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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Hauptmann

    1. And now for my 25 year awards. Again I have two sets of these. I'll show one document set, then the other and finally the awards. I'll start with the larger of the two sets:

      First the folder:


      The inside page:


      The full Urkunde:


      A closeup of the award illustration:


      A closeup of the Urkunde:


      And finially the printed area on the end page:


    2. Now to get into a bit more detail. I'll start off with my awards for the Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse. My understanding is these were civilians who did training with the regular armed forces of the DDR... kind of like a reserve force who in time of war would be called up to supplement the main forces.

      First off... the medal. I hope to get the document in the future:



      Then the 10 year medal in bronze with document. It has the folder but I'll show an example of that a bit later... All the ones I have are the same with the exception that one of my 25 year awards folders and Urkundes is larger than the other.

      First the Urkunde:


      The a closeup of the image of the award:


      And a closeup of the Urkunde:


    3. From Flags of the World.

      Hi all,

      Finally got around to resizing all the photos I took for this about two weeks ago.

      First off, some pieces in a riker mount:


      Then a pic I did a while back showing some of my cased DDR awards as a group:


    4. Hi all,

      Here's the latest edition to my Soviet finials. Same sheet metal type but with a different makers mark. :P It's the smaller type like my last one.



      And although not Soviet... since it's Warsaw Pact and a flag... my DDR. Actually tried to get this for a bare minimum bid on Ebay. Someone else bid several times (same person) and bid it up. I'd put in a max bid of $12. Well, I figured he/she wanted it so bad I'd offer it to them if they wanted to bid .50 more. This was in plenty of time for them to bid on it but they didn't do it. So then I wrote them and said if they wanted it more and if the seller would agree I'd step aside and they could pay and have him ship it to them. Still no reply. Tried a couple of times with no luck.

      So finally after waiting a day or so I wrote the seller, apologized for the slight delay (I generally pay within a minute or two of winning) and paid for it. By the way his description was written I was led to believe it was a modern copy like you'd buy from flag venders on the street... at least we had those down in Florida.

      It took a bit for it to arrive... no idea why as it was out of St. Louis and generally everything from there (have a friend and we send stuff back and forth) generally takes about three days tops. Anyhow when it finally arrived I was surprised and quite pleased to discover that it's a genuine DDR flag.


      It is multi piece, machine stitched and the DDR state emblem is also a separate piece on each side and also machine stitched. Very well made but without any markings that I can discover.

      After waiting for ages for one of these I'm glad I went ahead and got it, although I wish the other bidder hadn't bid it up I think I still did very well on it.

      I'm hoping before long to get a DDR finial like this one:





      I'm also hoping to get a Soviet finial of this style:


      If anyone has either of these two types... :love::love: the DDR or the last Soviet, that they'd be willing to part with please let me know. Thanks! :beer:

      Anyhow thanks for looking! :cheers:


    5. Hi Pat,

      I totally agree... a nice Luft with good, honest wear. I have had several of these in the past... I finally was down to a set, one in the aluminum and one that was painted blue which I believe were worn with the Luftwaffe work overalls for field crews and such... those who would refuel, rearm, maintain the aircraft, etc.

      I regret having gotten rid of those, as well as a beautiful unissued Luft camo breast eagle. Should have hung onto all of them.

      Very nice piece... now all you need is the belt to go with it. :P

      Dan :cheers:

    6. and the reverse of this L/58 KVK1 combatants version. Great silvering left and nice patina on this one. The material is very high quality as well. Please leave your opinions on any of the KVK's I have posted as i am always looking to soak up more info!



      Hi Pat,

      That's indeed quite a gift. :love::love::jumping::jumping: Kudos to Laurence for making such a wonderful and extremely kind gesture! You are indeed a scholar and a gentleman sir! :D:beer:

      All but that other 1st you've got are very nice looking pieces Pat. I'm just sooooo sorry you got hooked up with that German creep all those years ago. I'm still hopeful you'll be able to do something about that situation but in the meantime it defintely looks like you're making good progress.

      Dan :cheers:

    7. Hi Pat,

      Not positive on this one but suspect it could be a piece of jewelry made by or for members of an indian tribe. The backwards swas has for the longest time been a symbol of good luck or good fortune to many indian tribes and even other cultures as well as those in India.

      I've even seen (and may even have) some old books where the backing papers on the binding use a pattern of backwards swastikas as a form of border design.

      I also have a big brass pin with one. It was a throw in with some other stuff and I've just got it stuck in a miscellaneous box.

      The snakes as well as the overall design are what are making me feel it's something to do with a native American tribe, again either made by for sale as souvenirs or made for members of the tribe.

      But it's definitely not a military or German piece.

      Hope this helps. :cheers:


    8. Hi Dolf,

      Many thanks! Shame of it is that my coin shop I frequented down in Tallahassee Florida carried these or ones very similar too it... and I likely could have gotten some great deals on them as they would occassionally put them on sale.

      I'll give Indian River a shout and see what they charge on their shipping and see what I can work out.

      Great displays and great pieces!

      Thanks again! :cheers:


    9. My Soviet Medals Display.


      Hi Dolf,

      Just wondered... what are the dimensions on the case you use for your Soviet medals display? I think you told me once before but where do you get those? Very nice cases and I'd love to do up a similar display as now I have them all divided between my various riker mounts.

      All your displays are outstanding! :beer:

      Thanks, :cheers:


    10. Hi all,

      Hate to do this but I need to put out another plea for a valuation on these. I am "considering" letting a few TR pieces go and again am nearly totally in the dark on the values anymore. I'm twenty some odd years out of the loop.

      This is in many ways a decision I dread making but it's been a long time coming. My TR collection has been gutted several times over the years and since I've basically long ago moved on to Soviet and Warsaw Pact stuff I feel at this stage of the game it might not hurt that much to take the leap... but it's definitely not something I'm taking lightly. So during the pondering stage I want to get all my ducks in a row and this includes pricing which is one of the hardest things for me... even when I have somewhat of an idea of what things go for. Hate dealing with money.

      So as always any help would be deeply appreciated.

      Thanks, :cheers:


    11. Here are cards that were issued to seaman.

      Hi Coastie,

      Wow! Never knew about these... beautiful pieces in their own right and with the matching ribbon bar. Very impressive. :love::love::jumping::jumping: And also named to the same individual. Just beautiful! A terrific set there and one to be proud of.

      Many thanks for posting those. :beer:

      Dan :cheers:

    12. Hi all,

      A request... I wondered if someone would be kind enough to give me an idea of what my cased set is worth?

      I'm not sure I'd ever want to sell them... but I'm getting some rumblings. I have dreamed of getting an antique car ever since I was about 4 to 5 years old. I'll be 44 this coming August and feel like if I don't ask on this dream soon it may never happen. I want something while I'm still young enough to enjoy it.

      I have another piece... not directly militaria related... but definitely connected to a very historic personality along with her very important husband... WWII related and documented as such. It's a piece I'd also hate to part with but if I could get enough for it alone I'd go that route. If not I may have to consider letting some more of my TR pieces go. I'd hate to do it... but I'm just getting to that stage where I'm afraid I'll never see that dream come true.

      Again just in the "pondering" stage... but trying to see where I'd stand. And it's an extremely difficult decision... I'd long ago fallen into the trap of getting far too emotionally attached to all this stuff... and to let it go is like cutting off one's own arm. Not something to be taken lightly... and hoping I can avoid it.

      And again, as I've posted many times... I'm as pretty close to totally in the dark on these along with the rest of my stuff as far as value.

      So any help in this would be deeply appreciated! :beer:

      Many thanks!!!! :cheers:


    13. The Merchant Marine Distinguished Service Medal

      [attachmentid=40815] [attachmentid=40816]

      Hi Hendrik,

      Also to any others who are intro'd... here's a link to an excellent site listing those awarded the MM Distinguished Service Medal. I think it's a great read on this one.


      As a general comment, I had found an article a while back, I believe on an actual MM site which states that those who had served in the MM and were awarded medals, and/or their next of kin had to pay for their medals to the tune of at least in some cases $20 per!

      I feel this is ludicrous and an absolute insult to these men who served their country in wartime or in war zones. It used to be (I believe) that both the coast guard as well as at least parts of the MM were placed under the Department of the Navy during time of war. These guys suffered horribly in both world wars and did a tremendous service in getting supplies to the armies as well as keeping civilian populations fed. They kept the tide moving in the favor of the allies. And then for our government to say these vets or their families have to pay for their medals is an absolute travesty. I'm simply astonished at the utter stupidity of governments in general much of the time. I'm actually in the MM so am doubly insulted. I've never served in times of war but I very much feel for those who have. Without the MM things may not have gone quite as well for the allies as they did. Think of the troops transported on liners. Think of all the fuel, ammo, guns, tanks, planes, all and sundry of various equipment transported all over the planet by these guys in ships that in some cases probably should have been long since scrapped. Some of the original Liberty ships actually had a flaw in their design that under certain types of stresses they would literally split in two and quickly sink. These were later corrected in the next generation of vessels. But these guys just did amazing things.

      They are definitely unsung heroes who deserve a great deal more respect and recognition than they've ever gotten or probably ever will receive. I personally salute my brothers and sisters in the MM... long may they sail with the wind at their backs and in calm seas.

      Dan :cheers:

    14. Hi Pat,

      Very nice piece. I always have loved this kind of equipment along with radios, guages, clocks from aircraft, tanks, etc., as well as optics... gadgets... what can I say... I'm a guy... I like gadgets! :P

      The only downside to these types of things is that they are very expensive to ship so it kind of limits who would be able to collect it. I myself have passed on hundreds of pieces of equipment this big or bigger because it would cost more in some cases to ship it than to buy it outright.

      But you lucked out getting it locally.

      As to what it's worth I have no earthly idea... but the way I look at it don't be bashful about asking. I always full well admit when I don't know and ask for help in this area. Not getting confirmations on price but simply totally in the dark and honestly need to find out just so I know.

      As far as the types of signals... here's my understanding of it from one of my Naval Science Instructions (NSI's) way back when, once upon a time in a galaxy long, long ago and far, far away. There were basically two signal beams sent out in morse code. One was for the letter A which is ._ and N which is _. and they'd beam these continuously. Also I believe there was a third which was a continuous tone. If you "rode the beam" which was the continuous tone... you'd be right on target... riding the rails so to speak. If however you went into the A you were deviating one direction or N you were going off the other way... say North or South.

      So it was kind of like staying between the lines marked on a road... don't go over into the white lines in the middle or the yellow lines on the side and you're fine... just stay in the middle.

      And since this is by Marconi who used morse for much of his early equipment I'd guess that's exactly what this did... is receive those signals so the pilots could "ride the beam" and zero in on their targets... then ride it back in reverse to get back home safe and sound.

      Again this is my knowledge based on what I was told a loooooong time ago so if anyone wants to counter it I won't stand in their way... but I'm pretty sure that's the real deal.

      A great piece... you can just box that one up and send it down to me any old time you get tired of it. :rolleyes::P:cheeky::beer::lol:

      Hope this helps. :cheers:


    15. Of special note. The current research says that the fast battleship my dad saw that day off the Iwo Jima shores was the USS North Carolina (BB55.) Schematics and bluerprints I have seen, say that there was very little difference in these two. The USS Washington (BB56) was about 6-10 feet longer. Otherwise there Pacific schemes or Measure paint coatings changed pretty regularly.

      Hi Stephen,

      Thanks so much for posting this. I really enjoyed it as I'm sure will the rest of the members. This is truly what it's all about. That was a great generation... a shame we're losing them so fast... and much of the history that goes with them.

      Especially loved the part about the beer stencil! :P It's things like that that make it all worth while. Nothing dry about history... that's for sure!

      Sorry to hear about your losing him... it's always hard. But you'll see him again some day. :D

      Thanks again! :cheers:


    16. That's all folks :beer:

      Hi Darrell,

      Just wanted to thank you for posting these. I joined the Merchant Marine after High School so have always had an interest in these. Probably should have started a collection at some point but never did. Perhaps someday... :rolleyes:

      Thanks! :cheers:


    17. Your GPB is clearly in the $1200-$1500 range in that condition, a dealer could sell for more. Pins broke all the time and don't take away much from the value. In the last 3-4 years they've shot up from the $800 range.

      Glad to bring good news too.

      Yes, very good news indeed! :D Again I had absolutely no earthly idea... figured they'd gone up a bit but wow! Many thanks indeed. I owe you a gigantic pizza if we're ever in the same neck of the woods. :beer:

      Many thanks! :cheers:


    18. Hi all,

      Okay, let's assume then that most of this is repro stuff. Perhaps it would be good for a reenactor if nothing else and I think he can make a good bit if sold as such.

      On the helmet and the bayo though, even if mismatched and repro frog... what kind of price should he look at for each of those?

      I have a feeling he should be able to make a good bit from the helmet... and thinking it might be best to sell it as an original WWII German (probably army) helmet which just needs to have the decals properly and carefully removed. Figuring let the next new owner do that as I'm sure Ron would not want to damage the helmet in doing so.

      Anyhow any help on such pricing would be good. How about the ammo pouch, belt and shovel set? Again any pricing help would be deeply appreciated.

      Thanks! :cheers:


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