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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Hauptmann

    1. Yes, very important so we can learn what to look for. Honestly, had this been presented to me for a price I could afford I would have been very sorely tempted and felt it was original. But of course with anything I'm considering that I'm not positive about or don't have sufficient expertise in... I always check in for just this reason. beer.gif

      Was extremely sorry to hear this was not the find it appeared to be.angry.gif But also if they look this good, at least to someone like me and as you know I'm not without experience, then I'm very afraid of what else is floating around out there that could so easily fool us.

      Also assuming this is a from scratch copy and not one made by altering an original? unsure.gif

      Many thanks!

      Dan cheers.gif

    2. post-873-049945500 1291295285_thumb.jpg

      I'll await the opinions of others more expert in these but IMHOP nothing is leaping out at me that shouts anything but original. I blew it up on my screen to a very large size and can see no signs of it having been messed with around the serial number, as in removing others in order to put in a smaller number. Unless someone else jumps in and says otherwise I can just say it's one I'd be extremely happy with and proud to have in my own collection. I'd also LOVE to see it researched to see what interesting story might come back. beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    3. Welcome to the club! cheers.gif Best thing to do is post clear pictures (preferably scans) of the obverse and reverse as no one will be able to say much without seeing it. As far as the kolodka (mount) and ribbon that's not a really big deal.

      If you want please feel free to email me the pics and I'll post them for you a bit later this evening (gotta get some more sleep before work). My email is: dwatson@daktel.com. I'll check it a bit later, post the pics and we'll see what we can tell you on this one. beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    4. Slacks instead of kilts for a Highland Regement? Interesting.

      Hey Nick... just popped on for a sec... heading back for some more ZZZZzzzzz's in just a few in prep for work tonight and then our "mini militaria show" tomorrow.tongue.gif Can't wait!jumping.gifjumping.gifjumping.gifjumping.gif

      But yeah... there were instances of this in the U.S. Civil War (I use the term loosely as being born and bred in the South I generally would refer to this as "The Late Great Unpleasantness". cheeky.gif Anyhoo, there were lots of Scottish emigrants who forms regiments on both sides during that conflict... some wore kilts but some wore their tartans on slacks. If I remember correctly, it's the Highland Clans who wore the kilts and the Lowland Clans wore the slacks. Those from the Highlands tended to be wilder mountain folk whereas those in the lowlands tended to be more into business/trade/manufacturing... city slickers. Hoping I've got this right being part Scot meself.laugh.gif Although as this is the HLI... no idea where it all fits in. 2014.gif

      See's ya in a bit! beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    5. Dan. Suprime and 1st BSSR (Belarus) are genuine, rest of them -not

      Thanks Victor! jumping.gifjumping.gif Can you do me a favor and add the post #'s of the two that are genuine? Needless to say though I'm very glad I checked. Not quite in a position to do much of anything at the moment as you know but as with all we deal with it's a learning process and when I'm ready to jump in I want to make sure I know as much as possible. beer.gif Do you know of a good reference on these in English by any chance? unsure.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    6. Interesting information Dan. Although I must be honest and say I never liked him much as an actor - he always seemed to play David Niven....

      The HLI shako could be part of the current question on the Lounge quiz.

      Hi Mervyn. Well, to me, that was part of his charm. You always knew what to expect with him no matter what the role. And he was also quite a character in real life. I've read his bio's and was quite impressed. beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

    7. post-873-001493800 1291213681_thumb.jpg

      Many apologies for there being so many. I'm trying to learn all I can on these and although I "feel" they look okay... I figure it's always better to come to those members with more expertise than I have. I've never personally seen or handled these... only a very few pics on the web. Hoping other members who may have an interest in these can learn from these one way or the other.

      As always, any and all help is deeply appreciated! beer.gif

      Dan cheers.gif

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