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    Old news but might be of interest to some members outside of the uSA and quite unaware of the contraversay and red tape with regards this award in 2000.

    An investigation in 2000 by Stars and Stripes reporter Jon R. Anderson showed that many of the Bronze Stars awarded for service in Kosovo went to Air Force and Navy personnel who were not in the combat zone. The issue produced numerous letters to the editor and a Pentagon review of the process.

    Full story at: http://www.estripes.com/webpages.asp?id=113

    Scores of medal winners never entered combat zone


    Who?s eligible for the Bronze Star?


    Citations reveal stories of heroism in Kosovo


    Most Bronze Stars for Kosovo went to officers


    Gen. Marshall had a plan for Bronze Star


    The aftermath

    Pentagon to review Bronze Star awards June 8, 2000


    Kosovo Campaign Medal criteria draw criticism June 14, 2000


    Air Force to award 61 more Bronze Stars June 18, 2000


    Lt. Gen. Michael C. Short responds (Letter to the Editor), June 18, 2000


    Pentagon defends Bronze Star awards, policy July 1, 2000


    Many in Army Special Forces denied medals for actions in Balkans Oct. 15, 2000


    Congress moves to limit Bronze Star eligibility Oct. 27, 2000


    Two more Bronze Star nominations made before new law Nov. 2, 2000


    Kevin in Deva :beer:



    None of this should be a surprise to anyone who follows the US awards procedures (or lack of same). I saw the same thing 35 years ago in Vietnam with the REMF's getting awards for outstanding filekeeping. Then they went and made awards like the Army Commendation and Bronze Star almost automatic if you completed your tour.

    Officers, of course, had their assigned gongs so they could be sure to get their points for promotion. A few months in the field avoiding contact with the VC, then a transfer to a staff job, a suitable gong, then back home with a promotion.

    Look at the operation in Panama where more decorations were awarded that there were combatants! :angry:



    My brother in law was one of the first from ND Natl. Guard to go in to Iraq in 2003. After he got back I got to talking to him about the absurdity of some medals being awarded. He shared the story of a guy who accidentaly discharged his SAW (while in a convoy) into the radiator of his HUMVEE causing the one and only combat 'casualty' for the company. Berated by the C.O. for his actions the same guy was the only one to get the BS for converting HUMVEE's into what he later called 'Mad Max Armored Abominations'. My borther in law only got the ARCOM. :o


    The Air Force didn't stop at awarding Bronze Stars to airmen outside of Kosovo but lobbied the DoD hard for the creation of a Kosovo Campaign Medal. Kevin

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