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    Kev in Deva

    Old Contemptible
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    Kev in Deva last won the day on June 25 2022

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    1 Follower

    About Kev in Deva

    Profile Information

    • Gender
    • Location
      Transylvania, Romania.
    • Interests
      European Military History circa 1700s to 1945, Military Medal collecting mainly Europe circa 1800s to post 1945.
      Writing a book on the Military history of County Mayo, West of Ireland circa 1760 -1922.

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    1. Will be away at the country place theoretically from the 11th July to17th July with the wife and two dogs, her goodself has some Summer cleaning in mind.

      1. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton


      2. Kev in Deva

        Kev in Deva

        Thanks Mervyn, actually it was great for the dogs, finally got Miki to start going for walks along the country roads (which I am continuing back home in town, however the town streets still make him nervous and the walks are short, but with time as he regains confidence hopefully I will be able to extend them.)
        Adriana went mad cleaning and scrubbing but its a girls thing, I had fun trying to hand a set of kitchen cabinets on walls made of the wattle and daub principle, in this case watt...

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