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    Laurence Strong

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Laurence Strong

    1. Thanx Darrell, it's not hanging in my front window either, I am waiting for the day I can outfit a maniquin, I would like a pouch to go with it but they are expensive
    2. The right side. Thank you for looking
    3. I have re posted some of the Photo's, I went outside to take the photo's, all the while hoping some do-gooder neighbor did not see me and phone the police about some weirdo with a rifle here's the markings on the mag
    4. what details would you like/ Here is a bit about it. This is the result of a marriage of the G41 and the Soviet Tokarev SVT40 system, which was incorperated virtually unchanged (due to the large ammounts of SVT's captured) The Gewehr 43 was much easier to make than it's predessesor and was soon being churned out in large numbers. Front line troops greatly appreciated the ease with which it could be loaded, compared with the earlier rifle and it was a popular weapon. All manner of production cuts were introducedinto the design,including the use of wood laminates and even plastics for the furniture, Tthe front reciver cover is plastic on mine.Both the gewehr 41 and the gewehr 43 used the standard German 7.92mm cartridge and were in no way related to the assult rifeprogram that used the 7.92mm Kurz cartridge. It was also used as a sniper rifle, in fact it was so good in that role that the Czech's retained them in their army for many years after the war.
    5. Another photo
    6. I should really have it de-activated but I can't bring my-self to do that to it. Here are the Cartouches on the Butt
    7. Here's a few more photo's, It's missing the cover for the front sight, but I have found a place, in England actually that has some for sale. I am going to try and get better photo's as the day goes on
    8. Here's my pride and joy
    9. Nice Darrell, does the local constabulary know you have it?
    10. Here you go Nick. Courtesy "The Collectors Guild" www.germanmilitaria.com
    11. Strumann = Lance Corporal, It's possible that the school would have given rank, but the wound badge would have indicated active service, my guess thats were the rank came from.
    12. No I have not seen photo's like this in the past, and thanks for the compliment. :food-smiley-004:. And the belt buckle to me, is to blury to see anything. It could be that with the HJ award, and not being able to see the whole face, thus getting some estimate of the age, maybe it was a young guy, just transfered from the HJ to the SS and had Mom throw the badges on the uniform real quick for a photo. I can remember days like that when I was younger, you could not wait to "Dress up", and being a member of the SS would be a thing of pride back in those days. Although I can't fiqure out how he would have rank, enen if it's only SS-Strumann, maybe he could transfer experience from the HJ. Actually after further reflection, with the wound badge. he might have transfered from the Heer, which might account for the eagle on the arm, and would also explain the rank.
    13. 3 things I noticed are, the arm eagle does not appear to be a SS style eagle, the cuff band seems centered to the front, where as I believe it should be centered to the side, and the collar tabs seem to be mounted not flush to the collar if you follow my meaning.
    14. Dietrich VVVEEEERY Nice wub.gif
    15. Out by Gatineau 1 hr out of Ottawa
    16. Yes, well my sister lives in Quyon, and I have to go out there sometime this summer to split up Mom and Dads stuff, so maybe I will drop in and say hi on my way by.
    17. The only one I have is a "third pattern" Bronze
    18. Funny you mention that Andy, my L15 with swords was the first for me too, must be something in them I sure like your rykers case, Where did you say you lived............. cheeky
    19. The closest I can find to your pin is a "43", Lets see what Gordon has to say
    20. The MM. Did you just get that one Andy?
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