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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. "A" seems also for me a good option - let's go on with the new quiz after our orthodox x-mas . Best regards Christian
    2. Dear Bob, Kai Winkler offered the ident "genuine" orders, but much cheaper: RB #6 s/n. 19 for EUR 1.250,- at "Nordheide-Versand" RB #6 s/n. 19 for USD 8.500,- (already SOLD ) at "OrdersMedalsBadges" BTW: I don't believe, that someone has purchased RB #6 s/n. 19 for that price . Best regards Christian
    3. Dear Jim, congratulations to your victory #12 In my opinion, Pokryshkin had been by far the greatest tactical genius in fighter-aviation during WW II . He had been the first hero to get a HSU #3 (s/n. 1) - as early, as the 19th of august 1944. He flew most of his GPW-career a US-made midengined "Air-Cobra". I am happy, to have obtained years ago the German edition of Pokryshkin's memoirs - excellent book . Here two photographs of Col. & Marshal Pokryshkin: Best regards Christian
    4. Dear Matteti, I think, we are speaking about Kai Winkler's "Nordeheide-Versand" https://www.nordheideversand.de/ . He offers "genuine" high-end items for a fraction of the current market price, i.e.: RB #6 for EUR 1.250,- or a Labour Glory 1cl for EUR 590,- . Best regards Christian
    5. Dear Dan, congratulations to your victory #5 and for achieving the ranks of the "honourable answerers" Best regards Christian
    6. Red Star or Glory 3cl had not been so uncommon for children fighting in the Red Army - usually as scouts. There are some photographs of proud children with these orders in some well known books about the GPW. Best regards Christian
    7. Dear Bob, Andrew presented that booklet already at the fake-thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...ost&p=85969 I also don't like the medal: The gold wash has a strange colour. BTW: Gorbachev promoted to President of the CCCP at the 14th of march 1990 .... Best regards Christian
    8. Gentlemen, I found a nice photograph of Field-Marshal Montgomery with YU-General Sumonja at an airfield in Yugoslavia: http://cgi.ebay.com/Field-Marshal-Montgome...VQQcmdZViewItem The photograph is signed with: "Viscount Montgomery of Alamein". I am a YU-collector (not collecting photographs - only orders & medals), but this photograph might be also interesting for GB-collectors. Best regards Christian
    9. Gentlemen, I found that nice photograph of Field-Marshal Montgomery with YU-General Sumonja at an airfield in Yugoslavia: http://cgi.ebay.com/Field-Marshal-Montgome...VQQcmdZViewItem It has an orginal signature: "Viscount Montgomery of Alamein" . Best regards Christian
    10. Dear Bryan, ... AND the s/n. of that RBL T 3 / V 1 IS very low in the range . My RBL T 3 / V 1 has an even much lower s/n.: 6825, but it is a re-issue award ("Victory Parade" ??? ) of a RBL T 2 / V 1 screwback - lower than my RBL T 2 / V 1 with s/n. 8660. I think, that the RBL is outstanding beautiful in design and the RBL had been a very important and prestigeous award before and during the GPW. The prices for these old RBLs have risen dramatically: You won't find a well preserved RBL T 2 for less than USD 3.000,- at the market - if there are any. The next step might be now the RBL T 3 / V 1 . Best regards Christian
    11. Dear Frank, congratulations to your victory . Most of us have problems with the "Lady Boss", due to the time spent with GMIC and with our orders & medals ... Some more infos about the Armenian Marshal Hovhannes Bagramyan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hovhannes_Bagramyan He got a hughe collection of Lenins : Armenia issued a Bagramyan-Medal: Best regards Christian
    12. Gnitienko's citations (Russian language) Gentlemen, I hope, that I will get the English translations in some days. Here are the origianal citations in Russian language. Maybe Rick Research might tell us the essence of Gnitienko's 3 "Order of Glory"-citiations . Many thanks to Rick in advance . The fact is, that Sgt. Gnitienko got first two 2nd classes of the Glory, which had been transformed in the late Brezhnev-years to a 1st class. I will post now the pages of Gnitienko's citations beginning with his Glory 3cl. Best regards Christian
    13. Dear Bryan, that's a T 3 / V 1, the very first RBL on a ribbon. Igor offers a T 3 / V 2 for about USD 300,-: http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=15950 Maybe the EUR 450,- are the actual market price for that type of RBL - who knowns . Best regards Christian
    14. Dear Ed, our researcher gave a lecture at a OMSA-meeting some time ago, that research of early labour awards IS possible . AND HSL #130 has to be from a rather prominent figure in the Soviet economy or science of the early 1940s, because all the swine, wheat, etc. HSLs started after the GPW. Best regards Christian
    15. Gentlemen, Igor offers a HSL with s/n. #130 for USD 11.000,- : http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=17987 It should be one of the ultra-rare GPW-HSLs - only 201 had been confered!!!! Research of such early labour awards might be possible ? What's your opinion about HSL #130 ? Best regards Christian
    16. Dear Ed, many thanks for your congratulations . Well, I don't have any glue - maybe Jim knows more ? Best regards Christian
    17. Dear Ed, I have no doubt, that a handful of historians in Russia are collecting oral histories of such historic figures - at least i hope so . Marshals Yazov's notes, he wrote during his imprisonment, had been offered some time ago by a well known dealer. Best regards Christian
    18. Gentlemen, the fact is, that Otto Habsburg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_von_Habsburg had during WW II good relations and rather free access to President Roosevelt. Another fact is, that Hitler called the occupation of Austria in 1938 "Operation Otto", due to the fact, that Otto Habsburg tried to get head of the Austrian State just before the occupation. There had been big events around Otto's 95th birthday in Vienna the last days and he had been invited by the Austrian President Heinz Fischer (Socialdemocratic Party - SP?): http://www.hofburg.at/modules/bildgalerie/....php?gi_id=2814 and a video of that event: http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=3117760%26_seite=3%26sap=2 . Best regards Christian
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