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    Brothers in Arms....

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    When one speaks of reuniting medals it is usually a case of reuniting medals to one man. In this case it is a question of medals to two opponents. Both joined irregular units at the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer war, both were invalided out after serious wounds to an arm.

    But this is not the only parallel, their fighting careers were very similar. The one besieged Ladysmith, the other helped relieve it, the one defended at Colenso, the other attacked, they were both in units that were active on the heights at Spionkop and both were in action at Pietershoogte or Pietersheights, here they were both badly wounded in the arm, were evacuated and later invalided out of the service. There can be few pairs of medals that fit together as well as these do, although the men were from opposing sides, they fit together, for want of a better term, like two gloves.

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