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    Carol I

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    1. From the Newsletter of the State Numismatic Portal named in another thread:
    2. Thak you for the reply as well as the link to the coming Dorotheum auction!
    3. Thank you very much for the detailed reply (here, as well as in the other thread).
    4. Thanks, Zaim, but I was referring to other than Albanian orders. The table of content indicates no less than 58 pages (pp 133-190) of inventory, with the star of the Order of the German Eagle on page 183. What other rare ODMs are included?
    5. It looks like an image rich catalogue. What other ODMs does it contain? Is it available on paper or as an eBook (ePub or pdf)? Thanks.
    6. Two similar items on which I would like to hear your opinion: Franz Josef Order Red Cross Badge Thank you in advance.
    7. Can you please let me know your opinion on the badges below? Thank you in advance.
    8. The "Podu mogosoe" address in Bucharest is "Podul Mogoșoaiei", the main thoroughfare of the city at that time, hosting among others the Royal Palace. It was named "Calea Victoriei" on 12 October 1878, honouring the Romanian victory in the Independence War of 1877–1878. The address of the house and shop was Calea Victoriei 52. Here is a link to the history of the place: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Passage ... and the house on Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/@44.4364826,26.097865,3a,75y,39.75h,103.54t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sPDVYem1jhoUN265UM_aq2w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
    9. In this old thread there is a photo of a medal bar with a similar knight's cross, albeit on Military Virtue ribbon:
    10. His last name is Popa, which is a rather common name and hence difficult to stand out, unless the British, Serbian/Yugoslavian and Russian awards will help.
    11. Older regulations mentioned that wartime decorations should be in front of peacetime ones, hence the Order of the Crown with swords should have been in front of the military Order of the Star. Also, many WWI awards with swords were on the Military Virtue ribbon. However there are bars where these rules was not respected, including some at the National Military Museum.
    12. Hi Johan. There does not seem to be any more information on Zamfir Calinescu popping up on a web search. You may check with the Embassy of Romania in Helsinki whether there are records of him with the diplomatic mission of the 1940s.
    13. My modest contribution, a Schwerdtner case with "eaves" (as mentioned by new world):
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