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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Gary,

      Wow! Thank you so much for all that info and for your kind words. The three little baby wounds are blushing with pride! :blush::D And they thank you too! :beer:

      I think then that that $75 I paid definitely was a good investment. Rest assured I will continue to treasure them and have them as a high point in my wound badge collection.

      And I hope you manage to find a set for an equally good price for your collection as well. they're definitely great pieces and a joy to own, especially since you don't see them all over the place. :love::jumping:

      Again, thanks so much! :cheers:


    2. Typically, I have run out of plain green volunteer ribbon. I'll put it on my hit list and send you some when I get it.

      Hi Tony, et al,

      Okay... total confusion on my part... and I think I did a double job of that. :speechless: I re-re-re read your post above and now I believe it's this one you're talking about:

      IPB Image

      IPB Image

      It was the talk about a "green" ribbon that got me off track, as two of mine, one of the mini's and one a full size, in posts #2 & 5 were what I started to think about.

      It's the one shown here on the right (in the first pic, left in the reverse view) that you're talking about, correct?

      If so, yes, they're full sized, named medals... NOT minis.

      Whew! Okay... now I think (hopefully!!!!) we're all back on track.

      Let me know for sure, but think I finally got it. :speechless:

      Again I've extreeeeeeeemely sorry about all the confusion on my part which caused everyone elses. Been one of those days, weeks, months... well, you get the picture. Just alot going on right now and to top it all off our moron absentee owner didn't get us our paychecks at our one job :banger: so not terribly pleased about that :angry: as it knocked alot of things off schedule. He's done this before and it's just, IMHOP one of the top worst things an employer can do to his or her employees, nearly bar none! We slave away at our jobs and all we do it for is that all important paycheck... and everyone else is waiting with their hands out and without it all we can do is stand around and look dump. :mad: And all the good morale we've tried to build up over the last several months just got a serious kick in the teeth because of him doing this. We have one employee who now is looking for the two week notice forms. Not good! :angry:

      Sigh. Anyhow, at least here I hope (fingers tightly crossed) that this gets everything back on track and we now know which medal/ribbon is being discussed, that it's full sized and named and everything is okay. WHEW! :rolleyes:

      Thanks! :cheers:


    3. Pretty sure the all green ribbon on the one is wrong, but again... I just don't know. If it is, and if anyone happens to have a ribbon for it they'd be willing to part with please let me know. Thanks! :cheers:

      IPB Image

      IPB Image

      The green ribboned one is not named. The other is named as follows:

      4426 PTE. J. Warren 18th Hussars

      Hi all,

      To absolutely clarify... I believe these are the medals everyone is referring to, which has the "wrong ribbon" which is what I suspected from the beginning. So... again, if this is correct, and anyone comes up with the correct ribbon they can spare... I'd be deeply appreciative. :cheers:

      These are indeed "full sized, named, correct, okay, etc, etc, etc." :lol:

      Many apologies to all for any and all confusion... :blush: was my own faulty brain going in circles and getting confused that caused the problem. :banger: Just wanted to nip it in the bud before it got any more confused. :speechless1:

      Many thanks! :cheers:


    4. And the usual absence of naming on miniatures is one reason that I (and most collectors) have little interest in miniatures. Yet, whatever naming may be there is, by definition, unofficial and opens the floodgates to potential problems.

      Hi Ed,

      Ditto my post #38... many apologies for the confusion. :blush: I believe the ones ya'll are referring to are in my post #5... and they are both full sized named medals.

      I was confusing it with my post #2 as it also has the all green ribbon. And when I did the reply to the reply concerning the ribbons for some reason I focused in on the "green" reference and didn't even think of the other one having that all green ribbon. :speechless:

      I was in the middle of work, home stuff, club stuff, etc. all at the same time and I fear some of the breakers just shut down in my head at that moment. :banger:

      Again, many apologies for any and all confusion. :rolleyes: They are full sized, named and so the floodgates are still closed. :cool:

      Many thanks, :cheers:


    5. Very high quality minis, then; I thought they were full-sized as well. And finding a named miniature like the QSA is quite uncommon, which is another reason we thought they were full-sized.

      Hi Tony,

      No... seems there's still confusion... :unsure: I had thought he was talking about my post #2 which is actually the Territorial Efficiency Medal... then I realized he was talking about my post #5 which I believe are the ones ya'll are speaking of... the For Long Service In The Volunteer Force which is next to the South Africa Medal.

      And those are both full sized, named medals.

      I put all my mini's in posts #1 through #4... posts #5 on are all full sized medals.

      Hope this clears it up. Guess I should have put the minis in a completely separate post by themselves. :speechless: But as I know so little about what I have I just figured I'd put the entire collection in at once.

      Again very sorry for any confusion on any of this. :blush:

    6. Not necessarily. This was a post-war (WWII) development. The boxes illustrated are pre-war and wartime economy.

      The ribbon on the RNR LS&GC is incorrect, and should be plain dark green. Otherwise, a nice pair. The ribbon used appears to be either a provincial police or fire LS award - and is probably quite rare.

      Hi Tony,

      Again, had no idea... many thanks for the info. Any notion where I could get the correct ribbon replacement for it?

      Thanks, :cheers:


    7. Award Document:

      Hi Darrell,

      OOOOOOH! Me want one too!!!!!!!! :love::jumping:

      Shucks... would even love a good quality copy of the original for the ones I have but do they even keep copies of that kinda stuff in an archive?

      As it is, I know "nothing" about researching Brit stuff. Genealogy wise Kim's a direct relative of a Joseph Pike who served in the British Army during the Nappy wars. Got captured, ended up in Germany and when released decided to stay in Germany as he liked it there and to, shall we say, not report back to the powers that be to avoid being a target again! :shame::rolleyes:

      So he changed the family name to a more Germanic spelling... Peik and it's been that way ever since. I'm sure she still has relatives over yonder across the pond and would love to link up some day. Me has dreams of all the Panzer commanders and Luft pilots and General's and all such she's related to who would just LOVE to give her tons of Knight's Crosses and such!!!! :rolleyes:

      Yeah, right! :speechless1:

      Anyhow, I would "think" there's some kind of record on him there... perhaps still on their wanted list? :rolleyes: But also didn't know if he'd... maybe... possibly won any awards while in the King's service. Would certainly be neat, especially if it's possible for family to claim replacement awards like here in the states.

      Dan :cheers:

    8. Hi all,

      Just blew my mind... I finally went down in the bunker and dug out my old record book I kept for a time before it got to be too much trouble.

      Amongst other things... I saw that I paid the princely sum of... now wait, are ya'll sitting down... don't want you to faint and hurt yourselves... perhaps I shouldn't tell. No can't be that cruel...

      drumroll please... (sound of drums)

      I paid...

      Perhaps I should do several posts and stretch this out... LOL!

      I paid... all of... $12 U.S. for this one!!!! :rolleyes::speechless1::speechless1::speechless1:

      Oh how I wish those days would return again! I nearly gave myself a heart attack reading that book... probably one reason I've avoided doing it for so long. WWII Black wounds for $6, a WWI cutout for $5, silvers for $17 to $20!

      Feel free to faint any time... I've already done so and have it out of my system.

      Somehow, I have a feeling, that if "anyone" ever invents a time machine, it's going to be a militaria collector!!!! We could simply clean up!

      Thanks, :cheers:


    9. Dear Dan,

      Nice collection. A few comments to add to what has already been said. Sorry about the repro wound badge, but glad you did not pay alot for it.

      As has been mentioned, if you want to get a nice Gold Wound badge, I would recommend a 30 from Wien (mkd or unmkd). They, in my opinion, and many will agree, are the best gold WBs available. They retained their finish quite well over 60 years and I cant recall another maker that can compete with their finishes.

      Now on to more important stuff.....I have been a collector for 30 plus years and at one time collected Wound badges. I still have a small collection of them but still enjoy looking for variations at shows. Now in over 30 years I can not recall ever seeing a complete set of prinzens. I purchased a Black prinzen years ago and can recall seeing a few others in the years past. I know of one for sale on a site now. As for silver, I have seen 2 silver prinzens in my time. As for Gold prinzen, your posting was a first for me! So, although you got "burned" on the 39 GWB, you are quite fortunate to have the prinzens as a set. (I passed onthe silver prinzen since I was ina cheap mode at the time!)

      I could not tell from the pictures but are they all from the same manufatuer? i was trying to look at the pin set up on them.

      Congrats again.

      Gary B

      Hi Gary,

      Wow! This definitely makes me feel good! :D I've actually never seen another Prinzen in the wounds but knew they had to be out there. But never realized that they were "that good"! :rolleyes::D

      I got them in a set from a dealer in Tampa many many moons ago... around the infamous twenty years give or take. I just checked my old records book and found that I'd paid $75 for the set. No earthly idea what they're worth now or exactly how rare they are.

      No idea about the maker as as far as I can see they are not marked... but they do look identical except for the grade color. So it's very possible they are the same maker.

      Also, I found that gold wound... I paid $30 for it. But then again I only paid $17 and $20 for my two silver WWII wounds, one of which I later traded off... so don't know which I paid which for... but $3 difference and compared with values now... :rolleyes: Paid $12 for my WWII black wound. And see another two entries for three others I purchased for $6 each! And the cutout in black... all of $5 for that one! :speechless1:

      I think the most I ever paid for one single wound was the Silver "Condor" and I believe I paid $90 for that one. But years later I saw one that went for $400 so think I did okay on that one. :P

      Oh how I wish the old days would come back again!!!!!!!!

      I'm almost scaring myself looking through my old book as far as the little I paid then and that things were commonly running in those days and how much they've gone up. I feel like I've been in a time warp. :unsure:

      Anyhow if you or any of the other members happen to come up with any additional info on those Prinzen wounds or would happen to know even a rough value on them I'd be deeply grateful if you'd give me a shout. I'm totally in the dark on them.

      Many thanks! :cheers:


    10. That is a medal commorating the one hundredth anniversary of 2. Nassauisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr.88 in 1908. Nice long ribbon, it looks like it may have been worn around the neck by a veteran.

      Dan Murphy

      Hi Dan,

      Many thanks for that info! Most I've known about it in all the years since I got it! And all in the course of one little night. :beer::jumping::jumping:

      So I take it it's more of a veterans medal then an official award? Is it worth much or just a trinket basically? Got it in a big box of mostly TR stuff a looooooong time ago... just always been a mystery sitting in the case with the rest. :unsure:

      Thanks! :cheers:


    11. Since this is an early award it can be dated by checking out the hallmark against any standard silver guide. It probably will be 1919.

      Hi Michael,

      Many thanks for the info. Sorry I don't have a scanner yet so can't get that finely detailed a shot... however, I'm looking at it under a loop and here's what it has... as best I can make out. ;):unsure:

      In the first impression is a capital SG in a rectangular boxed impression.

      The next one is a lion, facing left, standing on the hind paws with the front legs raised as if on the attack. It's in a square boxed impression but with two "points" coming up from the bottom.

      The next is "I think" (hard to tell as it's rather small) a shield with crossed swords behind it. It's also in a square boxed impression with two "points" coming up from the bottom.

      The last one is "I think" a letter D in kind of a Gothic font... looks almost like it could be an O but it's got a swing up from the right to the upper left that comes off the top... Kim checked it too as she's excellent with fonts and she agrees that's it's probably a D. And it's in the same kind of boxed impression with the two "points", etc. as above.

      Hope this helps.

      Thanks, :cheers:


    12. The Case should be embossed "IMPERIAL SERVICE MEDAL" .

      P.S. I got one off e-bay and it should arrive this week. These are fairly common, but under appreciated. Nice find there :beer:

      Hi Darrell,

      Many thanks for the compliments. :D And many congrats on you getting one to add to your collection. They aren't fancy but they've very nice and I do love em' :love::love: ! Definitely send pics of your's when it arrives... would love to see. :love::jumping:

      On the case though of the Service Medal, there is no title on the top... only an outer gold line that goes around the case. And no evidence that there was ever any wording on it as generally even if the gold wears off you can still read the words as of course they're impressed into the material.

      No idea if this makes a difference or not. :unsure:

      Thanks, :cheers:


    13. Joseph Furness - ISM awarded 22 August 1930 - Postman, Glasgow.

      Andrew Scotland MacLeod - ISM awarded 17 Jan. 1964 - Postman, Edinburgh.


      Hi Steve,

      May thanks! Wow, that was fast service! :cheers: Just out of curiosity is there any way to get copies of any paperwork on any of these that I have? Or... I shudder to even think it... a picture of the original recipient... I really, really shudder... wearing the decoration in question? :unsure:;):rolleyes::blush:

      Just not very familiar with such research. But that's my dream with any of the awards I have that may be traceable... to be able to get info as well as a pic(s) preferably of the award being worn.

      Many thanks! :cheers:


    14. I recently saw one of those documentaries on some cable channel (not sure if Discovery or History or Odissey or National Geographic, one of these anyway) and the name of the documentary was something like "The 10 best fighters ever".

      I must confess that I was sad that they placed "my" BF 109 only on 5th place, after the P51 Mustang (1st), the Spitfire (2nd), the Mig 21 (3rd) and the F 18 Hornet (4th).

      There were 5 others, I can't remember them all or the order in which they placed them, but I know there was the F80, the Harrier and the Red Baron aircraft at least.

      Hi Dolf,

      Just thought I'd mention here that I believe these are run on History International. It seems to be a whole series on "The Ten Best...". They've done battleships, armored personnel carriers, tanks, fighter planes, bombers, etc. I try to tape them whenever I can catch one as I think they've done a terrific job with the series. And I've noticed that all the German gear tends to rank upper mid range to just under or at the highest marks in nearly all categories! Not bad considering they're taking them from the beginning right on up to present day. Nice to see that old German stuff holding it's own against our modern high tech.

      Dan :cheers:

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