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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Hauptmann

    1. Nice!

      No Munkasor medal too. Regular army?

      Hi Jeff,

      Actually not sure. :unsure: Hoping Charles will pop on and comment. He had actually seen this bar when he was still over in Hungary and yet had already made some purchases and decided to pass on this one so it wouldn't put him over the top. But he likes it and gave it his blessings. :jumping::jumping:

      Also once I have it in hand (probably a couple of weeks I'd guess although hoping sooner) I'll do up some nice scans to show more detail.

      Anyhow I'll leave it up to Charles (or perhaps Gordon) to pop on and tell us more.

      Thanks! :beer:

      Dan :cheers:

    2. Dan,

      I find it strange that a prize of this caliber and time period - a State Prize from 1960's or later - would come with a soldered ring.

      From experience, all various Republican or Union State Prizes I have seen and/or handled were mint made and had struck rings.


      Hi Marc,

      Actually no idea on this. It's the only state prize I've ever gotten... and won't have it in hand for a bit as it's coming from the Ukraine. I figure at least a couple of weeks or so. I'm still waiting on the doc sets from over there but hoping they'll be here in the next day or so.

      I'll ask Roman if he knows. Perhaps it was a repair. Even though it's unissued it's certainly been some time since it was made. Quite possible it was damaged and the ring came off. I wouldn't think that would be that unusual.

      Thanks! :beer:

      Dan :cheers:

    3. Hi Alex,

      Hey, I like those others you found! Great job!!!!

      On the one I posted I'll be happy to do a better scan. Let me know how you need it set up and I'll do my best as soon as it arrives. I just saw my mail lady and there's nothing in for me today. Hoping soon though. Have several packages coming in including this one.



    4. Hi all,

      Alex, I hope you don't mind me posting this one here... but thought you might want to play with it a bit. It's one I just picked up and hoping it arrives in the next few days. Not from the period but it's from the 1959 film "The Young Lions". A young Marlon Brando... but in the uniform and that pose I simply couldn't resist!

      Have fun!


    5. Additional pics of the award are in the linked thread. Just couldn't resist bringing the set and this medal together... I only wish it was the numbered match. That and I also wish/hope that some day I might be able to get a picture of Mrs. Kirpichenko to complete the set. If any of our members goes to the Ukraine and could see if that wall of photos is still there and perhaps get a photo of her picture I'd be very grateful. :beer:

      Dan :cheers:

    6. Hi all,

      Here's my one and only. Hoping for more info. Keep in mind that I did these pics with my digital camera way back when before I'd gotten my "Epson" scanner. :P I'll be happy to do new scans if needed... just let me know. Also, the rectangular discoloration on the back is from where the sales sticker was originally. Oh how I wish when it's possible to put on a tie tag that sellers would not use stickers. :speechless:

      Without further ado:

      I've got all of $6 in this badge from back in the day... so if fake I'm not going to go jump off the water tower. :cheeky: Hoping it's original... sure looks salty enough. But any and all comments welcome as I'd love to know one way or the other.

      Many thanks! :beer:

      Dan :cheers:

    7. no worries on th OoF!im kinda moving on my non combat orders so although i really did love it,it was abit out of place surrounded by red stars PWs and my nevsky and lenin!!! :D but i got a nice few ribbon bars of noor for it,so everyone got a great deal!!hope you enjoy it as much as i did! and was that doc on the history channel? if so id say it will be repeated no worries!! :beer:

      The best thing about trading in my experience. The vast majority of time everybody comes out happy. With money, whoever gets the little pieces of paper always kinda feels like they gave up their beloved goodie and got just that... little pieces of paper... which somehow just don't look nearly as good most of the time. :P Very glad this one worked out across the board. And I promise... I'll give her a very good home and lots of love. :D:beer:

      As far as the doc, it was on the Science Channel but they also tend to repeat things as well. So I know it'll turn up again. If I happen to spot it in advance next time I'll let everybody know... so stay tuned as they say. :lol:

      Dan :cheers:

    8. Hi all,

      This has been nagging at me for a long time. Samantha Smith, the 10 year old girl from Maine who wrote to then (November 1982) Soviet leader Yuri Andropov about the possiblity of nuclear war:

      "Dear Mr. Andropov,

      My name is Samantha Smith. I am ten years old. Congratulations on your new job. I have been worrying about Russia and the United States getting into a nuclear war. Are you going to vote to have a war or not? If you aren't please tell me how you are going to help to not have a war. This question you do not have to answer, but I would like to know why you want to conquer the world or at least our country. God made the world for us to live together in peace and not to fight.


      "Samantha Smith" "

      He wrote back and invited her and her family to tour the Soviet Union which they did. I remember alot about all this. Seems to me I remember her being awarded a Soviet medal or Order. I've tried looking on the web but so far no mention of it.

      Does anyone know if she was perhaps awarded the Order of Friendship? Would have made perfect sense and been well within the rules for awarding one... at least I believe so.

      Many thanks! :beer:

      Dan :cheers:

    9. Dear Rick,

      Eeep! Well, I've not even received it yet... probably not till Monday or Tuesday. But I can definitely hold off. But on this one we know who has the original... for some reason this number kept being duplicated on the "fakes". Don't know if that makes a difference... but I'm assuming only one with this number can be an original. But I do see your point.

      By the way... I have a good home... a VERY GOOD home!!!! :jumping::jumping::cheeky:

      But seriously... here's hoping you'll be around for a loooooooooooong time to come... and the rest of us as well. Honestly I don't know how we could continue to function without you. Between your amazing research and your great humor that never leaves me anything but on the floor in fits of laughter, it just wouldn't be the same if you weren't here.

      Here's to you Rick and all you do!!!! :beer: In the words of The Great One... "You're the greatest!"

      Dan :cheers:

    10. This is very minor compared to the other sets shown here but beggers can't be picky,


      Hi Bryan,

      Heavens... minor or not it's certainly a set and a really nice one! I'd be proud to own and display it with my other Hungarian items and I'm sure the rest of the guys would agree. It's a great addition to the thread. Just cause it's not in a hard case doesn't matter... it's definitely a set and as I say a nice one at that. :jumping:

      Many thanks for sharing! :beer: Here's hoping you'll be able to find and aquire even more over time... of all types. :jumping:

      Dan :cheers:

    11. Hauptman:

      Congratulations on the booklet. It is a great find. Each one a story in itself. It is also very nice to have an origional photo attached. Yours of course showing

      one of his awards.

      Many thanks! :beer: Sorry it took me a few days to reply. Just been a bit on the busy side with work but trying to play catch up this evening.

      One of my dreams has been to be able to research some of my Soviet awards and to be able to find out that at least one comes back with a photo(s) with the recipient actually wearing the awards. To me, it's the greatest personal connection.

      Here's hoping... some day... :jumping::jumping:

      Dan :cheers:

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