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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Hauptmann

    1. General der Flakartillerie August SCHMIDT

      Ritterkreuz (1598): am 13.02.1945 als General der Flakartillerie und Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber im Luftgau VI. (Münster)

      post-873-023999000 1294716898_thumb.jpg

      If anyone has a larger photo or other pics of him please let me know as I need some. To clarify I don't necessarily need originals... just copies with permission to use them if possible. beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    2. Wow, very nice research project - you saved an India Mutiny Medal's Identity, and verified the owner (from a very heavily engaged Crimean War Regiment). What bars was he entitled to on the Crimea? Congratulation Captain Albert

      Many thanks! jumping.gifjumping.gif Not sure re: bars yet. Have to wait till I can afford to get the record then hoping more info will come to light. Stay tuned! beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    3. Nick, I agree with Paul... I've never heard of them issuing such a medal. The bolcheviks wanted out of the war although they kept stalling in the hope things would end before they'd have to give up territory, etc. When the Germans threatened to renew their attacks in force the bolchies pulled out signing a treaty which basically gave up the farm. But I guess they figured it was only a matter of time before Germany was defeated and it would be a worthless document anyway.

      Dan cheers.gif

    4. And now... a very generous gift from Mervyn. These were originally posted here:


      They're now safe and sound here in the states and will stay in my family to keep them off the streets but preserve them for history. beer.gif

      post-873-025490600 1294584522_thumb.jpg

      Mervyn also very kindly included ribbons as well as an African Star. I was able to add the miniature for the WW1 medal and also popped in a Victory medal miniature I happened to have.

      Mervyn, you are a scholar and a Gentleman of the old school. I'm deeply grateful and honored that you would allow me to preserve these for generations to come.

      Many thanks! beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

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