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    Everything posted by QSAMIKE

    1. There is one listing on the Cavalry roll as follows: Lowden,J.W.,3860,Private,10th Hussars,Paardeberg,Dreifontein,Johannesburg,Diamond Hill,Wittebergen,Relief of Kimberley. There is one listing in the book Kimberly Siege Account and Medal Roll as follows: (Note: there are 2 Lowdens listed) Lowden, J.W., Kimberly Town Guard, QSA with Defence of Kimberly, No. III Section, D Company. Water Supply, Inspecting Mains also Lowden, J.H., Kimberly Town Guard, QSA with Defence of Kimberly, No. 6 Redoubt These two men cannot be the same man as some of the battles on the 10th Hussars QSA took place before the Relief of Kimberly...... How could he have gotten the Defence and Relief of Kimberly bars at the same time..... I think that it is two different men who just happen to have the same name.... Or should I say initials...... No way to tell without actual enlistment documents..... Mike
    2. Dear mdunster...... Suggest you look at this forum........ http://www.angloboerwar.com/ What was his name ???? Mike
    3. Took a little bit of time but finaly found the badge...... The Lothians and Berwickshire Yeomanry Fife Mounted Rifles Worn..... 1864 - 1895 Take a look at this about 1/2 down the page...... http://www.britishbadgeforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5970&highlight=fife Mike
    4. Just think the Governor General signed every single one of the award certificates, 30,000 of them...... Mike
    5. Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen...... Canadian Diamond Jubliee Medal Making and Presentation http://www.cbc.ca/video/#/Shows/The_Nat ... 2193620815 Here is the first presentation..... http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/201 ... dians.html Mike
    6. Good Morning Mervyn..... According to my records the last time one of these, Pretoria Jugs, came up on ebay, October 2009, it sold for 355 Pounds...... Mike
    7. Thanks Paul...... Great explanation...... Did not think that there were any medals, learn something new every day...... Mike
    8. Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen...... Please find attatched some photos of a jug produced by the Doulton company of Lambeth England...... This company became the Royal Doulton of Figure fame...... The company used to produce drain-pipes in stoneware clay. Some of the leftover clay was made into pots and jugs by the workers at the factory. It was the founders son Henry Doulton that found that people would buy the jugs and pots so he moved the company from making drain pipe to the household products. He then started to produce the commemorative pieces from the useful household pieces not saying that hese jugs were not useful. I also have the Handyman (Navy) jug and the Roberts (Army) jug which I will post later...... Mike
    9. Good Morning Everyone...... Here are a few more pictures of Boer War collectable china...... The dog is part of a pair...... The other one says "Where's Kruger" that one I need...... Mike
    10. Thanks Paul...... Will put them in my curios cabinet..... No did not pay much $5.00 Canadian each which is less than silver value....... Mike
    11. Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen..... Just picked up these today and thought you might like to see them..... There were very few coins issued for King Edward VIII and no medals...... Both are silver, the one on the left is Australian but I do not know what denomination it would have been, the one on the right is the design of the Canadian Silver Dollar but without the word Dollar..... Were these test strikings?????? What do you think....... Mike
    12. Here's a few more pictures...... Had to down size them so I could post....... Mike
    13. Hi Mervyn..... Sorry to disappoint you Mervyn but it is a Boer War item made in 1901 just before Victoria's death..... I will post some other pictures...... Mike
    14. Have to agree with Brett....... Have two copies, one nearly falling apart..... How about this..... Mike
    15. Hello Onderj..... Try the following..... Eugene Ursual - http://www.medalsofwar.com Dixons Medals - http://www.dixonsmedals.co.uk Liverpool Medals - http://www.liverpoolmedals.com R&M International - http://www.randminternational.com Mike
    16. Hello Shawn...... I guess the questions I'd like answered are: What is the rank of the person in the picture? Is the uniform consistant with the 4th Hussars? 1. With no rank badges on his sleeve I would say that the rank is TROOPER...... 2. The uniform looks like his Patrol Blue's...... Mike
    17. Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen....... There will be a bit of a gap here as the next set of existing documents do not start till February 10th with a letter from Lord Strathcona to Colonel Sam Steele........ On February 17th the first of the weekly reports from Steele to Strathcona on the events that have been happening with his regiment will be posted...... I will have a seperate thread for these reports..... Mike Here is a sample...... STRATHCONA'S HORSE Ottawa, 17th February, 1900 From: Lt. Col. S. B. Steele, Commanding "Strathcona's Horse" To: The Right Honorable Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, G.C.M.G. 17, Victoria Street, London, S.W., England My Lord, As requested by your Lordship I have the honor to submit this my report upon all matters in connection with the organization of "Strathcona's Horse". When I was in Halifax on my way to South Africa with the Second Contingent from Canada, I received a telegram from the Honorable the Minister of Militia offering me the command of your Corps, namely: "Strathcona's Horse". I accepted, and proceeded to Ottawa forthwith. At Ottawa the Minister, Major General Hutton, and I discussed the organization of the Corps and selected some officers from names presented, for your approval. Personnel - Officers Major Belcher: 2nd in Command, was 5 years in the 9th Lancers where he won prizes as the best swordsman and lancer the year he left. He joined the N. W. M. P. when the force was established and is still in the prime of life. He has great force of character and tact. Major Snyder: is 36 years of age. He has been an Inspector of the N. W. M. P. for fifteen years, passing through the schools of instruction, and is well qualified. Major Jarvis: is 36 years of age. He has been an Inspector of N. W. M. P. for 19 years, having risen from the ranks. He belongs to a well-known family in Toronto, and has had a very varied service in the Force. These Officers stand high in the estimation of the N.W.M.P. Department. Major Laurie is 38 years of age. He is a graduate of the R.M. College, Kingston, from which he passed at the head of his class and was offered a commission in the Royal Engineers, which he did not accept. He took part in the suppression of the rebellion of 1885, and was engaged in the actions at Fish Creek and Batoche. Captain Hughes is Lt. Colonel in Command of the 45th "Victoria" Battalion of Infantry and is on leave at the present time in South Africa. Captain Hughes will join the regiment at Cape Town. He holds R. S. Infantry certificates. Captain Howard is an Inspector in the N. W. M. P. of 10 years standing. He was engaged in the action at Batoche in 1885, serving with the 10th Royal Grenadiers. Lieut. Cameron is 35 years of age. Has been Major in the 5th Battalion, "Royal Scots of Canada" stationed at Montreal, since March 1897. He has a 1st class grade "A" certificate of the Royal School of Infantry, also equitation. He is at present Senior Major of his Battalion. Lieut. Cartwright is 27 years of age. Inspector of N. W. M. P., in which Corps he has served for four years. He was a Captain in the 14th Battalion Rifles, and has taken a first class long course certificate. Lieut. Mackie joined the 90th Battalion of Rifles in May, 1893, was gazetted in 1896, and was appointed Adjutant in 1898. He holds 1st and 2nd class grade "A" Infantry certificates and 1st and 2nd class grade "A" Cavalry certification. Lieut. Parker is an ex-Captain of the 15th Regt. of Foot. He retired on gratuity, and has resided for some years in British Columbia. He is a capital shot, and horseman, and has served on the staff of General Sir Charles Reid in India. Lieut. Courtney is a graduate of the R. M. College. He has served in the West and taken part in surveys in the Northern part of Canada. He was also attached to the 6th Fusiliers for upwards of 5 years. Lieut. Leckie is a graduate of the Royal Military College and has had experience in Western life. He is now a resident of British Columbia. He has served in the 72nd Battalion since 1895. Lieut. Magee is a graduate of the R. M. College and has served in the Imperial Army. For the past two years he has been attached to the 14th Battalion, Kingston. (Hythe Officers Extra -7th April, 1896). Lieut. Christie served with the Midland Battalion in the suppression of the Rebellion in 1885. He is at present a resident of Moosomin, Assa. This officer is late of the 38th Battalion and holds 2nd class "A" R. S. I. certificate. Lieut. Falls is a qualified officer in the Manitoba Dragoons and at present a resident of Oak Lake, Man. He served with the 75th Gordon Highlanders, the Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry Cavalry, and was also in the North West Rebellion of 1885. He holds a 2nd class grade "A" Royal School of Cavalry certificate. Lieut. Pooley is a qualified officer in the Garrison Artillery, Victoria, and was gazetted in 1897. He holds 1st and 2nd Class Infantry and Artillery certificates from the Royal School of Instruction, England. He has also won Public School Rifle Competition prizes. Lieut. Strange is a graduate of the School of Gunnery, Kingston, and is a son of Major General Strange. He has had experience in the Western Provinces, having resided on his Ranch, near Calgary, for a number of years. He also served in the suppression of the Rebellion of 1885. Lieut. Parker. Quartermaster is 46 years of age, and has served in the N. W. M. P. since 1874. He took part in the suppression of the rebellion of 1885 in General Strange's column, and was present at Frenchman's Butte. Surgeon Keenan is the medical officer selected by Dr. Stewart of Montreal, and he reported for duty on the 16th February. The Captaincy of "C" Squadron is still vacant and Transport and Veterinary Officers are yet to be obtained.
    18. January 30th, 1900: Minister of Militia telegraphed expected force to be fully assembled Ottawa by February 20th, and probably ready for embarkation Halifax 10 days later.   January 30th. 1900: Telegraphed to Minister of Militia that War Office preferred no Chaplains or Nurses to accompany the force, all arrangements of that kind being made by them. War Office also suggests one Surgeon and one Veterinary Surgeon as sufficient. War Office telegraphed for Christian and Surnames of Officers and Ranks for the force, it being the intention to give them acting commissions.
    19. January 29th, 1900: Extract from a letter from Lord Strathcona to General Sir Evelyn Wood, G.C.B.:- "The men and officers are of course volunteers, and they are not being raised under any Act of Parliament. The officers are nominated by the Militia authorities, and their names will be submitted to me for approval. I cannot, however, give them commissions, and I am a little doubtful what authority the officer will have over the men. When the force arrives in South Africa they will be taken over as part of the Imperial Forces, and there will not be any difficulty, I presume, from that time. If you think there is anything that can be done to clothe the officers with some authority, and the men also with some responsibility before they arrive in South Africa, I should like to know. No doubt the officers will be given temporary commissions when they come under the supervision of the War Office. January 29th. 1900: Telegram from Lord Strathcona to Minister of Militia making it clear that the force to be recruited from British Columbia as well as Manitoba and the North West Territories.
    21. This has been copied from the BMF for your information...... The Cabinet Office has released the names of those who have rejected honours. The list covers the period 1951-1999 and is here: http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/sites/d ... 075439.pdf
    22. Here you go Mervin...... Executive Branch.................. No Colour Surgeon / Medical................. Red Pursers / Accounting............. White Engineering........................... Maroon / Purple Schoolmasters...................... Light Blue Shipwrights........................... Silver Grey Wardmasters........................ Salmon Pink Electrical............................... Dark Green Ordnance.............................. Dark Blue Dentists................................. Orange After 1993 The residual use of distinction cloth for non-combatants is therefore: Scarlet - medical Orange - dental Salmon pink - wardmasters (to 1993) Silver grey - civilian officers from Royal Corps of Naval Constructors - RCNC (to 1993) Dark green - civilian officers when required to wear uniforma (including RCNC from 1993) Mike
    23. Good Morning Mervyn...... I have enough to last for a year....... Between the letters of Lord Strathcona and the Weekly Reports sent by Sam Steele, the Strathcona's CO....... The Steele reports start on February 10th 1900 and go to February 12th 1901...... I also have the Daily Routine Orders for the regiment for the period from their founding till their disbandment..... Mike
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