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    Posts posted by Hauptmann

    1. Received the set yesterday and I'm extremely impressed... especially by the condition of the Order as it appears to me to be in just about mint condition. I'm sorry to say that at some point in it's past someone attached the award to the bottom portion of the doc as you see in the original pics I posted, both by using what I can only describe as looking like one of those big metal staples except instead of brass they're a dark metal. This left two small holes in the doc. Also they used a tiny bit of glue which also did it's work. banger.gifbanger.gif

      Other than that the doc is in great shape. Although it was also glued to a piece of card stock, apparently at the same time as they mounted the award.

      Anyhow here are some scans I made last night but haven't had a chance to post till now.

      Also, the base metal on the award looks to me to be gold... does this sound right? And lastly, there is a small "makers" (?) mark between the arms of the cross, much like that which was used on Prussian Red Eagle Orders, etc. It appears to be the letter B. Again hoping one of you may be able to pass on more info regarding the mark.

    2. Dan - try one of those ultra violet lights - or, perhaps an infra-red ? A good camera shop should be able to help.

      Actually Nick tried a black light on it when he had it and he said it was no help. Far as a camera shop, good or otherwise, that may be a bit of a chore as we don't have anything like that here in little Carrington. There might be one in one of the bigger cities but till we can make a trip over (4 hour round trip plus a small fortune in gas these days) for other things I'll just have to stay in a holding pattern. I "think" there is at least one copy shop over in Jamestown and there may be one in Devils Lake, both of which we get to much more often than any of the bigger cities. If so, on our next trip over I'll try to take it along and see if perhaps they can do a better scan on their professional equipment to see if we can come up with a clearer version of the doc.

      Will keep ya'll posted. beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    3. Sorry Windu but Jim's absolutely correct... none of us will be able to help on the basis of these pics. I really hate to say that. Do you possible have access to a scanner at school? Or does a friend or relative have a digital camera you could use to do the pics (or have them take them? If a camera, see if it has a macro function as many do and that would allow you to take closer shots while keeping it in focus. beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    4. Windu, best if you post a good clear picture of the side of the EK that's having the problem, and possibly a closeup of the area of concern. That will help determine the best action to take. As far as oil, doesn't necessarily have to be gun oil. Just a thin oil... don't know if you have something called 3in1 oil over there or not but that would work. I'm sure if you went to a hardware store they could provide what you'd need. Just something to protect it from further harm. But again, just a tiny bit will do and then use a soft cloth to spread that over the area and the rest of the core.

      But again, hold off until you can post some good, clear pics... scans are better.

      Dan cheers.gif

    5. Dan,

      You have a very nice grouping. The signature is that of Hans von Heynitz, commander of RIR 91 from 21.09.1914 until 20.08.1916. You'll be happy to hear that he was awarded the PLM on 03.12.1917. He was wounded on 30.11.1917 as commander of IR 92 (he was also serving simultaneously as the "Führer of 40. Inf. Brig.). He died of his wounds 09.12.1917.


      Andy, many thanks for this great additional info! jumping.gifjumping.gifI'm guessing there are no pictures of him? I took a quick look on Google and so far no luck. But definitely a bonus to have the signature of a holder of the PLM. beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    6. An update on this one. Uwe very kindly helped out with this one and after some hard work on his part here's what he came up with:

      Res.Inf.Regt. 91

      gereicht es mir zu meiner ganz besonderen Freude, Ihnen

      das von seiner Majestät dem Kaiser und König verliehene Eiserne Kreuz

      übersenden zu können.

      Es ist mir ... einen der ...

      Vaterlande geleistete und mit dem Regt ....


      Oberstleutnant ...

      It is not the award document, it is the covering letter "Übersendungsschreiben", where the award document and the Iron cross should be included.

      Uwe, I deeply appreciate all your hard work and effort on this one and you're being kind enough to help me out with it. Sorry it didn't turn out to actually be the award document as that's what both myself and the previous owner thought it was. Still makes a beautiful framed set and I still love it every bit as much as when I thought it was the award document.

      Guessing it's time to be on the lookout for a good reference or two on documents. Sigh... the library just keeps getting bigger. cheeky.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    7. Hi Dan,

      10. August

      den Unteroffz. d. L. II. Wöhmann

      Res. Inf. Regt. 91____11. Kompagnie

      Ers.Btl. R.I.R. 91

      in Coblenz, 2. Komp.

      [für] den Unteroffizier der Landwehr II. Aufgebot Wöhmann

      Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment 91[,] 11. Kompagnie

      Ersatzbataillon Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment 91

      in Coblenz, 2. Kompagnie


      Uwe, many thanks! Great info! Any idea on the officer's signature? Also any idea if it's possible to find out more about this Unteroffizier?

      Dan cheers.gif

    8. Just acquired this set and would like to like to learn more re: the document. Problem is the typewritten part is extremely faded. I've posted a request for help in the preservation/restoration section but hoping someone might be able to read the handwritten part, signature and seal. Any help would be deeply appreciated! Would really love to bring this set back to life and discover who the EK was awarded to, his unit, etc.

      I've darkened these up a bit which I hope helps to make them out better.

    9. Wondered if any of our members might be able to help me out with this. I've acquired a WW1 EK with it's original award document. It's a great set, framed, etc. It has both handwriting and type written material on it. Problem is the type written material is extremely faded.

      I've scanned it (900 dpi) and fiddled with the image but wondering if perhaps one of our members might have more experience with doing this than I and might be willing/able to help me out? I can send over what I've got and what I've done so far. Send me a PM so we can exchange emails and I'll then send over what I have.

      I'd really love to bring this document back to life and especially learn the history of who this EK was awarded to, etc.

      Keeping my fingers crossed that someone out there can help me out with this.

      Many thanks! beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    10. Would anyone possibly be interested in colorizing this one? It's of my wife's Grandfather Ferdinand Benjamin Peik in WW1.

      If it would help I'll be happy to email you a higher resolution scan (the one posted here is downsized).

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