for "inert" or "shell" under the militaria categorys and watch the prices for a few weeks then you should get some idea.........spotter

      Hi Spotter,

      No problem. Will do on checking Ebay and such. It's not a rush as I'm doing this as a volunteer project for them and they're not in any hurry. This stuff has sat there for many decades so far without anyone learning anything new. I hope I can change that. :D

      And perhaps one of the other members will know. I believe we have one or two experts in the field. And I've got a few pieces of my own to pop on too over time.

      Thanks! :cheers:


    10. Hallo Dan :beer:

      Just saw your posts, nice Romanian items, :jumping::jumping: Resch was a top maker for the Romanian Royal family too, with regards a case I will be attending a Collectors meeting in Brasov, central Romania on the 24th of June, 2006, I will ask around about a case for these items, while the collectors meetings are not specifically for militaria, decorations, medals and militaria items do turn up, the Brasov ones get good attendance from all over Romania. :D

      I go four to five times a years there, it entails setting out the night before at 22:30 and traveling by train, a 3 and a half hour wait in the small hours of the morning at the Brasov train station, thank god for coffee machines :love: then a healty 35 minute walk to the Factory canteen where they hold the meetings, it opens at 07:30 in the morning till 14:30, a walk back to the train station then to wait for a 19:30 train back to Deva where I live, arriving at about midnight, in the summer its ok but the November and February meetings can entail facing blizzards and deep snow, but nothing is to much for the dedicated collector :P:jumping:

      Hi Kev,

      Wow, I didn't know that! I've been able to find very little in my references, etc. on this particular Order. Just out of curiosity, any idea what a case might run for this? My fear has been that it will be well beyond me at the moment. But if one turns up that's not to much I'd definitely be intro'd. Just have no idea what they run. As I say I don't even have any idea what this set would run now... just what I paid for it way back when.

      Sounds like you really have an adventure going to those meetings. But in a way it sounds like fun. Of course folks think we're nuts for moving from Florida to North Dakota... everyone has this impression that we're in the Artic or something!

      Oh, as I was not sure where to put this, as it seemed to fit a couple of categories, I also put it over in the Orders, Medals & Decorations of Belgium, France and other European Nations section. Should I write to the moderators and let them sort it out or is it better on this one to have it in both?

      Sometimes it's just hard to decide where some things go.

      Well, got to run and hit the bed for now. But hope to be back to posting at some point tomorrow.

      Very much appreciate your willingness to check on that case for me. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. And definitely owe you some pizza's some day. :cheers:



    11. And last, but not least... Bronze:


      The backs are blank of course... so didn't show those.

      If and when I ever get more I'll plop them here. I'd love some of their breast stars and such... just have to see what pops up for a reasonable price here and there. :P

      Thanks for stopping by. :cheers:


    12. Hi all,

      Hope dis be de place to put this. If not, please feel free to move it. :P Although I don't have a ton of them, here are a few Polish awards I've picked up over the years. As with many things I know they look great, and I know enough to be dangerous... that's about it. So please feel free to pass on all kinds of info and technical details cause I do love that sort of thing. :beer::P

      First off, my cased Polonia Restituta:




      And my Cross of Valor:



    13. Hi all,

      Here's another piece I got ages ago (no I won't mention that magic number :P ). I keep hoping to find the case for it but that's beginning to feel like the impossible dream.

      I believe I paid around $200 to $250 for it and no idea what they're running nowadays. Yet another thing I haven't kept up with. Was a one time shot as I love the old Imperial Orders, yet they're generally way too expensive from say England. This was in my range at the time, looked great so I grabbed it. :P



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