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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Hauptmann

    1. First off... welcome aboard! beer.gif Secondly, I wonder if such would/could go in Uniforms & Equipment... being more on the equipment side of things. I think up till now such items have been in posted/discussed in their respective areas... ie: Kreigsmarine in the Kreigsmarine Awards & Militaria in the Uniforms & Equipment subsection and the SS in the Political Organizations Awards Badges & Militaria but then there's really not a clear subsection in there for this.

      Might be a good time to consider a section for Third Reich Cutlery & Dishware/China... but of course such would be up to Chairman Nick. I'll give him a nudge and see what he thinks. I myself have some items that would bit in such an area and I know other members do as well.

      Many thanks for bringing this up. Hang loose for just a bit and I'll see what I can find out. beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    2. Would have thought they'd be more. Out of my reach but perhaps not impossible down the road. But as you say... getting them out would be the problem. 2014.gif Of course I guess one could get oneself befriended by a group of Cossacks and made an honorary Cossack... then... perhaps. rolleyes.giftongue.gifbeer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    3. I recently started researching the awards of the re emerging Cossack societies and related military units. In case you didn't know, one automatically comes with the other, and we're not simply talking about regiments here, we're talking about entire armies. For military historians, FYI, they've reformed the Grand Don Cossack Army. Cossack units have fought alongside regular Russian troops in Georgia, in Transnistria and in the Caucasus.

      Amur Cossacks, Astrakhan Cossacks, Baltic Cossacks, Black Sea Cossacks, Central Cossacks, Don Cossacks, Kuban Cossacks, Orenburg Cossacks, Siberian Cossacks, Terek Cossacks, Trans-Baikal Cossacks, Ural Cossacks, Ussuri Cossacks, Yakutsk Cossacks... Quite the list.

      They have developed their own ODMs and wear them alonside official Russian Federation ODMs, public awards, Umalatovas etc. Their WW2 veterans who served with the Wehrmacht have been seen even wearing their German WW2 decorations. Each Cossack "host" (society) has its own ODMs, and the Union of Russian Cossacks (of which all hosts are part of) also has its own ODMs.

      Below is not the norm for Cossack ODMs, it is quite THE exception... To date, although a few quality medals have been minted, the majority of their awards are borderline crude and of low quality. The award below if the Order of Ataman (chieftain) Platov 1st class. Again I must stress, this is exceptional for a Cossack award. I thought I'd show you the top, then we'll move down...

      post-3030-033380200 1293769572_thumb.jpg

      That is a beautiful award!!!! Have any been up for sale and if so any idea how much? Probably a mint but man that would be a nice addition to anyone's collection! jumping.gifjumping.giflove.giflove.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    4. Well, the lil' fellow has arrived. Here are the new scans. Let me know what ya'll think. beer.gif

      With replacement H&S. Not permanent... can be removed in half a second if necessary.

      post-873-005580800 1293506142_thumb.jpg

      post-873-036556400 1293506172_thumb.jpg

      His new digs... made from original case from Bulgaria with no permanent changes. Can easily and within seconds be taken back to it's original state.

      post-873-024258700 1293506192_thumb.jpg

      So no permanent changes and I personally think it looks TONS better with the H&S in place. beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    5. Well, got this in today but now compariing it with the original pics it seems he sent me a different one. The one I received has some tears but seems to be all there. Guessing he got them mixed up as he had several going out at the time. But six of one half a dozen of the other. Here's the scans of the one I received:

      post-873-093107900 1293505803_thumb.jpg

    6. I'm happy I could find and post it. beer.gif I'm glad it brings back some fond memories. I myself didn't start to collect till the late 70's but I studied the history and militaria in general till that time. Was born in 1962 so sadly missed out on the 60's and much of the 70's for collecting but compared with now I still hit many fantastic deals and great prices. I remember when we could buy EK/Hindenburg Cross parade mounted bars all day long for $15 to $25 each. Now look at what they go for.speechless1.gifspeechless1.gif Made alot of great deals, later sold most of it off when prices went through the roof. Still love it all but as with so many of us my tastes changed and I wanted to get into fresh new areas and learn more.

      But oh if that time machine ever becomes a reality how tempting it would be to go back to the good old days with a ton of money and be able to buy up some great pieces. beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

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