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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi all,

      Figured since several of you were kind enough to write and comment it would be easier to just write one reply at this point and save room for more discussion as this seems to be making some headway. :D But my deep and profound thanks to each one of you who took the time to check this out and send back info and comments.

      Since this was another bunch from "Derk" I kinda had a feeling I'd once again not "luck out". No idea where he got the stuff from and it was before McDaniel's book and although he seemed to have some high end stuff that he was hanging on to he may have been as nearly in the dark as I was... a bit ahead but by the look of these "groups" not too much. At least I'd like to think he was not trying to take advantage of me. As they were in group deals and so long ago I don't remember exactly what I had in this stuff. Not much I suspect. This grouping for instance... if I'm correct and I take the individual pieces (retail) from say, Alexei's site here's what I come up with:

      Red Star - $30 (if you think higher please let me know)

      Lenin Centennial (Military) - $12

      Soldier Internationalist medal with unfilled doc $15

      Medal from grateful Afghan people - $8

      50 years SAF's - $6

      60 years SAF's - $4

      70 years SAF's - $4

      10 years service - $7

      15 years service - $7

      5 place suspension bar - $12

      That totals $105... unless ya'll think any of it should be more... please let me know. Anyhow if that's the case... the sum of it's parts, I "think" I have about $75-100 in it in trade... and since I had dirt in the items I traded... I'm actually even more ahead of the game. The original price tag he had on it is still there and it was marked $110.

      Oh, and I forgot the Riker mount so figure that in too. So I don't think I'm doing too bad, even though I'm disappointed that it doesn't appear to be a "group" per se.

      At least it seems the bar is "okay" for what it is so I guess I'm ahead of the game on that... although whether or not it gives it any value other than the sum of it's parts you'll have to let me know. :unsure:

      But I'm very glad to see that it's sparked a good discussion as after all that's the important part of all this. :D We all learn.

      Thanks and keep it going... I for one would love to learn more. :beer:


    2. Great collection of flags, Dan! I especailly like the Naval ones!

      Hi Paul,

      Many thanks! :D Kind of got them on a lark... the "army" was from the same guy I got alot of my Soviet awards from and the navy I "think" I got from Alexei way back when. But I love navy stuff... although at times I wish it was the Guards type but I know they're out there and are not tooooo pricey. :rolleyes:

      Hey, quick question... on the Blockade Runners post... you said "nice group" but didn't say which group you were referring two. I had started it with mine and then there was another full group, then a single, which I think they decided was a copy? Been kind of betwix and between here due to work and several other things... anyhow just wondered which group you were referring to. If it was mine I thank you. :D

      Thanks! :cheers:


    3. Hi all,

      I got these from Jack Angolia many many moons ago. One of my most cherished possessions. Just wish I could get a better set of pics but hard with the reflection on the glass.

      He had tons of things mounted this way and I fell in love with this type of display. But I'm sad to say that I have no idea what makers marks these might have as unless I remove the backing paper I can't access them. :(

      IPB Image

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      IPB Image

      It's a beautiful set... I only wish I new the manufacturers, etc. as well as some history on the recipient named on the document.

      Thanks for looking, :cheers:


    4. And here's my navy, with markings on the fly... no idea what it says... perhaps one of the members would be so kind? :rolleyes::D

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      IPB Image

      And there's no color difference, just did one with and one without flash... figured I'd just post unless everyone clamors for me to redo the one with flash.

      Just getting lazy in my old age! :rolleyes::lol:

    5. Hi all,

      Okay, here is my Soviet flag collection. Sadly just two right now... although I have a couple of smaller banners but I'll have to add those later as I don't have pics right now.

      I have at least one if not a few finials coming... did some videos for a new friend and he kindly offered to send it/them along to me. Hopefully will be here early this coming week and if so I'll take pics and add them asap. :D

      Not sure if these are anything to write home about. Got them a number of years ago and have just had them set aside for the day when I can put them on a pole with finials, etc. for display.

      First off is what I'm guessing in an army.

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      IPB Image

      I checked the fly, etc. and could find no markings... no idea if this is the norm for these or what. :unsure:

    6. Hi Dan

      Looks you got a nice badge. Hey why not scan? It's much clear.

      I also got a similar one in my collection but it is gold.



      Hi Bryan,

      Sadly I'm between scanners. I have an old one but can't use it right now as it requires a card be installed which I can't do in my laptop... and right now my son is using the only extra desktop. Hopefully before long that will revert back to me. But we're in the market for a new one as soon as we have enough set aside. But agree that generally, especially with smaller items it's better to go with the scanner.

      You've got a real beaut there in that gold! Hey, you can put that in with that other shipment to me whenever you're ready!!!! :love::love: My silver is anxious to make it's acquaintance!!!! :love::love::jumping::jumping:

      Seriously, many thanks for posting it. It's a terrific piece and you are certainly a lucky man to own it.

      Thanks, :cheers:


    7. Hi all,

      Meant to post this back when I put up my Soviet medal bars and such but got side tracked and this is the first chance I've gotten to put them up.

      Was told this was a group to an Soviet Afghan vet... no idea if this is correct or not. The booklet has not been filled out so I don't even have a name.

      IPB Image

      IPB Image

      This came from the same individual (went by DERK for selling purposes... can't remember his name as it was several years back) that I got those two Soviet medals bars from.

      IPB Image

    8. Dan,

      Great badges. I have no doubt you will complete your set of navals and cutouts. Don't worry about the setbacks, I had a complete set of cutouts, navals and regulars stolen from me at a show and I bounced back with a better and bigger collection. Here is an old thread in wound badges, it shows mine (including my set of prinzens). I think you will enjoy it.

      Dan Murphy

      Wound badges

      Hi Dan,

      Wow... I'm in heaven! :love::love::jumping::jumping: Thanks so much for sharing that. It's truly amazing to me that out of so many similar looking badges... same basic design, etc. that each truly has it's own distinct personality. Each one is just that little bit different and some really just pull you in and won't let you go. :love:

      There's a number of those that I'd love to have... see, it's all I can do to hold back and just buy nothing but wound badges now! :jumping::jumping: But my Soviet stuff will get really jeolous!

      Really enjoyed that... thank you! :cheers:


    9. Dan,

      Thank You :beer: !! I learned of a way to do displays like that one at another forum. He took poster frames and made very nice displays with his medals, badges and documents mounted. However it's not UV protected glass. The display you posted looks like he used UV protected glass.


      Hi Doc,

      I think so. He seemed to spare no expense in displaying as well as protecting his collection. It was an amazing collection with enough to easily outfit a good chunk of the German armed forces! :cheeky: I'm so honored to have had the opportunity to see it and Jack and his wife were the perfect hosts. It was a once in a lifetime experience that I was lucky enough to have more than once. :jumping::jumping: Jack & Joy have my eternal gratitude and that of my family. I saw things on those trips that I'll never forget and will likely never see again, at least not outside of books, if then.

      And I apologize as I forgot to say that I love :love: your display but unless someone says otherwise I'd be concerned a bit about the felt, at least as far as the document is concerned. Although I've used felt for many of my displays for ages and have seen no ill effects, I wouldn't want to recommend it to others for fear something of theirs might not fare as well. So many factors enter into the equation... climate at your location (humid or dry, temp, etc.), whether sunlight is a big factor, etc. But Jack's method seems to be the best. I just wish I could A) afford it and B) had the wall space to display even a good part of my holdings. I love to share with folks and feel that the more people who see the collection the more questions they ask and the more their interest is peaked... and thus new collectors and collections have been born.

      Needless to say you've further inspired me to consider putting at least some of my awards into similar displays and putting them up around the house. Many thanks! :cheers:

      And keep up the great work! Looks fantastic... just, especially re: the document you might want to consider that acid free matte board and UV glass. And for those size displays the cost should be relatively low. Least I hope so when I start to shop for materials myself. :lol: Always good to not have to spend the majority of your collecting budget on displays but to have a nice effect from the materials you use.

      Perhaps this would be a good subject for another forum... a how to on displaying collections. Seems each type of militaria has it's own individual needs as far as how it can be displayed to it's best advantage. And I've certainly seen some wonderful displays from the members here.

      Best of luck with it. Please keep us posted as for one, I would love to see further displays! Great job! :cheers:


    10. Would felt be okay as it is what I'm using for the backing?


      Hi Doc,

      Not sure about the felt, but you should be able to easily get acid free matte board. Here's an example of a set I got from Jack Angolia many moons ago. A great number of his Orders, medals, insignia (including cloth), etc. were mounted and displayed in this way. I believe he got it done with UV glass as well so it would not be effected by the sun.

      IPB Image

      Sorry for the reflection. I've tried a gazillion different ways to photograph this and another piece I have but so far not much luck. But I think it'll give you the basic idea. And trust me, it looks much more impressive in person as did all of his displays. He had them professionally done but I see no reason, given the proper materials that any of us could not do as well.

      The only thing I don't like about it is it's not possible to access the awards and document inside unless I cut open the backing paper with the seal of the company that did it originally. To be honest I don't even know what, if any makers these badges might be marked for.

      But if you can make it so you can access the material inside at any time it would make a terrific display.

      Anyhow hope this helps. :cheers:


    11. @Paul R,

      I was interessted in the "DAF area" since I started collecting third reich stuff. But collecting these items...I started about one year ago.

      Attached one of my first DAF Items. A big and extremly nice made document folder. Maybe I?ll post more pictures of the other document sides in a extra Thread. Never seen a so nice award doc.

      Award doc. for the "small modell factory". original signature of Robert Ley.


      you?re meaning the KdF Armband? yes, I am very proud of this nice piece of history.

      Yes, the green one! Green happens to be my favorite color. Just a great piece! :love::love::jumping::jumping:

      Dan :cheers:

    12. And unloved, mate, unloved. Medals require cuddling, you know . . . . Otherwise, they may not breed (where did you think miniatures came from?!).


      Great point Ed! It's like cop cars when they park side to side in reverse direction... ever wonder? They're breeding! :cheeky: And when it's a cop car and a Sheriff's cruiser or Trooper... cross breeding... watch out! :P I think that's where motorcycle's for cops are born. :rolleyes:

      But yes, must definitely have lots of cuddling and love, a good warm environment and be spoken to lovingly... and I know I've heard them purr on occassion... the medals that is :rolleyes:

      Dan :cheers:

    13. Dan,

      I think that is the only complete set I have seen......besides mine. :P Mine appear to be vitually identical and I acquired mine many years ago as well. I actually got four, with two black versions. My best friend ended up with the extra. Occasionally one comes up for sale, usually black, but no sets.

      Dan Murphy

      Hi Dan,

      Many thanks! Hey, would love to see your's too if you don't mind posting. Hey... that's one lucky friend you have... can I be your friend? :P:beer::jumping:

      Seriously they're a great set and just never had any idea they were quite that rare and hard to come by. Needless to say I'm very glad I got them when I did and especially at the prices back then. Oh how I miss those good old days! :D

      Thanks! :cheers:


    14. [attachmentid=36190]

      Here's an Indian Volunteer group - medals bought from three separate dealers! It's almost certain he's missing some Second War medals, but I'm not so sure about the First War.

      J.E.R. Jones was with the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Regiment, both 1st and 2nd Battalions. The Jubilee is engraved.

      Hi Michael,

      That's a beautiful group :love::love: you have there. I actually had one of those Jubilees... although I think it was the miniature version... was nice though. But I let several of my Brit pieces go years ago and this is what I have left.

      Thanks for sharing, :cheers:


    15. Blimey... yes Dan I think you've got it! :banger::D It is somewhat confusing - and it all could've been avoided had more imagination been utilised by the powers that be/were. Your QSA & VLSM are fine. Your RNR LS&GC uses the same ribbon. I'm not even going to mention CAFLSMs and decorations. All in good time. ;)

      Hi Tony,

      Hate to say it but I'm nearly as totally confused as a human being can be. :lol: Just because as I said I know just enough to be dangerous with the British end of things. But that's okay... it's all a learning process.

      Was more or less following the plea of our courageous leader and Chairman for more folks to get involved here. Figured I had some Brit stuff so I'd let fly.

      So guess I'll place myself in the quite capable hands of my fellow members and if any see that I need a specific replacement ribbon and they happen to have one I can beg, borrow or buy I'd be deeply grateful for the help, aid and assistance. :cheers::cheers:

      Many thanks! :cheers:


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